Moonsong Glacier mama cuts like a man-of-war
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The blackbear yawned again, but her tail still wheeled in contented circles as she and @Sumac climbed through the foothills. Once, she halted them at a rock to point out a scent marking as: "Arjun."

She danced when they walked again.

"We will call him by this name when we greet him, and when we are alone. But in the outer wilds, or where others can hear, we call him Dutch."

The climb grew steeper. It was more out of excitement than exertion that Easy panted as they neared their destination — but she was still just a little out of breath. The blackbear carried a winter's worth of fat on her, and although she wouldn't change that, she still paid the price. As a result, she was not as chatty as she might normally be.

"Halt!" called a deep, forceful voice. A figure cloaked in hues of shadewood and sunlight stepped into their path up ahead. "Who treads upon my domain?"

Easy could not suppress her grin.

"Come here, you ruffian!" she called back, sauntering forward with her head held high. She and the man both moved as if they did not wholly trust each other, though their features expressed only joy. It was a familiar game they played, where one moved as if to hug the other, only to throw out a wrestling move instead. Easy had to fit her teeth around the man's muzzle and give it a shake before they finally embraced. "My boy," Easy sighed into his fur, her relief palpable.

"My lady," was his cheeky reply. His burnished gaze might be familiar to Sumac as it lifted to the other man's face. "Who is this?" Dutch asked, a kindly smile on his face.

"Oh!" said Easy, her excitement returning at once. "Sumac, this is my eldest son, Arjun."

"Not to be confused with her daughter, Eldest," said Dutch.

Easy hushed him and went on: "And Arjun, this is my dear friend, Sumac. We are tr-traveling together this winter." The statement was interrupted with a tremendous yawn.

"Well, you will sleep here tonight!" Dutch replied. "Don't you rest, woman?" He turned to Sumac: "Does she run you through the night?"

Easy smacked him, and Dutch slapped a paw over her face to keep her from interrupting. She laughed beneath it, batting it away while Dutch seemed to wait for answer.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Rainchaser
Sumac's head swiveled here and there, drinking in the new sights and sounds of this arctic wonderland, marveling at the immensity of the glacier that dominated the Moonsong landscape. 'Mac was uneasy about treading so close to a pack's territory but placed his trust in Easy's calm demeanor and wisdom. Besides, he'd made a promise to her to find Arjun, and a little thrill of excitement at the prospect of reaching that aim tickled his spine. Oh, she'd be so happy, he was sure, and that was enough of a reward in of itself.

'Mac's attention snapped back forward as Easy picked up her pace, her gait taking on an excited buoyancy as she explained how to properly greet Arjun, or "Dutch" as he also called himself. He was grateful for this information - it took away the anxiety of uncertainty during their first meeting.

The male resumed taking in their surroundings, carefully picking his way up the steep slope and trying desperately not to look back in the direction they'd come from. He stopped abruptly, ears erect as a sharp voice halted their march. Oh! His eyes fell upon a shaded male figure, the source of the words, and stiffened as Easy approached.

Sumac watched their ritual intently. He held his breath - despite their words, at first it appeared as though they'd come to blows. Was this Arjun? If not, and he tried to harm Easy in any way, he'd have 'Mac to contend with. Heck, even if it was Arjun and strange circumstance caused friction, the Mackenzie wouldn't allow any harm to come to his companion... not without a fight, at least.

When they embraced, 'Mac's stiff form relaxed with a long exhalation, his tail giving a soft swish of relief at his hocks. Arjun's - Dutch's - face wore an amiable grin, erasing the former tension from his voice. Sumac gave a small smile back and a deep nod of his head respectfully. He was determined not to let his stutter get out of control this time!

"I-it's a pleasure, Arjun. I'm s-so glad we were able to find you - I know it means a lot to your mother," he replied gently, giving another bob of his head.

The young male gave a soft chuckle at their antics. It was so clear to see their affection for one another, and it was contagious. It made him feel warm inside to see such a close mother-son bond, and even sparked a tiny flicker of jealousy. It was only a natural emotion, 'Mac tried to assure himself before he began his typical self-castigation for feeling such unwholesome things.

"Ah, nah. Not typically. She's just been eager to see you, that's all," he responded, moving closer.
…Even in the darkest night
Sword of the Morning
551 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The panther unwound himself from his mother as Sumac stepped forward, and whether Sumac was ready for it or not, he stepped in time with the other man and caught him in a hearty embrace. He was just a little wary over who this man might be to his mother — he was just awfully young for her, wasn't he? — but Easy was a grown woman. He knew he had no say in such matters except how much he was willing to overlook.

"It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Sumac," he replied, pulling back with a smile still on his face. "Come — I will show you our common place. You can rest right away."

There was protest from his mother, who claimed (unconvincingly) not to be tired — but Dutch was as stubborn and forceful a creature as his dam. She was soon tucked into a bed of plush furs and pine boughs, and once she laid down, it was clear she would be staying there.

"Be kind to my boy, Arjun!" she called after them as Dutch led the other man away.

The panther called back, "No one understands a word you say, she-bear!"

And then he pranced off at a faster clip, leading Sumac down to the river.

"Do you fish?" Dutch asked him, his tone warm but his orange eyes assessing. Could this man — this boy, in his mother's words — could he take care of her? Oh, Dutch knew she needed no caring for, but if she was going to find a man who was not his father, Dutch wanted to see him work for it.
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Rainchaser
'Mac was shocked to stillness, stiffening briefly under Dutch's sudden embrace. Sure, he'd been pulled into bear hugs by his family, and even Easy had offered him her warm paws before, but the inexperienced lad wasn't expecting this from someone he'd literally just met. He offered a small chuckle, willing himself to relax after a moment.

"That sounds good. Thanks," he replied with a nod, following the other male to the common area on easy strides. Sumac smiled warmly as they reached their destination, for it was so homely and cozy that he couldn't help but remember his pack's own den. They were very similar, in fact. This would be a wonderful place to spend a night or two, and he bobbed his head in gratitude. He couldn't help but laugh aloud as Easy and Dutch reversed their parent-child roles again and again, with Dutch finally getting the upper hand and convincing his mother to rest.

"Arjun's right, Easy. You've been really pushing yourself lately. You really deserve a nice break," Sumac added, his ears and tail lowering in a placating gesture. Hopefully, his support would lend weight to Dutch's demand she settle herself for the time being. He definitely felt that she'd be safe here alone for the time being.

Sumac couldn't resist one last light laugh as Dutch let him away, only to have Easy's admonition accompany them out. Their ritual back-and-forth banter and jabs were so heartwarming to the Mackenzie, and wrapped his heart in such ease and familiarity that he couldn't help but feel lighter.

He remained silent the rest of the way to wherever Dutch was leading them. His eyes and ears eagerly drank in the sights and sounds around them, trying to memorize the details and assess where they were. So much was new to 'Mac, and it seemed he was learning something new every day. His nose detected fresh water, and soon enough they were at a riverbank.

Do you fish?

He nodded. "I do... I-I'm not the best, not like my sister, Sycamore. She had an uncanny knack for it. I told her once she must have a heron's beak for a nose, and I can still feel the sting of her teeth. Haha, not my smartest move, I guess," he replied, smiling fondly at the memory.
…Even in the darkest night
Sword of the Morning
551 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The man had already shown himself caring and sensitive to the blackbear's wellbeing — Dutch, truthfully, thought this would work out much better for her than her couplings with his own father. Aditya was a loving man to be sure, but the devotion that Sumac had displayed in this short amount of time already set him ahead. It made him just a little sad — he had no relationship with his half-siblings, and he worried that this trend might hold true even with the common denominator of Aditya removed from the equation.

And it was just a little weird, alright? Sumac seemed to be his own age, or perhaps younger, if he wasn't that.

"Sisters are vicious creatures," Dutch noted, glad to see that this was not something singular to his own family. Or perhaps it was, if Sumac was to be counted among that number.

Dutch wasn't about to call him Dad, though.

"I'm not the best, either, truthfully," he admitted to the other man. "I've been practicing, lately. There's a man on the coast who says he can teach me to hunt seal, but I need to be much more skilled in the water before that can come to pass."

He eyed Sumac once more as they came to the water.

"What are you good at?" he wondered aloud, unable to completely squash his protectiveness toward his mother.
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Rainchaser
‘Mac gave a soft laugh, grinning as he reminisced of easier days when his biggest problem was incurring the ire of his temperamental sister.

“Yeah, they sure can be. But trust me,” he added with a tone of wistfulness, “You’ll miss ‘em if they’re gone…”

He tilted his head and listened as the other man spoke of his own aspirations to learn to hunt seals. Intriguing.

“I’ve heard of seals, but never seen one myself. My Da described ‘em as sort of… sea wolves, only fatter and with fins like a fish instead of legs. Hard to imagine such a thing, really,” Sumac stated, staring off into the distance.

Of course, ‘Mac remained innocently oblivious to the presumption that Dutch held that he was his mother’s new consort. As such, he took the question at face value, lifting one paw to rub his chin thoughtfully.

“Well, ‘been a scout most my life. I have a good nose, pair of eyes, and set of ears, Da always said. Not too poorly of a hunter, it seems. Folks tell me I’m a good friend, so I guess I’ll have to trust ‘em on that. Oh, and I can hold a tune,” he added with smiling eyes. 

“What about you? What do you enjoy?”
…Even in the darkest night
Sword of the Morning
551 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
It was only through talk of sisters that Dutch finally placed that strange, subdued quality about the younger man. It was grief, as the kind he recognized in Valiant. The urge to apologize briefly took hold of his tongue, but thankfully, Sumac carried on with a little more grace than the panther could.

"I can show you some," he said, clinging gratefully to this conversational life ring. "We have a lake here where some seals have taken refuge."

Because it sounded like Sumac's father knew what he was talking about, but Dutch knew just as well that it was a difficult concept to wrap one's head around. It'd taken actually seeing the creatures to understand their strangeness.

They changed directions; fishing could always wait.

Sumac spoke guilelessly, answering his questions with a nervousness that seemed innate rather than circumstantial. Dutch considered briefly that Sumac just didn't find him intimidating, and then realized with a little jolt of shame that these friendly overtures were not meant to impress or appease him. He was only being kind. He warmed quickly after that, perhaps unnaturally so as he hastened to make up for his suspicions.

"We shall have to sing together before you go," he decided, his tail wheeling. A little bounce found its way into his step when he quit his subtle posturing. "I am a great teller of tales. Singing ties in nicely with that. I've spent most of my life as a traveling bard and sell-sword since leaving home. Me and my cousin, Valiant."
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Rainchaser
"Really? Could you? I'd love to see 'em. My father was raised on the coast and always spoke of seals," 'Mac replied enthusiastically. He'd already encountered new sights and personalities in his short time as a wanderer, but new creatures straight out of his family's mythos? Incredible.

Sumac's eager mind briefly registered that they were no longer headed toward the water's edge, but instead in an entirely different direction. It was odd, but the Mackenzie couldn't quite name the sensation in his chest that had igniting and was quickly blooming. He tilted his head and paid closer attention to it. It was almost... maybe... kinship. He felt a sort of fraternal connection with Arjun, even though they were still essentially strangers. But just as he had with Easy, it seemed he was falling naturally into lockstep with the other, as if their essences were natural extensions of the other.

"I'd love that. We used to gather 'round and sing at night in my pack. Haven't had the pleasure of hearing other voices than my own in a long time. Singing solo all the time can get mighty lonely," he grinned with a soft laugh that carried undertones of nostalgia, "And I greatly look forward to hearing of your adventures, Arjun. I'd love to explore the world, myself."

'Mac fell silent for some time, taking in the scenery as his mind processed all that had been discussed. But the silence he left in his wake was easy and light, not heavy or awkward. Finally, he spoke again, sounding a bit older and contemplative.

"I'm trying to sort of... find myself. My place. I always assumed it would be caring and providing for my family, but now that they- ... Now that that's no longer an option, I feel sort of like I'm standing in the middle of an open, unfamiliar meadow with a storm on the horizon," he tried to articulate, the confusion seeping into his voice.
…Even in the darkest night
Sword of the Morning
551 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
"Mine as well!" said Dutch, his tail wheeling in pleasure at this similarity. "Of course I will show you — to be very honest, Sumac, I show them off every chance I get. I like to watch them, too."

He guided them in that direction, one ear cupped toward Sumac while the other strained to detect the cutting barks of the seals. It seemed that Sumac had come from a place not so different from White Spine in values, which made the panther just a little more confident in the match. And, while Sumac would outlive her, Dutch thought this was preferable to the current state of affairs, where the black bear was certain to outlive his father.

This train of thought saddened him. As did another similarity — this time one that they shared with Aditya as well.

"Travel?" he asked, his tone idle but his mind whirring.

The next part clanged another warning bell, but this bell just told him he was missing something. Why was caring for his family not an option? Was his mother now barren? He could not believe that a man like Sumac could speak so easily about such a thing, even with the level of comfort they'd already reached. He came to a halt at the top of the cliffside which overlooked their lake, but he did not yet turn his attention to the scene below.

"There is always more family in the world," he said to the man. "Even if you must sometimes search for it, or make it yourself."

His brows raised significantly. Was he not going to "make them"?
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Rainchaser
Sumac had to admit, he enjoyed Dutch’s enthusiasm about seals. Surely they were marvelous creatures if they elicited such a similar response from the other male as they had from ‘Mac’s own father.

The Mackenzie’s tail tip swished contemplatively behind his ebony hocks as they continued along their chosen path, and though his senses continued to scan the environment, they did so mindlessly. Said mind, it seemed, was elsewhere.

“I suppose that’s true…” he began thoughtfully, stealing a glance at the other male. He remained oblivious to the other’s presumption, and carried on in his way, “I also suppose that’s my biggest dilemma right now. I never thought about starting my own family until recently…”

Minnow’s bright face suddenly burst into his mind’s eye, and he blinked, still surprised at himself. He coughed once and forced himself back to the present moment.

“But… I don’t know the first thing about courtship, or who would be interested in an untested boy like me.” At this, he gave a little laugh, tossing Dutch an almost conspiratorial glance. “‘Tween you and me, I think Easy’s been… encouraging me to find a girl. But I dunno,” he grinned, embarrassed, “I guess I’m afraid, is all.”

At this, he trailed off, his eyes turning forward as he fell into silence.
…Even in the darkest night
Sword of the Morning
551 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Despite his newfound appreciation for the other male, Dutch couldn't help but feel a little bristly about the dismissive way he talked about the black bear. He was torn between calling Sumac out and listening as a friend, as it seemed he surely needed! Right up until the last tidbit, which clicked everything very nicely into place.

"Of course she is," he said with a soft little huff, a fond look on his face. He jerked his chin, gesturing to the edge of the boulder they stood upon. "Come look."

A dozen yards below, fat, sleepy seals were catching some weak winter rays on their pebbly beach. Dutch hung his front paws off the ledge, his tail wheeling in the air as he took in the sight. They were almost commonplace in the life that Dutch had lived, but there was still something so strange and alien about a creature that inhabited the land and water so confidently.

But his gaze soon returned to Sumac, who he studied with a contemplative air.

"I can teach you how to court a woman," he said to Sumac, tail whisking. "I can introduce you to women, too. It is not so hard as it may seem." His eyes sparkled with mirth, though he did not mean to make light of the other man's worries.

"As for your fears — " The panther gave an uneasy shrug. "Fatherhood has been difficult, thus far. But where I have failed, others have stepped in to help. My children grew with love into strong, capable men and women. And you have the black bear to help you." His smile was wry. "There is no one better."
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Rainchaser
'Mac lowered his head, his breath held with anticipation as Arjun motioned for him to come over and observe what lay over the edge of their perch. Slowly, he approached on cautious steps. His liquid sunshine eyes widened tremendously; his maw agape as his gaze fell upon one of the stranger sights he'd ever seen. Several plump - no, massive - streamlined lumps of deep gray-black lined the beach.

"Whoa..." he muttered, craning his neck out as far as he dared, "They're... bigger than I imagined." Truthfully, he found them a bit intimidating! He jerked his head back as one lifted its head in a massive yawn, exposing an absolutely terrifying array of teeth. "Well, that's frightening."

Sumac gave a quick shake of his head, trying to quell the goosebumps that now ran along his skin. It wasn't until Dutch spoke again that he brought his attention back to his own body and away from the spectacle before them.

"Could you?" he wondered. Surely, someone who seemed as worldly as Dutch would have had experience in the affairs of courtship at this point. 'Mac found himself woefully behind the proverbial eight ball in this regard, as well as many others. Dutch spoke again, this time of fatherhood, confirming the Mackenzie's assumptions. 

"I guess... that is true," he responded, slowly. The inner machinations of his mind were trying to identify the strange feelings that were settling in his chest and belly, and the drive that pulled ever-steadily at his thoughts. 

Not gonna live forever, 'Mac. You know that all too well...

"I suppose there's no time like the present, huh?" he said with a small laugh, "Da used to say, 'Experience is the best teacher.'"

He turned his attention back to the seals, who had begun vocalizing in a strange, bark-like language. "Folks eat those things?" he wondered aloud, trying to imagine such a thing and wrap his mind around the concept of hunting such... complicated prey.
…Even in the darkest night
Sword of the Morning
551 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Dutch laughed at Sumac's wonder, though he didn't mean it mean-spiritedly. "They are slow moving on land," he assured the other man, "But very graceful in the water. Those teeth are for catching fish."

For all that he enjoyed being thought wise and worldly, the panther was still eager to observe the seals. Simbelmyne's stories had given him even more reason to be interested in them. He wondered if Sumac would be entertained by tales of selkie women, but it seemed that they ought to cover regular women, too.

"Of course," the panther agreed. But he had to think for a long minute, turning over all his experience and all that he'd observed in his mind. What had worked and what hadn't. Which relationships had lasted and which ones had crashed and burned.

"First, you must know that looking at a woman is not the same as seeing her," he said, crossing his paws one over the other as he settled in on the ledge. Apparently, all thoughts of fishing had been set aside. "Women are beautiful to look at, but they are extraordinary to be seen. If you are to court a woman, you must be sure that you see her. That she is powerful, and that her spirit is a river meant to carve through canyons. If you do not see this, you must step aside, and you must do her the courtesy of letting someone else try to see her."

He was thinking about Tulugak, of course. But he was thinking about his mother, too. He was thinking about Simbelmyne, and how he believed in her power but he did not know the shape of it. He was thinking about Shady Grove, and how Slow West had fallen down to worship her on the day that they met.

"Once you can see a woman," he went on, "You must get her to see you. Women like gifts — but bring them more things they don't need than things that they do. Meat is a thing a husband brings a wife. Gifts are frivolous. Bring her something pretty, or something rare, or something it took great effort to collect.

"Sometimes, they will test you. You should do your best in these tests — but only a woman know what is success and what is failure. You may feel that you have failed, but you must let her be the judge of this. Her eye is discerning, and she must see most of all that you know your own strengths, and that you have put them to use as best as you are able.

He smiled.

"But for all this, women are the same as you and me," he said, directing his gaze back to the seals. "You talk, and you find that you get along. And if you like what you see, you tell her this. Sometimes, that is all it takes. Other times..."

He lifted his shoulder.

"A woman knows how she wants to be courted," he decided. "A good match will not seek to confuse or waylay you. Be honest, and be respectful, and look for ways to make her smile."
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Rainchaser
Sumac's curious gaze remained settled on the seals. He could certainly imagine they'd have difficulty outpacing a wolf on land, and he felt a small sense of relief loosen his trepidation as Dutch explained that their impressive jaws were meant for catching fish. One thing for certain, though, was that 'Mac wasn't about to take a dip in the sea any time soon.

Bringing his focus back to Arjun, the Mackenzie carefully lowered himself down beside the other male, allowing his large forepaws to dangle over the ledge.

So, women... A subject he hadn't given much thought about until recently. Sure, Da had given him a few pointers now and then, but it had been generally assumed that 'Mac would stay to assume leadership of the family after his parents were no longer able, even if it was never openly expressed. Naturally, that would preferably mean that he would eventually have a partner and children of his own to perpetuate the line, but there was never a sense of urgency placed on it.

The inexperienced 'Mac listened intently as Dutch imparted some of his knowledge of the ways of women. Truthfully, his head began to spin - it seemed as though the opposite sex was a foreign entity to him at this rate, and he silently lamented about how he was ever going to form a connection with a possible partner. How did anyone ever pair up?

He'd have to learn to have faith and trust in himself. Sumac suffered from an innate shyness and diminished self-confidence, which he was aware that on some level may hinder him in his endeavor to find his match. The internal conflict caused him anxiety, and his stomach tightened with worry.

See her? Gifts? How will I know what she likes? Tests? Oh, Mother Moon, I'm doomed...

It was Dutch's last statement that gave him a glimmer of hope, that perhaps his situation wasn't as bleak as his mind wanted to make it: "A good match will not seek to confuse or waylay you. Be honest, and be respectful, and look for ways to make her smile."

Well, he could do that, at least.

"Thanks, Dutch... that... that's a lot," he said finally, rubbing his forehead with a paw. "I just hope I'll know what to do when the time comes."

He went silent for a time, contemplative in demeanor as his gaze fell back upon the seals. "If I have a family, I just want them to be safe and happy. We don't have the be the best or have the most. But, even if you don't have much, it can all be ripped away in the blink of an eye," he thought aloud, then gave the other male an apologetic smile, "Sorry. It's hard to keep the clouds away sometimes, especially when they're so dark."
…Even in the darkest night
Sword of the Morning
551 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Whatever had happened to Sumac's family, Dutch was not keen on forcing him to recount it. Still, he spent a quiet moment trying to imagine the other man's pain — for he had never experienced to grievous an injury as having his family torn away. It was hard to know what to say, not knowing what exactly he was going through.

But —

"Clouds come and go," he said at last. "It does no good to try and keep them away. Let them come. The sun will shine when it is ready."

He gazed thoughtfully at the other man.

"There is a place that I go when my heart is heavy," he said, knowing that his own hurts were trivial in comparison. "It is a place where the wind cries with you. This glacier has seen many lifetimes worth of anguish. It brings me comfort when I feel alone in my grief."

The offer was silent: Would you like to go?
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Rainchaser
'Mac closed his eyes and inhaled deeply through his nose, pressing his chin to his chest. 

It does no good to try and keep them away. Let them come. The sun will shine when it is ready.

It was becoming more evident to the young man that the only way out of pain was through. The ghosts that constantly visited, the shadows that lurked in the dark recesses of his mind - they all begged for attention, for their time in the light so that they might be transformed into something more, something beautiful, something bittersweet.

His eyes only opened when Dutch spoke once more, and they were large and sorrowful, the blacks of his pupils reducing his irises to mere whispers of brass.

"Would... you show me this place? I think I'd very much like to visit," he replied softly, barely above a whisper.

Matters of the spirit had been discussed only in passing in his family; the unseen world was something he was being forced to grapple with largely on his own. But Sumac was quickly forming his own beliefs as he contended with the heavy, thick fog of grief. Would he find solace in this crying wind? Would he glimpse the end of suffering for even the barest moment while standing on the ancient frozen surface of the glacier? He could only throw his faith to the breeze, as he had nothing to lose in that regard.
…Even in the darkest night
Sword of the Morning
551 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Dutch dipped his head in agreement; "Come."

He led Sumac around the side of the glacier, not speaking much on the way. It was a beautiful afternoon, and for a while, there was nothing to do but enjoy the weak rays of winter sunlight while crows cawed overhead. Eventually, they came to the place that Kukutux had showed him — where he'd been coming to pray every now and again.

Just as he'd said, the wind's howl was especially loud and piercing in this place.

"You may speak to the mountain, here," he said to Sumac, "Or you may choose to listen instead. Only leave yourself open, to drink or to pour."

His gilded eyes were solemn.

"Would you like to be alone?" he asked.
But inside me, there is a light…
118 Posts
Ooc — Rainchaser
'Mac only nodded once - a simple gesture - and he acquiesced. Head and tail down in his characteristically defended posture, the lanky man padded silently beside Arjun. A pensive air hung heavily about him like a fog - what was this place, this sacred space? What made it so different from any other place? What would Sumac find there? And would it matter?

The sun felt good upon 'Mac's mottled pelt as they continued along paths unknown to the Mackenzie. His sunshine eyes darted here and there, continuing to take in his surroundings with the eagerness of an untested child even as he remained apprehensive of their destination. 

Finally, they stopped, and Arjun indicated they'd arrived. 'Mac looked around; nothing seemed special, nor extraordinary, here. It wasn't until the wind began its dirge that he understood, that his breath was taken away. Sumac's eyes widened, and finally, he remembered to breathe. There was a sort of reverence demanded here, a decorum to naturally follow, and with erect ears, the young man slowly, slowly crept forward.

Without removing his gaze from the scene before him, he absently responded, "Up to you. I don't mind."

He swallowed.

He felt awkward. How did one speak to a mountain? And what did they say? He remained silent for a time, before clearing his throat and tentatively beginning. The echo of his own voice startled him.

"How much have you lost? What have you seen? How many fires? How many lives turned into ash in the blink of an eye?" he asked softly, idly, his eyes scanning the horizon.

"If I spoke to them, would they hear me? Would they listen? Does it matter?" A pause. "I'm talking to a slab of ice," he muttered under his breath. Just then, the wind kicked up a mighty gust, wailing with what could only be described as mourning. 

"You left me!" 'Mac suddenly exploded, his own voice now deafening his ears along with the glacier's scream, "You told me to run! Maybe I didn't want to - maybe, just maybe, I'd been better off burning with you! What if I don't want to be alone. without you?!"

There. That was it. The haunting poltergeist that ripped at the fringes of his mind was now out in the open. Tears poured freely down Sumac's cheeks. 

There was never a choice.
…Even in the darkest night
Sword of the Morning
551 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Dutch hung back but did not depart, giving Sumac space to speak if he wished. He could not make out the first few murmured words and he didn't try to — but he jumped a little when Sumac began to shout.

The panther watched him, wide-eyed, his heart clenching painfully in his chest. He felt in that moment like he knew the other man — perhaps only because he'd spent so long walking beside Valiant, who carried with him a similar pain.

Dutch stood there for a long moment, even after the other man had fallen silent. He could see in the line of his shoulders how heavy that grief must be. And, after another beat of hesitation, he slinked up alongside the other man, pressing their shoulders together as if the weight might spread between the two of them if he stood close and still enough.

You are not alone.

Dutch felt these words would be disrespectful in light of Sumac's deep pain. But he could speak with his actions, he hoped. And maybe no message would get across — but a shoulder to lean on would at least provide some amount of tactile comfort, wouldn't it?