Blacktail Deer Plateau Health Class
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Pack Activity 
This is a mandatory pack meeting. There will be IC consequences to not attending, except for @Sorrel Marie, who has been given special permission to skip it, if she's not feeling up for it, and the kids, who Grayday are invited, but don't need to come. @Pema @Dawn @Aditya @Engel @Kieran Adrien @Shale @Sunny @Aliac @Aviana @Spiritwalker @Raid @Sybella Streiter @Flint @Dauntless @Lavender
After greeting Catori that day as she returned from her trip, the male realized something very important - Breathe Deep was nearly over, and soon enough, the breeding season would begin. Unlike last time, he'd not yet made his stance on breeding clear to many of his packmates. Kieran, Sylvas, and Dawn would surely remember, but no one else had been around when Heartha and Howl had conceived. Grayday didn't want another situation like that on his paws, especially considering how that particular love story had ended.

Thus, he travelled to the rendezvous that evening and howled for the rest of the pack, telling Dauntless, Lavender, Easy, and Burr that they could go play if they wanted, but they could stay and listen as well. He didn't yet feel the need to tell them where babies came from - it wouldn't matter until the next season, as the very earliest - but neither did he feel the need to hide the facts of life from the four.
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
39 Posts
Ooc —
Sybella had been resting in a clear patch that she had found in the snow when her ears perked up at the howl that came from her alpha. She followed the direction of it and came to the rendezvous spot he had showed her and there he was. "Yes?" She asked as she arrived.
But I know every rock and tree and creature
226 Posts
Ooc —

Catori was prickly, to say the least. She knew what was coming, she wasn't a blushing babe, and when the call came out she'd only been resting in the family's little nook. She immediately headed to her mates call, strutting forward to press herself against him in a longer than necessary, near feline way to equally scent mark herself and him as well. 

She took a seat not too far from him, careful not to posture herself in a way as to suggest she was big dog on campus. She didn't want to allude to any status beyond the one she owned. 

i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.
276 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Aliac heard the call and followed it and when she arrived she saw two other wolves already there. She had met one of them but the other was a mystery to her, perhaps she was new. Regardless, Aliac sits down and wait for someone to speak.
"Some girls are full of heartache and poetry and those are the kind of girls who try to save wolves instead of running away from them" "Swahili" "Normal "  
735 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Engel arrived to the scene, and as soon as he saw Day, he averted his gaze to friendlier faces, such as Aliac's, gazing about the area. He saw one he did not know the name of, and Day's mate as well. He did not dare send a smile their way, just in case Grayday caught onto it. He knew not the reason for the meeting. And if he did, he would be grinning with innapropriate thoughts.
All of Engel's threads are always open! For better or for worse.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
She pushed through the snow, back the way she'd come, when her father's call rent the stillness. Her wound cracked and bleed as she moved, but held together fairly well, and she slipped into the meeting as one of the first to arrive. Offering her father a grin, and dipping her head in greeting at Catori, smile still playing at her muzzle, she sat near the pair, gaze searching for her mate, ears perked. She had not missed Catori's feline claim of her father, and somehow, it made her wait a little more impatiently for Aditya. She had some idea of what this meeting was about, but waited in easy silence for her father to speak. 
1,325 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
the weather was cool and crisp, but not so cold as it had been this winter--in fact, it felt quite balmy in comparison. enjoying the relative heat wave, aditya was out and about that evening when he heard grayday's howl summon them--all of them--his voice coming from near the rendezvous.

the scout broke into an easy lope, moving past the trees and coming to a slow trot as he entered the rendezvous, delighted to see many others had already arrived. adi found dawn and drew close to her, enjoying the heat of her pelt (though he hoped that was due to good health and not fever from her wound). he gave engel, who looked incredibly nervous, a cheeky grin.

there were others here, too--catori was glued to grayday's side, the white pelt of aliac shone even in the dim light, and there was a woman he hadn't yet seen before, though she had the look of the streiter siblings.

"how are you feeling?" he murmured to dawn, pressing his nose against her cheek as they waited for grayday to speak.
303 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He wasn't too far from the rendezvous when his brother's call rang out, quite loud and nearby, and Shale roused himself from watching the deer herd, padding to the site. A good chunk of the pack was already gathered, and he settled in close to, but not quite beside, Grayday. The only wolf he really knew well was Pema, and she was absent, much to his chagrin.

A pang of what was almost jealousy hit him as he saw Day and Catori, and Dawn and her man, curled up together in lovers' bliss. Mating season was almost here, and the ache in his heart--and his balls, too, really--was rising up once more, despite his still pining over his dead wife.

Shale sat patiently, then, waiting for whatever came next. Maybe Catori was pregnant! That would bring some cheer to the plateau, and would mean more nieces and nephew for himself. . .which always helped to distract him from his dark thoughts.
we are all dust and shadows.
192 Posts
Ooc — Chase
Raid is close when the call rings through the air and after a quick glance around her surroundings, abandons her patrol and makes her way towards the rendezvous. When she arrives, the medic quickly notes that the majority of the pack had already gathered and that, still, there is not one she's particularly close to, or at least close enough to sit with. Aditya is sitting next to Dawn and he's really the only one - and maybe Pema as well, though the latter has yet to appear - she feels comfortable enough with. She glances away quickly but already a pang pierces her heart at the sight of the lovebirds and though Raid is quick do push the feeling aside, something still rises to the base of her throat and she has to swallow the lump away as a name flickers to mind. It's a name she is most familiar with nowadays as the recent few memories recovered had to do with said wolf, but she doesn't want to think about that now. Really doesn't want to think about it. Raid shakes her head lightly, as if shaking away troubling thoughts and her tail flicks almost anxiously behind her before she sits down near her packmates - alone, but still close, and awaits Grayday's words.
If you feel like you’re going to crash then accelerate more, you idiot
No matter how thorny the road is, run

631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Pema was unaware of the purpose for Grayday's howl. She knew that breeding season was approaching if it hadn't started already, but she wasn't sure if his talk was going to be about that or something else. Pema had never had a mate before, nor had she been old enough to even partake in a breeding season. She assumed that this would be the same for this year, even though unknown to her knowledge she would be come late April. 

When she arrive alot of the pack had already been there. Many of who she already knew, but there was a new face in the croud that she hadn't had the chance to meet yet. Something she would have to do after this meeting no doubt. She saw Dawn with Adi and Day with Cat and thought about how happy she was that they were together, but she kind of felt left out. But looking at the rest of the pack there were more that were alone then together. One inparticular stuck out to Pema Raid. 

It had been the same way the last hunt and during the spar. Always somewhat away from the group but still willing to participate. A good start Pema thought, just not quite there. She smiled and nodded to everyone she pass and ended up taking a seat next to Raid. Waiting to see what this meeting was going to be about.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Sunny wasn't too far off from the call so he arrived not too shortly after everyone else had. His body had noticed the change coming in the season and he had remembered Everything that his father had told him during their private talk but that didn't help the odd feelings and sensations and urges he felt within him. He was uncomfortable with the knowledge that breeding season was on the way, especially since he didn't have a mate.

He didn't want to simply be with a woman physically and have pups with her without their being something more to it and it struck him that the only female he would probably ever consider settling down with currently he had left behind in Easthollow. With all these thoughts on his mind he quietly settled down near his Uncle Shale and his father.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
178 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
dauntless knows he was told he could go play with his sisters and burr moments before his father’s call rises into the air to summon the wolves of morning side to him; and it’s tempting. there is still a very childish, very immature part of dauntless that wants to avoid adult meetings like they’re the plague because he assumes they’re boring. though his curiosity is piqued; and now there’s this part of him that wants to participate. or at the very least sit in for it, see what the deal was all about. he stays …for the time being, taking a seat near his father and catori, watching as the wolves assemble in small clusters while he waiting for the meeting to get under way, wondering what the meeting is going to be about.
22 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
Flint was lingering near the edges of the woodland when the sound of Grayday's howl rung out across the plateaue, which instantly caused the wolfdog to stop in his tracks. Flint had been attempting to seek out anything that hid within the coverage of the trees, hoping (with a little time and possible success) that he could add to the pack's food cache and do something useful with himself. 'Another time' The male thought as bright eyes gazed out across the land and in the direction of the Leader's summons.

Quickly, large socked paws began to guide the brute away from the trees and across the snow laced valley, the rendezvous site now becoming his main focus as the yearling dashed his way toward the group that had gathered round their Leader. 'There's so many!' He thought as he ventured closer, his pace slowing into a casual jog. The male's only good ear laid flat against his skull as he approached, the newcomer deciding to silently settle himself to one side of the many.
"Once you've met someone you never really forget them.
131 Posts
Ooc —
There was a bit of hesitation to her approach; although the call had been a clear beckoning to every pack member, now including Sorrel, she wasn't sure if they'd really needed her there. She already felt like enough of a nuisance to want to avoid burdening her packmates any further and coming to a meeting that they didn't really expect her to attend didn't appear to be a logical next step. Regardless, Sorrel limped and leaped her way to where the rest of Morningside was collected, give or take a few heads here or there. Hoping that she hadn't been too noticed, Sorrel sat off on the outskirts of the group, waiting for Grayday to begin.
"I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!"
Chihiro, "Spirited Away" (2001)
373 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
The howl brought Aviana from her sleep, nestled in a spot below a fallen log. For a few moments, she was confused, thinking she had almost dreamed it. When she realized she hadn't, she pulled herself from her bed, stretched her back out, and headed in the direction of Grayday. Since he had called for everyone, she assume the whole pack would be there.

She wasn't wrong. Actually, it looked as though she was one of the last that arrived, and she gave a sheepish smile to those around her, and to Grayday. She joined the group, and sat back on her haunches, wondering what the meeting was called for. She hadn't spoken to Grayday yet about their trip, but knew she should soon.
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
Together we won't die
236 Posts
Ooc — Belle
Sorry for pretty short crap post

The ginger boy was not far from his sister as he padded toward the source of the howl - it was a summon from Grayday, and unlike Dawn, perhaps, he had no clue what it was about. On arrival, he sat beside his only sibling and sent a small smile her way, glancing at the others around and greeting them with a dip of his head. 

Then his attention turned toward the Leader and his ears perked forward, listening intently.
English * French
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Next round ends 1/14.
Wolves trickled in one by one, the first being Sylvas's sister. "Have a seat. I'll address the pack together," he replied, a bit annoyed. Did she have something better to do? He wouldn't have called them all together if he'd wanted to speak to each wolf individually.

He took comfort in Catori's presence when she arrived, rubbing his cheek against her and catching her tail in his jaws as she passed by. He wanted to follow after her and pass the time while they waited for everyone else to gather, but they didn't have to wait long before Kieran showed up. "That everyone?" spoke Grayday, standing to address the pack. His nostrils flared to take in their scents, and a couple voices affirmed his query. "Good. This shouldn't take long." He shot a pointed look in Sybella's direction. "The breeding season is quickly approaching. Anyone who doesn't know what that is - or exactly how pups are made - should stay behind afterward for a crash course. The important thing, however, is that breeding is reserved for leaders this season. If your heat happens to come later in the year, we can talk about it then - but no subordinates will be allowed to breed at this time. Men - this goes for you as well. I will not be accepting any bastard litters into my borders."

He shot another hard look in Engel's direction.

"If any of you are concerned about staying safe during your heat, you can see me, Dawn, Pema, or Catori for options. We can help you find a place to weather it, and assign a guard that can be trusted," he went on, his voice less harsh, now. "Again - no other litters will be accepted. There will be no exceptions and no excuses. Does anyone have any questions?"
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
735 Posts
Ooc — Cody
Engel shared a grin back toward Aditya, then turned his gaze to Grayday as he began to speak. He didn't exactly feel comfortable about it though, considering recent events. He didn't match his gaze, only looked in his direction, so when he got a hard look, he completely missed it. 

And fear struck at him. Not just for himself, but for others. If he couldn't control himself, any sexual frustration he had might in fact become more than that. Striking out, anger. Engel didn't even think he could control himself.

So when Day spoke of assigning a guard, even though it was for those who were capable of having heats, he tried to gesture to Grayday. "I, uh...can I have a guard? Not for myself, but for the sake of others..." He assumed Grayday could guess why.
All of Engel's threads are always open! For better or for worse.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Sunny listened quietly to his father speak, not surprised by the news. He had already spoken one on one with gray about how mating works and what the consequences were of those acts. He wasn't too affected by the rule that only leaders were allowed to mate this season due to the fact that he hadn't found someone he really wanted to mate and have pups with. 

On the other hand that meant Dawn and Adyita could have pups and he was slightly jealous but mostly excited at the thought of having niece's or nephews.  "Alright dad...I understand" he said loud enough for Grayday to hear "if anyone needs a guard, I'll volunteer. I am sure I can control myself" he said earnestly.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
1,325 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
it was a simple enough message, and aditya noticed, with silent hilarity, the stern look grayday had given to engel toward the end. procreation was largely forbidden. only grayday and his mate, and pema and whomever she chose, could have pups. as for the other leader. . .

he gave dawn a kiss atop her head. "if pema gets a man, we'll have a lot of babies running around," he said warmly, quietly, hoping to lift her spirits. they hadn't ever discussed it, but he figured his mate must be upset about the prospect of waiting an entire year for a litter. he knew he was.

adi was about to open his mouth to let the pack know that he could guard, if need be, when engel piped up with his insistence on needing a guard. rolling his eyes, aditya responded, "my god, engel. i don't know why i'm volunteering, but i'll make sure you behave."
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
Her gaze flickered briefly to Sybella, seemingly a little impatient, and her father, quick to respond. He was blunt in his announcement, his brief glance at Engel having her suppress a snort. Her father's talk of guards had her sharply curious; what must be so amazing about a heat that required guards to keep a woman safe? Her father finished with a final warning, the girl twisting to glance to her mate as he spoke.

A family had never been in the forefront of her mind, a possibility that might be more tempting, one day. She knew Pema to want a family of her own desperately and knew her father's litter would not be the only one that year, in all likelihood. Catori and Pema would bear children then; but not she. Her ears flicked back as she glanced away, briefly, wondering if she was letting Aditya down. They'd never discussed it, but it made sense for him to want kids, and she - she was simply unable to provide.  "yeah. it'll-" 

She broke off as Engel spoke, blinking at him a moment, first in surprise and then something akin to anger. She was secretly glad for the distraction, but Engel's words had her amiable feelings for the male harden.  "are you completely incapable of controlling yourself?" the words came out harder than she'd intended, but the male's lax attitude towards her father's rules (and her own shame) manifested in anger towards Engel. She knew he was compulsively flirty, but going around the pack (or even the whole of Teekon) mating with every accepting woman stretched a little too far. Her father too looked disgusted, and she bristled as she looked at the reddish male. If so, he was a danger to the pack and the woman in it, and she rose as she waited for his answer, tail lashing once behind her. 
178 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
it quickly became apparent to dauntless that this meeting did not pertain to him. he’s not entirely clueless as to what a ‘breeding season’ is but his vague knowledge of it does not extend any further than: he knows it the season that babies are made. dauntless glances at his dad when he makes the offer that any one who doesn’t know how babies are made could stay behind after the meeting. he glimpsed at the adults gathered and thought that he was the only one who should not know how babies are made — wasn’t that something all adults knew? there was mention of something grayday called ‘heat’ and then addressed the males saying that he didn’t want any bastard litters. his attention begins to drift though his ears perk as he hears the word ‘guard’ ( because hey! he could guard! ) until one of the adults speaks up and earns his half sister’s sharp inquiry in return after adiyta offers to guard the man who spoke of not being able to control himself. in this, dauntless is lost. he doesn’t understand the temptations of a female in heat and so this leaves him thinking that engel is being dramatic and dauntless gives a low, amused snort. lose control? control of what? “i’ll be a guard.” dauntless volunteers, for the sake of using it towards his mercenary trade but also because he's confident that he can be trusted with the duty.
22 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
All had gathered it seemed and Flint quietly peered around at the many unknown faces that surrounded him, his only good ear swivelling back to lay against his skull. 'What is this about?' Flint pondered as he focused his attention on the Leaders positioned up front. This was the yearling's first pack meeting, heck, this was the first pack he'd ever been apart of! It was all so new for the man as he eagerly waited for things to begin. 

With the suspense killing him slightly now, Grayday's voice finally broke the silence and Flint's left ear swiftly arched forward, keen to catch every word his superior was about to share with them. 

Ah. Mating. Something the young male hadn't really thought that much about, but was quick to notice the growing commotion amongst his peers on the subject. Some were even requesting guards.. Really? Was it really that much of a bad thing?

Clearing his throat, Flint shifted himself on the spot before speaking out softly, "I don't think I'll be needing a guard.. but maybe groupin' into pairs through this time might not be such a bad idea, especially for those who think they'll struggle." He suggested, giving a small shrug of his shoulders as his gaze averted around the crowd.
303 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He heard Grayday out with a nod, nary a trace of disappointment on his features. He knew that joining his brother's pack, especially so close to mating season, meant he was not going to have a litter this year. And although he did want children something fierce, the ghosts of his first group of little ones haunted him day and night. . .and Shale wasn't sure if he could shake that off, become a good father to the living.

Engel piped up with the ludicrous suggestion that he should be provided with a guard to keep him in check. Aditya responded firmly but much too casually for his taste, while Dawn and Day grew visibly angry. He opted for the latter, tail lashing as his lips pulled into a snarl.

"Are you serious, man?" Shale queried, turning cold amber eyes onto Engel. "You're older than I am, and I'm getting old. This isn't your first time 'round. Grow up."

With a shake of his head, he began to look around the circle, his face softening as Dauntless offered to be a guard. Good boy. He gave a warm smile to Pema, who had seated herself near Raid, and gave one last parting glance to Day and Catori, another feeling of loss washing over him as he saw the two entwined. There would be pups, soon.
we are all dust and shadows.
192 Posts
Ooc — Chase
Oh. So this is what the meeting is about. Mating season. Breeding. Raid feels an involuntary shiver run down the length of her spine and swallows, almost instinctively hunching into herself. In all honesty, she does not know if she would go into heat this year but she suspects she will and when it happens, if it happens (god she hopes to hell it won't), she wants every single male far, far away from her. Though she doubts the guys in this pack would force themselves on the women, Raid cannot bring herself to dismiss this possibility. 

Almost on cue, a guy speaks up. Engel, she thinks his name is. He asks for a guard and Raid almost gapes at him. She doesn't, of course, but she still shrinks away from him, probably noticeably, and inches closer to Pema. Her muscles are tense and taut beneath her chocolate coat and she looks as if she is ready to flee at a moment's notice and maybe she is. The others speak up - Dawn, especially, her words sharp and to the point, mirroring her own sentiments and when Raid spares a glance at Grayday, she notices he looks angry as well. 

Raid stays silent but it doesn't take a genius to notice she's on edge.
If you feel like you’re going to crash then accelerate more, you idiot
No matter how thorny the road is, run