Ocean's Breath Plateau my world came to an end, then you came back again
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
All Welcome 

Sitting at this height, the bay could be clearly seen. She looked down with hopeful gaze and wondered what might come to be; would their military succeed? If she handed the reigns to someone else, would they maintain her vision? Ying had several questions to work through in time, but for now, her focus was on rest.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
On the plateau, Aiolos was alone. It had been well over a month, since mid-January that he had seen his two island brethern, straight from the Nereides territory where he had been claimed as a yearling. Aphrodite had long since left to, abandoning the sea like she had wished Aiolos to. Surely, he enjoyed this spot of land very much but he could leave it if it came down to it but leaving the coast in general? Not going to happen. 

When he breaths in deep fo a sigh he smells another near and so begins making his way into that direction. She was easy to see to spot on the move granted the trees here being short, thick and only spotted here and there throughout the territory. Welcome, ma'am.
moonglow daddy
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
Would you believe it? 他挺可爱的 she whispered to herself. Ying turned to fully face the red-cloaked stranger, noting the inarguably attractive shades of his coat. The reasons for Ruo's attraction quickly became obvious — this had to be Lion, right? — and were Ying into the warmer colors, she might have made a move. 

Instead, she smiled and stepped down from her height with a respectful nod. Hi, sir, Ying replied, I am Ying. Who are you? She was curious what information he might share that could (playfully) used against her cousin.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She looked up to meet his attention, her whispered words unheard under her breath though he wouldn't have understood them anyhow. She comes closer and speaks then, saying 'sir' which made a small smile creep over his lips. Aphrodite throught him to look kingly upon this scretch of high land, did she too think he looked of position? He surely had not meant to, for he tried to shrink his height before the women and bow and only showed his true power and determination amongst the men. 

Aiolos. He spoke, overlooking her strong build, pale coating savor the long stretch of black strip down her spine, fading away into the rest of her backside. Your tongue, it's an exotic dialect... sounds familiar. He pondered a moment. You wouldn't happen to know Ruo, would you?
moonglow daddy
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
She is my cousin. Ying wondered if she should mention their conversations about Aiolos. He'd taken the initiative in mentioning Ruo first, so she didn't think that it would cause any problems... Are you Lion? She smiled, gazing expectantly in his direction.

There didn't seem to be anyone here; if there was a border, it wasn't well marked. She wondered why Ruo hadn't brought him back to the island yet. Was he meant to be a secret?
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He nods to her words. Given the fact that he had never heard such a tongue before he could only assume them to be related - he was right. Win for Aiolos, whom sometimes could seem far more drawn then brain. I am. He smiles along with a small chuckle. After a lick of his creamy jawline, Its this collection of stars, Leo. It burns bright. Perhaps she already knew. The vibrate ginger, russet and red mixture of his coating would explain the reasoning why he gathered the name. If not for his bright amber eyes which kept locked to Ying now.
moonglow daddy
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
At one point, Ying did try to learn. She quickly realized that there were too many stars and too many stories to remember, and so left the trade to her cousin. Ruo is good at stars, not me. She assumed that Aiolos already knew this, considering her knowledge had been the source of nickname. My family is all mind things. I am good at body stuff, like fights. It often made her feel seperated from the others, though she would likely never admit this.

Her thoughts returned to his current status. Why are you alone? Ying asked. Was there a reason that he lived in solitude? Maybe he was messy, so his last pack kicked him to the curb. She subtly shrugged at the thought and waited to hear his response.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Neither am I honestly, though it is interesting to listen about them. If Moon Mother favors them amongst her, so should I. He did not often preach his religion and wouldn't, though the comment was made as a simple understanding for Ying. 

She says then the lot of her family were 'mind things' - herbs, stars, gods, advice... he figured this much. She was of body, like fights. I am like body, too. He offers, allowing her to know that they were alike in this. I trained to guard and protect the women of my former home. Along with breeding purposes this was the men's common use. Living in a swamp, then the island... I hunt too, mostly water creatures. It would soon be known they had much more in common then he had realized. 

Our way has been forgotten, I think... His ginger ears fall to his crown. Eyes cast out and away, to the cliffside which led down towards the sea. I founded this land for a woman to be our Siren Queen. To lead us. But with her leaving, I fear @Ovid and @Elektra may have banded together to try and find a way to return to the island again. I have not seen them in some time.... it's just me. He openly admitted to the woman, whom he felt less a stranger given the fact that  she was family to the one and only wolf he had been in contact with for months now. 

Looking looking out around the lands, it was a beautiful spot just off the coast. With the ability to have a good view of all the lands around it. He was the only one to guard it, but from whom and why?
moonglow daddy
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
If I bring you home, Ruo will not be happy, she laughed. Ying liked the idea of having more physical wolves at home — hunters, mercenaries, scouts — but didn't want to embarass her cousin in the process. She would ask for permission before extending a formal invitation, though Aiolos was welcome to invite himself. I do not know what these things mean, but I am sorry you are alone now. It sounded like he'd been through some loss, and while Ying could not relate, she was sympathetic.

Ying wondered why he'd stayed on this plateau, despite likely knowing of all the packs which lay inland. You do not want to find a pack? she asked, head tilted curiously, There are many which might want a hunter or fighter. Her mind wandered to her own plans, though she kept these thoughts to herself.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos was not certain what it meant by should Ying decide to bring Aiolos home, @Ruò would not be happy. It had him wondering if he was some sort of dirty secret, if he was not fitting for her home or even, if she was entrapped by a certain custom back home to which he had been. 

He was silent on that but then huffs out a small chuckle to the next part. That's okay, there isnt many which understand. Our customs are very different. Which was really the best word he could think of. I had a pack for a time, Courtfall. A beautiful place in Northstar Vale. Though the sea is what calls me and when I had the chance to be with her again, I took it. And that's what had left him here. It was lonely, he admit and he found himself restless, frustrated. He was of no true use here without anyone to support. He was a killer and fighter, not a wandering shadow. And I cant be led by any male, you see... She wouldn't, of course, but that was just another part of the lifestyle which he had been raised to.
moonglow daddy
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
Do you want to work with me? Aiolos seemed like a capable fighter, which was currently Ying's only requirement. He would be able to join Yuèlóng, but in such a discreet way that Ruo might never know. She wondered how difficult it might be to keep such a secret. Our pack is called Yuèlóng. I am making an army for protection. Ying might not have been so open, were he not already vetted by her cousin. We are mostly women but the army so far, it is almost all men. She didn't think that this would be a problem, so long as she was the informal leader.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She asked if he wanted to work with her, to which his ginger ears perked with interest. Ying went on to explain the name of their pack, confirming that Ruo did have an official pack she was a part of, not just a little band of loners sticking together for survival. She had yet to tell him any of that, being a rather mysterious and guarded woman. It was part of her which pulled his interest in her, after all. 

Then Ying went to explain that whilst the pack was made up wholly of women, the army which she was creating as a division to protect the pack was mostly of males. Sounds like home. He nearly whispered. He would be a protector and guardian of them with men to fight amongst to prove himself within the group of men. And he would. Where Aiolos had a strict thought of mind that women were above him, most other men were placed below. Tell me more, if you would... Is this group a part of Yuelong or a division all it's own? Where is headquarters?
moonglow daddy
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
Sounds like home; Ying wondered how he meant the sentiment, if reminescent or hopeful. She wanted Jūnshì to be an extension of Yuèlóng, but wouldn't know if this was possible until after talking to her sisters. Their military would thrive either way. We protect Yuèlóng and others. Moonspear and Neverwinter were also under their supervision. The family does not know it right now. Would they ever?

Headquarters was an unfamiliar word. Head qu-art-ers — her voice was barely above a whisper as she practiced her pronunciation — Qu-art-ers... After finally deciding that she was unable to guess its meaning, Ying asked, What is headquarters?
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
She mentioned that this group of fighters was being created not only to protect the pack she and Ruo were in but to protect others, as well. Other packs? Then I guess this group is for willing warriors of pack and loner alike, a sanction of it's own for all allied within. It seemed like what she was getting at though he wanted to make sure. It had to be the case, granted he was a loner himself at the time, should Ruo not want him in Yuelong or if he was not formally invited per whoever was in charge. 

Then the woman before him was stumped, uncertain of the word he mentioned. She was still learning the common tongue, which was fine. After all,  he didnt know hers. Its like their hub, their territory. A place where they would meet to discuss tactic before battle or to discuss missions and given assignments.
moonglow daddy
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
She nodded her head. Lawfully-aligned mercenaries were her target group, regardless of affiliation. Their numbers were still low, but sufficient for a time of (relative) peace. Oh, okay. My friend offers me that place there. Ying motioned toward the bay and turned back to Aiolos, curious as to what he thought. He was the closest member to the coast; if he agreed to enlist, marking a border would be his first assignment. Do you know it? Ultimately, she wanted to hold a claim over this entire section of land, so he was welcome to object.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Ying nodded her head to which Aiolos followed. He understood. Whether a loner living here or whichever pack nearby, this group was of those in alignment to an equal cause - protecting one another. As allies were with pack to pack, this group was a specific set of just guardians who strode more outward then just the edges of pack territory, keeping a look out between all lands. They were not your typical mercenary hire. 

Ying jutted her head out to the west then, mentioning the Gilded Bay. A good place. Though he felt Stavenger bay might be more beautiful with the forestry nearby with creeks and falls, gilded bay had it's own pleasantries. There are many tide pools where much prey gets stuck each night for the taking. There are rock faces as you go inland making it sheltered, a bit cut off. However, if you are the eyes of the lands looking for a vantage point and want a place others can easily find you for meetings and recruitment... might I suggest here?  And it was, after all, just next door to the Bay.
moonglow daddy
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
His description of the bay only furthered her interest. Ying planned to spend the night there, before heading back toward the island. I want all the coast, she told him, but we can start here. Aiolos had presumably built a bond with this territory. If he felt more comfortable here, his work would be more efficient.

Can I give you a first job? She stood and shook the debris from her coat, Mark this place, please. Caches are by the sea lions. Of course, Ying didn't expect him to work for free.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)
Daddy Moonglow
1,012 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
That could be difficult. He spoke, concern pressing his creamy lips into a tight line. It was true that the group had no bounds given the fact that they claimed no territory and yet guarded it. Still, this meant that unclaimed lands could be claimed lands. That not all might want the help of their militia and the lands would therefore be untouchable. 

When she spoke of his first task, he stood to attention, not slouching and holding his head low as he usually did so before females. His head lifted high, tail lifting with it. He was a useful wolf, once again. As you command, General. He spoke with a toothy smile, dipping his chin into her direction. He would pause, only a moment to make sure she was 'finished with him' before dashing off to his task. Already, the lands were littered with his scent but now he would make certain to reinforce it.
moonglow daddy
nothing in life is to be feared,
it is only to be understood.
857 Posts
Ooc — nami
I don't know what difficult is so I don't care. Ying giggled and stepped forward, lifting her snout to bump the underside of Aiolos's chin. She nodded his dismissal and took her own leave, deciding she would begin to explore.
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sequoia coast · open for threads (3/5)