Ankyra Sound challenger
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Limit Two 
maybe @Augur if he's still in the area :3

they had coupled.

jorunn only knew that this opened a feverish void inside of her. she would not leave the seaside and she would not stray very far from sapphique at all, but she was not yet ready to return home. there there would be babes and couples, welcoming the spring.

she loathed herself as much as she was happy for them.

so angry, so hungry for what was not her that her chest hurt. so she had stupidly made way to scout the surrounding areas. half wondering if she would find the mysterious couple again, half hoping she found nothing but emptiness in the sound.
Redtail Rise
662 Posts
Ooc — ebony
when he and sweet leaf had parted ways, augur had headed back toward the rise.

he was tired from the physical exertion and lay down to rest for a while.

it was here that the watcher found him. the great wolf lifted his ears and chuffed to her, interest strengthening him again.

augur barked. it carried across the empty sound. he cocked his head and waited for her response.
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he found her.

she did not know what to do with this despite the way she had looked upon him and his fling. and although he still wore her perfume, she was nowhere in sight.


she turned on him, prowling on lithe limbs until she would be close enough to touch, if he could catch her.
Redtail Rise
662 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she smelled of the sea. smaller than the other, with burnished eyes. 

he prowled forward, slowly at first and then with building speed, to investigate her scent. augur waved his tail and growled a greeting to sea gold.

it would be his internal name for her. the man continued to follow.
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she headed towards the waves.

a siren she had become in the face of this man. she thought of how easily she had driven off the last, would it be so easy to do it again? was that who she had become?

her head turned to look over her shoulder at him, hoping he would follow her into the start of the water.
Redtail Rise
662 Posts
Ooc — ebony
sea gold walked into the ocean.

augur stopped where the waves lapped his toes and rumbled. he was not made for water, especially not such an expanse of it.

the boy entered out of curiosity, though only to his ankles. his paws clenched in the sand and he watched the woman with great curiosity.
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the sea did not bless him with her embrace and jorunn looked down upon him for it.

he was lesser.

where she had been belly deep, she pulled herself from the depths of it, up to his ankle depth. it was there that she reached for him. not with aggression but it would be no tender touch either.

a nip against his shoulder.

she was taken back to a time where she had tasted the blood of a man on her tongue, but she did not draw the blood of this one yet.
Redtail Rise
662 Posts
Ooc — ebony
augur was surprised to receive her feral nip at his shoulder.

did she mean to wrestle with him in the seafoam?

the clawan thrust out his broad muzzle to aim the same along her nape. he etched a path deeper into the water. her wet body was alluring despite the sting of salt in his nostrils.
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his teeth, her nape.

fire and fever. she thought of dionysus, she thought of erzulie, she thought of unnamed faces in unnamed places. she thought of how the sea had forgiven her for every thing she had ever done and had yet to do.

deeper he went and deeper she followed.

suddenly she was a shark where she had once been nothing more than a river fish lost at sea.

another nip, this time at his hip, this time sharper than the last one.
Redtail Rise
662 Posts
Ooc — ebony
augur was unsure of this game.

but his mind was muddled with hormones. and he enjoyed this rougher play. he snapped for her own flank, missing. the ocean splashed around him as he thrust long legs down into it to support himself.

the redtail wolf growled. he skinned lips back from teeth but it was not threatening. 

his yellow eyes danced toward sea gold. what did she want?
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she had advantage only in location. the sea was her love, the sea she had learned how to traverse.

his grasp on her flank missed and she swirled. the water kicked around her, a veil upon her threat of increasing violence.

this time she reared, this time she aimed to come down on him with her front paws.
Redtail Rise
662 Posts
Ooc — ebony
augur snorted. sea gold struck down at him. he tripped in his flailing away from her.

was this still a game? he did not know. her paws hit upon his broad shoulder as he lay half in the surf. augur growled warningly. his broad foreleg swept up around her smaller body.

he wanted to drag her down now. but his movements were controlled.
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how easy it would be, to let the sea tend to him, to let it overflow him.

she had seen the way things got lost in tides and waves, never to return to these shores. he would not be missed terribly, she thought incorrectly. another man who went and laid with women only to leave without them.

but she could not do it.

as much as she wished to baptize him in a way of no return, that was not who she was. unkind to men but not so cruel as to senselessly toss them into depths.

his leg around her a threat.

she whined lowly.
Redtail Rise
662 Posts
Ooc — ebony
augur released her. he scrabbled backward, wet sand and seawater flowing from his pelt.

the man retreated to the shoreline. he shook out his pelt. but he did not yet leave. augur was confused. it showed in the momentary lift of his hackles.

he chuffed to her, wanting sea gold to come out of the water, wanting her to explain.
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she had not marred him, but she had hurt him all the same.

it was true and she could read it on him. the sea whispered truths to her and perhaps it was easier to look upon him when he smelt more of salt and less of womanhood.

he did not fill any hole in her heart.

she did not look upon him and know.

but still she drew nearer, crouched softly. seeking to apologetically groom the saltwater porcupine of his fur.
Redtail Rise
662 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he allowed her close, though his body remained stiff with wariness.

augur was still unsure of her motives.

but she was woman and he was man, and therefore he was right to be thought inferior. he bore no inner turmoil.

augur swept his tongue over her own shoulder. what had happened was forgotten.

sea gold held his attention now.
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hunt with me,

she prompted, hushed against the salted ruff of his chest.

perhaps she had thought she might find use of him in other ways. to soothe an emotional scratch. but it would be too disingenuous.

instead they could find use in feeding each other.
Redtail Rise
662 Posts
Ooc — ebony

whatever had occurred in the waves would be forgotten. augur pressed his muzzle to her cheek. his tail waved to show that they would be amiable now.

the salt had dried to his fur and clung uncomfortably. the redtail wolf tried to shake it from his pelt and set off along the beachfront, leaving a trail of huge pawmarks in his wake.