Sun Mote Copse I just wanna roll my sleeves up and start again
gubraithian fire
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She was striding home following a visit with both Bat and Raven when it happened: Wildfire rolled to a stop out in no man's land as a strange sensation crept over her. It felt a little like someone had knocked the wind out of her, though it wasn't strong at all. She breathed through it, then started when she realized what this must mean: the puppies were kicking! It was so subtle, she almost doubted, but the timing was absolutely right. Although having to break the news about her nomi's death to Bat hadn't been an easy task, Wildfire's eyes danced as she picked up the pace again.

Before she even made it all the way to the borders, the Sovereign lifted her nose and gently called for her mate. "@Eljay!" she summoned, trying to inject excitement but nor urgency into the howl.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay was worried that Wiffle had gone out all alone. Even though the Redhawks pack wasn't very far away, it was still some time away and he really didn't think it was a good idea for her to be out alone like that. What if she'd get hurt?! He was relieved when the howl sounded that announced her return, and Eljay eagerly started making his way towards her.

Relief was clear on his face when Eljay arrived to answer the howl. Wiffle! he called out happily and moved towards her to nuzzle her face, unaware yet that she had other news than just being back (in his opinion, a totally legitimate reason to call).
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Unaware of the effect her departure had had on Eljay—ironically, it would've immediately reminded her of her former (and now late) mate—Wildfire smiled softly when he appeared. Rather than give in to the impulse to flounce up to him, the Sovereign waited for him to approach her. Her black tail swayed hither and thither at the by now familiar touch of his nose to her cheekbone. She smiled into the nuzzle, then quickly returned it before stepping back half a pace.

"I felt them, just now," Wildfire told him, eyes glowing. "I don't think you'd be able to feel it but you're welcome to try," she invited in the next breath, sashaying slightly to present her well rounded midsection to her mate.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
What? Eljay responded immediately in shock when Wiffle said that she felt them. The pups?! What else, Eljay? Eljay looked positively overjoyed at this news, even though he had felt a grand total of nothing so far, himself, and smiled broadly at Wiffle, his tail wagging. He swallowed the urge to happily go 'yay!' vocally.

At the invitation, Eljay didn't wait very long. He crouched to the ground and held his face against Wiffle's stomach. Eljay held his breath while he tried to feel anything, though it was very hard to tell everything apart -- from the soft hairs of her belly to Wiffle herself moving slightly. He frowned in concentration as he tried to feel something, anything, hoping that the pups would kick him, too.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
It wasn't long before Eljay was mashing his face against the swell of her belly. Wildfire chortled, mostly 'cause it tickled. She gazed at him fondly, wondering if he could feel or maybe even hear anything? She took in the look on his face, struck with raw wonder at first, then switching to a look of intense concentration. She held her breath, trying not to laugh. It was such a sight to behold.

She'd shared moments similar to this with Thuringwethil, although the commander hadn't been nearly this emotive or expressive. Wildfire had never realized how much she really needed such things from a partner until now, how much she'd been left wanting for someone who felt as strongly as she did. They'd argued because of that very issue from time to time, though she caught herself and decided not to dwell on the past but instead return to the present moment.

"Well," she spoke softly after a long beat, "do you...?"
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
There was a silence that might've been awkward had Eljay not been so intensely focussed. He was holding his breath until he couldn't hold it any longer, afraid that he was going to miss the moment if he was breathing too loudly, and chuckled involuntarily when Wiffle giggled from his face brushing her stomach. It seemed for a moment that he wasn't going to feel anything. As Wiffle asked, he responded with a mildly disappointed but mostly very focussed .. hold on.. as he tried to concentrate one last time.

Holding his breath again, Eljay pressed his face a little closer to Wiffle's stomach and then... He wasn't one hundred percent sure, but pretty sure he felt something! I felt something! he blurted out excitedly. I think! I mean, I think I felt something! Hello, little tykes! Eljay's tail wagged excitedly as he spoke the last sentence to Wiffle's stomach. He rubbed his face lovingly against her stomach one more time before getting back up and looking at Wiffle's face with star-struck heart-shaped eyes filled with excitement for their upcoming brood. It was all getting so real, now, and yet it was hard to believe it was really happening!
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Whether he really felt something or it was simply wish fulfillment, Wildfire beamed at her mate when he spoke directly to the pups. She gave him another moment of quiet to enjoy whatever sensation he was feeling, then said, "We should probably come up with some names." And before Eljay could likely even process that, she added, "If you like the idea, I'd love to continue the line and name one of them Elwood III," or some "Eljay'd" variation.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
It was with a look of pure joy that Eljay eventually lifted his head away from Wiffle's stomach again. He beamed her a smile and then listened to her thoughts on names. He hadn't actually given it any thought yet whatsoever. Eljay blinked and tried to process what she was saying and the suggestions she offered, then nodded. Oh! Uhm, yeah. But would it... Elwood Junior Junior? Eljay frowned thoughtfully while he tried to process that. Or Eljay Junior? Or just Elwood the third? Eljay was clearly in thinking mode now as he tried to work through it all. But I like that idea. Eljay smiled softly at Wiffle, glad for her suggestion as he might have totally missed even considering that naming tradition.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
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Master Ranger
He seemed to like the idea, pitching a few different alternatives. That was settled then. Which moniker they landed on specifically didn't matter too much to her. "You choose," she replied with a gentle smile, already imagining Elwood's face when they broke the news to him.

Wildfire motioned for Eljay to come along as she began to walk, saying, "Let's find something to eat," and then in the next breath, telling him, "I was just at the plateau, visiting Bat and Rave." It hadn't been a particularly fun visit, considering the news she'd had to break. "What have you been up to today?"
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay nodded, deciding to give it some more thought as to what precise moniker they'd choose for the Elwood Jr II or a variation thereof.

Wiffle mentioned visiting the plateau after they'd decided to find something to eat. Do you wanna hunt something, or get something from a cache? Then nodded as she mentioned visiting the plateau. That's exactly why he'd been so worried for her, but he decided not to tell her about it. How were they? Is Bat recovering well? Eljay wondered how Raven was doing, frequently missing her; hopefully he'd get to see her again sometime soon. And Raven? Is she having pups this year? Eljay hadn't been doing much in particular himself, so he forgot to answer Wiffle's question there, lost in thinking about the wolves he'd left behind at the Redhawks pack.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
She mulled the question a moment before replying, "Let's see if we can rummage up some small game. If it takes too long, we can always dip into a stockpile." Wildfire swore she felt a faint stirring as if the developing pups agreed with the idea of fresh meat.

Eljay asked after her daughter and sister. Her lips pursed as she pondered how to answer. She hadn't told him about what she'd learned but now that she'd informed Bat, perhaps it was time to break the news. "It wasn't a happy visit," she said slowly, catching his eye, "as I had to tell Bat her nomi passed away. I found out about a week ago." She didn't mention the gory details—how Artaax had practically mauled Kiwi—but stopped there, giving Eljay a chance to react.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay nodded as Wiffle suggested hunting for small game, and they set on out. The subject immediately turned a little sour as Wiffle admitted that the visit to the plateau wasn't a happy one. Oh, he said with a sympathetic frown and Eljay listened as Wiffle further explained that she had to tell Bat about her 'nomi' passing away. Eljay vaguely remembered that 'nomi' was the word for the Heda, a creature he had never understood and whose relations with Wiffle he had never quite understood either. It was kind of weird, really, thinking about Wiffle and the Heda together, raising children, even though he'd been there to puppysit those children for a small part of their lives.

Oh no, Eljay said, though his words were stunted and awkward. He didn't know for sure how Wiffle felt about the Heda. He wasn't sure how he felt about it. He felt sad that she had died, and he felt sad for Blixen and Bobbin and Artaax, but he didn't really know her. Are you okay about it..? How did Bat respond? He imagined she must've been super sad. Next he wondered: What about Kiwi? He knew he wouldn't likely be one to be able to offer help to her, as she probably wouldn't take it from someone that she didn't seem to like very much, but he still felt sad for her and wished he could help her somehow.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Ever the empath, Eljay queried after her feelings, as well as her daughters'. Wildfire didn't stop moving, though she slowed as she tried to give the topic the focus and gravity it deserved. "I'm okay. I'd be lying if I said the news didn't affect me. I spent many years with Th—with Heda." There were so many reasons she didn't want to linger on her own emotions over this, especially not with Eljay, so she quickly added, "The girls both took the news hard, though we'll all be all right in time." She paused for a moment to murmur, "None of us ever would've seen her again either way, though it feels more... final this way."

She drew in a breath, then resumed her forward momentum. "I think I smell a groundhog," she observed, clearing her throat a little and turning to make eye contact with Eljay.

Since this one's a little outdated, you're welcome to fade it! :)
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay admittedly didn't quite understand all of the details of Wiffle's relations with the Heda. He didn't really understand why the Heda had gone away either or why none of them would see her again. It all was very confusing to Eljay, but he decided not to inquire after it. It was all difficult enough as it was for Wiffle, anyway. He just nodded in silence.

Then, as she said she smelled a groundhog, Eljay quickly nodded again and tested the air, found the scent and said, That way. And they went off to follow the groundhog's scent.

*wraps bow around*