Ouroboros Spine BWP: TSS Chittering, chattering bugs, ugh
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
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BWP this prompt: A swarm of cicadas crashes your character's den. set late evening

As the steepening shadows colored the day in shades of gray. Ajei was fast at work. She was working on digging out a den just for her to play in or stay on hotter days. She may share it with Chiteo, or Massaraq or Arrluk, but she wasn't sure.

For days now there had been a chittering, screeching sound as some sort of bug made itself know. She had followed the noise one day and it was big and ugly and loud. And it smelled a bit like dirt.

Tonight she sought to ignore them for she was almost done. When suddenly she broke ground and a swarm of the big nasties came at her. She squealed and tried to back pedal, but they were in her face, near her ears.

 One hit her tongue. She closed her mouth with a snap and tried to shake them off, but they clung with their little insect legs. Then she tried tbrush h them with her paws, but that just smashed them into her fur. They clung to her face, her back, her legs. She cried out again sure this was her end.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph had been meaning to visit Moonglow, but perhaps it was the fact that the journey was so reasonable that had made her put it off always in favor of going further afield. Still, it was no excuse and when she found herself finally nervous at the borders wondering if she should call and make sure that she was still welcome she heard a cry. It was a young voice and that overrode any nervousness as she darted in the direction of the sound to find a young wolf covered in insects, evidentially both parties intent upon a burrow.

Shaking herself out of the scene she stepped forward and tried to use her paw to brush off the worst of the clumps as she used her muzzle to try to nudge the other wolf out of the hole and into the air where the bugs would hopefully be less inclined to swarm her. "Okay, okay." She managed out in between the motion, trying to see if she had assessed the situation properly and it was indeed only the cicadas and pup in there.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei was holding her breath. The itchy bugs were near her eyes and her face. They weren't moving too much, but they were so heavy and they smelled so bad close up. Tears were leaking from the corners of her eyes and her throat hurt, because she wanted to scream and couldn't.  Because opening her mouth would invite them in.

A wolf was there she didn't know and she tucked her tail tightly to her legs and squeezed her eyes shut tigher. It was okay she was trying to help, right. Right. IT seemed that way.

A small touch to her side and she was being herded. She stumbled a few times, because she refused to open her eyes. The bugs were slowly leaving her face at least and finally she took a big gulp of air and then another and then her tears started in ernest. She tried so hard not to cry loudly, but her little chest was beating hard and it hurt. And without even thinking about it. She tucked herself so tightly against the other wolf she couldn't breathe. Hopefully, she didn't mind bugs. Because well.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
The small wolf tucked herself closer to Heph and she instinctively curled up to accommodate the young form, using her muzzle to brush off remaining bugs clinging to the red fur. A few crawled over Heph's own tail and she could see the mass of them congregating at the den sight, but it seemed as if the majority of them had fallen off both of the wolves. Realizing that the wolf who was before her was still rather young she looked around curiously, as if a parent might suddenly appear.

She wondered if the cicadas would disperse given their resting spot had been disturbed or if they would continue to amass in the vacant earth. "Were you digging out a den?" Perhaps it had been old and the wolf had simply been caught unawares by an incoming swarm. That in itself was also concerning, even if the bugs were among the lesser dangers compared to other things that might happen upon a wolf den.

Heph shook out her tail determinedly, trying to both dislodge the insects from her own fur and swish away any of the ones that ventured further out into the light.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She didn't know this wolf, but she had mama energy so she clung to her.  Allowed her to brush at the red fur of her pelt and get the bugs away from her. Ajei had been alone, though she imagined one of the adults had heard her. She hoped this one was allowed in their pack. Because she would hate to have her be in trouble if she wasn't. Because she was the one that had screamed.

I wanted a place to lay in the hot day and let my broter Chi and Raq and Arrluk play too. But den those big ole nasties, just jumping right on out like dey own the place.

Ajei shuddered again and looked up. I'm Ajei.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded, it made sense to her. While she had never seen the truly enormous swarms her grandmother purported her mother to have told her about she was familiar with the smaller annual groupings of the bugs that were currently crawling towards the light. Now that neither of them were in the thick of it the mass of insects looked less threatening. "Cicadas are born in the ground and come out when they're ready. Give it a little while and maybe they'll go off on their own and you'll have a place to lay down by tomorrow, your brother and friends too." She did not know who Raq and Arrluk were but she guessed that they were also pups or at the very least friends of the small red wolf.

Grinning at the introduction she replied in turn. "I'm Heph. It's nice to meet you Ajei." She was not quite perfect at gauging ages on pups and was not sure if she should offer to help the youth track down her parents or some other adult.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Green eyes traced over the bugs again and though they were still chattering and moving about. They were largely leaving her and the she wolf alone. Ajei was disappointed that they had taken over her little spot, but she was mostly glad that she still had all her limbs. Because she had been certain that was her end. 

I think it would be sad live underground. No sunlight.

Ajei blinked and then smiled. Heph. She repeated the name that was given to her and then wagged her tail. You looking for Moonwoman or Mama?
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
A small smile graced her face at the sympathy the younger wolf had even for insects that had scared her. "Maybe that's why so many came out when they had the chance to see the light." Heph said, looking towards the den that was slowly being revealed beneath the mass of cicadas.

At the mention of moonwoman and the young one's mother she paused not sure how to respond. While she did wish to thank Moonwoman for offering her services as a matchmaker, and also found the wolf's company fascinating she had not come seeking anyone in particular. "Not quite, I'm just visiting. From Moontide, Samani and Rodyn's pack by the sea?" Her voice tilted up into a question, not sure who the pup would recognize. Samani had visited Moontide to help with Moonwoman's litter, her new siblings, but perhaps some of the other pups had known of her as well?

SHe was curious who this pup had been born to, if she would even recognize the name. "Who is your mama?"
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei sighed and looked at them. I guess they can have it. So they can see the sun. It be sad not to see it.

Ajei brightened. My big brother Mojag live there and Rodyn be brother of my heart mama say his babies be her grandbabies!!

Ajei puffed out her little chest. My Anaa be best mama for me. My Anaa be Shikoba, star hunter.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph gave a small smile at the thoughtfulness even for small creatures from the younger wolf. "That's very kind of you." She responded, glancing towards the den and giving her tail another gentle swish.

She was intrigued to hear the description, she did not think Rodyn had mentioned Shikoba and his relation to her. It seemed that the feeling of familiar relations of Moonglow meant that many wolves became related so it was not surprising that the pup was a family to her friends. "Then would you like to visit Moontide maybe when you're older if your anaa agrees?" While Heph felt that the journey was short enough not to be dangerous even at Ajei's age she was not sure if her family would want her so far from home as young as she was. "Mojag and Rodyn would be there and Rodyn and Samani's pups, your nieces and nephews, will be born soon." It sounded as if Rodyn had already informed Moonglow of his children.

Star hunter. She smiled. "Your mama sounds like quite the hunter." If Moontide was ever invited to one of Moonglow's pack hunts she would have to look out for the wolf. She must have been skilled to garner the title and Heph was often interested in observing the talents of others and learning if possible (and showing off her own skills if the opportunity presented itself).
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
AJei smiled up at her. Why be anything but kind? It generally confused her. What else could she be? Were wolves mean? Were there some out there that were nasty. She furrowed her tiny brow. Are there mean wolves out there, miss Heph?

Ajei smiled then. Oh! Yes. Yes I would. I want to see the little crabbies, and the big water. But mama says be careful it be dangerous. And i want to touch sand. Maybe I see Mojag? and Rodyn? He gonna have babies! That's nice. Babies be cute. I see lots of little baby birds and brother otter has babies and little fishs!

A giggle left her and she nodded. Mama very good hunter, one of the best. But. Ajei's ears drooped a little. 

I think she getting tired and I not very good hunter. I think i too little and I don't like hunting. It is scary. But I can't tell anaa that. How disappoint she be.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph considered, it was an innocent question. While a part of her wished to simply lie the greater knew that there were gentler ways to introduce the truth which would serve this wolf well as she grew and potentially did meet less savory characters. She thought of Alduin, brutal and violent to pursue selfish ends. And she thought about how Void had described himself before, a brand of naivety all on its own, that nonetheless did nothing to shield others from potential harm. And she considered Dreven who had treated Atka well and come to tolerate her as well, rough around the edges but willing to stick to his word and protect others. "Hmmm not so many, but there are a few." She gave a comforting lap of her tongue against the younger wolf's crown. "But more often there's wolves who are a little bit rough around the edges or they sometimes make mistakes, they're not mean wolves but they can do mean things."

Heph grinned at the enthusiasm, glad to have something to offer. Maybe she would have to seek out Shikoba after all and see if the wolf would allow the journey at some later date. "Well then I'll have to come back and we can ask your mama. Mojag is sometimes off investigating but I'm sure Rodyn and your nieces and nephews will be very cute. The sea can be dangerous but as long as you are careful it is nice to explore, the sand is too."

Nodding her head she tilted her head down. "It's okay to be afraid, as you grow bigger and if you work next to your friends and family it may feel less scary and you'll get better as you practice. But even if you never like hunting that's not all there is to do. I'm sure if you talked to your mama she'd understand, like when she understood your brother Mojag wanted to go to the sea."
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei looked up at this wolf in front of here, waiting. Thus far Ajei had been blessed by good wolves. There were no cruelties in her little life. So much so that she could worry about scary bugs and build dens.

Ajei frowned. Well that's not good. Didn't their mama's teach them better. For shame.,

She shook her little paw. It wasn't good for mamas and pops not to teach right from wrong. And didn't everybody have aunties like her?

Ajei gave a nod. I would like that. Can Arrluk, Massaraq and Chiteo come? They be liking water too!

Ajei lidtened and her tiny tail wagged. It was nice to know it was okay to be agraid. But she did whisper. I'm afraid a lot and wolves make me nervous. My insides shake!
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph shrugged her shoulders gently. "Maybe they didn't." She did not know why wolves were the way that they were. And some of them being a little bit rough around the edges had never really bothered her, although as a loner she simply would have walked away. Surprised at the list of others that might want to come to the sea she tried to remember those names. Chiteo she did not know, but she thought she had heard something of Arrluk and Massaraq. "Arrluk and Massaraq...are those Kukutux's pups? Everyone can come as long as all the adults agree." It sounded like she would be talking to Moonwoman in the near future after all.

Frowning a bit her voice gentled into something softer and lower. "I'm sorry your insides feel jumbly. Being brave isn't about not feeling afraid though, it's about doing what you need to anyways. Like I'm a wolf too but you're talking to me right now." At the end she lightened her tone into something a bit more joking.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei frowned and puffed out her cheeks. what bad mamas and pops then. They should be good too.

She frowned again. She didn't like mama's and pops that didn't teach their babies. It was frustrating and sad.

Ahe nodded mhmm. They be my friends. We be learning to fish.

Ajei looked up to the woman talking to her. Ears shifting around as she spoke.

So like when i falled and Raq came to save me?

Ajei giggled. Well you saved me and i like you. You're nice.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph smiled, her eyes lighting up. "Well if you're all learning to fish the sea will be fun. There are plenty of fish in the shallows and tide pools. A wolf named @Chakliux might even be able to tell you stories of hunting seals, sea creatures almost as big as me." Heph had still not hunted seal by herself, but she was excited to try eventually. Formidable prey indeed.

While hearing that Ajei had fallen was slightly concerning she tamped down on the feeling. It was not something she could do anything about in that moment and sounded like it had turned out okay. "Exactly like that. And I'm glad, if you didn't like me all the adults might just have to chase me off." Her nose crinkled and she laughed a bit, teasing.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei listened curious. Tide pools? She wondered if that was sort of like what Aiolos had been talking about. 

Ajei gasped. Sound so big! And scary. Moonwoman told story about them hunters and boy whose mommy didn't love him. Grew so angry!

Ajei made a soft Oh! But that would be mean. I not letting them chase you. I be nice tell them you be nice too.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded, it made sense that the younger wolf found the tales frightening. Seals were still large prey and formidable alone. "That would be scary, I imagine it made him very angry to feel so unloved." She was not familiar with the story though it sounded rather sad. Heph's parents had loved her and her siblings and though she no longer felt close with her natal pack she had been surrounded by family and siblings and love growing up. "Did he grow up into a fine hunter anyways?" Her voice was gentle in its query but curious. She wondered if there was a lesson in the tale, how much truth.

At the declaration that she had passed muster with the younger wolf her face broke out into a smile. "I'm glad!"
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei looked down. Do you think it's silly to be scared? My mama is one of best hunters and I'm well I don't like it. I'd rather fish. She frowned again and shook her head.  No it wouldn't. It wasn't fair of them to not love him. You don't hvae to love the same things as everyone else to deserve love. That's not okay. Mama's and pop's should always love!

She nodded. Yes but he hurt them.

Ajei giggled. what do you like to do, Heph?
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph smiled gently, leaning down to offer her opinion in soft tones. "I don't think it's silly. Fear can warn us of danger and even offer strength and speed when we need it." She remembered well those moments of over-extension. Perhaps she was not the best at listening to the forewarnings of fear that should have told her to back off, but she knew well how to use the rush of adrenaline to her advantage. "Even if you're not afraid of hunting and only dislike it you can find other things to do. Fishing. Or exploring. Or healing. Whatever you put your mind to." As long as a wolf had a way of feeding themselves should they need to, or find themselves separated from the pack, she was slowly learning that all skills were valued. Perhaps before Moontide she would not have been able to answer thusly but she was part of a pack now that valued her for the skills that she brought to bear.

Her throat hummed in agreement, but her mind whispered that nothing was so straightforward. "Mmm, no one can live without love forever." After all feelings faded, and the world changed. Even if love remained it could not for long stay in one place.

Thinking at the question she replied honestly, excitement dripping into her words. "Hmmm I like to see new places and explore. Before I decided to join Rodyn and Samani in Moontide I roamed all over seeing all sorts of things and meeting all sorts of wolves."
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei frowned. That wasn't exactly what ahe meant. She diskik3d and feared hunting itself. The prey was big and dangerous and loud. And you had to hunt in big groups.
But she understood what Heph was saying. As much as a child her age could understand.

I like to help. Whether they're sad or hurt or scared.

oh! What kind of places did you see? Raq likes to explore so does Chiteo.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded her head, the young wolf's desire to aid others spoke to some kindness in her heart that made Heph glad to see. Perhaps a part of it was her youth and upbringing, or maybe that was just how some wolves were. Her tail wagged excitedly thinking of all the places she had been. "Hmmm well I've visited up and down the coast, and I've also seen tall mountains, and big open fields, and huge lakes, and a swamp that was always tricking me into thinking there was a bottom when there wasn't." She remembered the wide open fields in the south when she had originally come to the wilds, and the mountains, and then the burned forest near the plateau and more.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Fade and i can get some up near moontide have her visit with Heph with permission?

Ajei was kind but her mama had raised her as such. And she couldn't stand to hurt others in any way. It bothered her greatly.

Ajei smiled. They all sound so nice. Though i don't think I'd like the swamp. All mucky mucky and smelling bad.

She wrinkled her nose not happy with the image a swamp invoked.