Swiftcurrent Creek running in circles, now look what you've done
Swiftcurrent Creek
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Master Medic
Arlette watched the expression on Muskrat's face and just shot her a soft smile. She was glad it got the reaction she hoped. Arlette had really warmed up to the female, respected her for not whining or showing any signs of pain. To also come here in this pack at a not so favorable rank, at least in her eyes. Though there had been the matter of trespassing, or so she had heard from Arric.

She looked up from her fish when Akavir spoke. She raised her brow at his light tone. She slowly squinted her red colored eyes at him in suspicion. Bribe the starving pregnant lady with food, huh? She then shot him a grin though. She wasn't too mad about it, even if it wasn't a bribe because she had been hungry. Very much so. She got a little more serious at the question and the reasoning for it.

She noticed instantly that Arric seemed to dislike it. Would you leave your pregnant mate alone, unprotected, to brawl?, she challenged teasingly. She honestly felt that she would be okay for a few hours. But you never know... Someone had to stay behind to at least keep an eye on things. She was going to be slow, and not very mobile soon. So not a good candidate to look after the pack's lands. Now onto the other matter. She looked at the splint. It looked worse for wear, and could, no, should be replaced.

She broke her ankle. It is most likely not healed yet. Frankly I don't know if it is ever going to, she might always have a stiff or sore leg, she explained, her eyes turned to Akavir with her medical knowledge. I would like her to stay off of it for at least a whole moon cycle, Arlette paused then. However, I also understand the importance of your reasoning why. The things I mentioned before are of higher risk of happening for Muskrat if she goes with you. Perhaps even complete loss of usage of that leg if it breaks further or again. Now I have met a wolf that lived until a very old age on three legs, but he always kept pain and soreness. I wouldn't wish that life on someone.

Arlette wouldn't want Muskrat to go yet but like she said... Mae's attacker should be punished. She was not so innocent to not realize what they would do. I can make a new splint if you must need her, try to relief the break as much as possible..., Arlette suggested, now looking between Akavir and Muskrat. She wasn't sure if the latter understood. She needed Akavir to understand that there could be consequences. What would he do if Muskrat did lose the usage of a leg because of that fight. She agreed there needed to be justice, but perhaps not at the cost of Muskrat. Then they might have to keep her in the pack and provide for her if that leg does not heal properly because of that said fight. They would all need to take responsibility really. Maybe she was just being cautious but... it should be said. Think about it, and when you want to go I can check the break and see what I can do to help, she then decided.
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RE: running in circles, now look what you've done - by Arlette - May 16, 2024, 02:22 PM