Moonspear moonlight
Montagne de Ciguë
416 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Seal’s heart felt like it was about to burst when Moonspear’s snow-covered peak revealed itself betwixt the high mountain range. Home! her heart called. It had been a whole season since her departure and she wondered how life had gone on without her.

When she arrived at the border, the smell of woody pine filled Seal with nostalgia.

She tipped her head back and howled. I have returned!

232 Posts
Ooc — Vami
feel free to skip around! just a camo doing guardian things.

A call sounded the borders for his sister and Alaric, a voice unfamiliar to him. Many were. Yet when the killer whale young man arrived, he did take note that she was, vaguely, familiar to him. At the large gathering of the villages children in the glen, he thought. Hello. He greets, his voice cool and calm as usual. Ahh... Orca's sister, right? He asked as he observed her, pulling at his memory bank.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
153 Posts
Ooc — metic
unlike arrluk, this voice was familiar to acrux. he'd been only a boy the last time he'd heard it. who did it belong to again? he could not remember, his memories fuzzy of that time, but he did know that whoever it was, they were family. 

he padded down the mountainside to greet them and let them know anaa would likely be a few minutes behind. a familair figure came to view, and the name that been on the tip of his tongue finally revealed itself. "seal?" he let out as he drew near, a glance given to the other young man. 

ah that's right! seal had been sent on her coming age journey to one of the other villages, much like he and his sister would soon do. but she was home now?! "hey!" he greeted with a new warmth of familiarity, taking in the changes of the girl turned woman before him.
"atkan aleut"
Montagne de Ciguë
416 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
When Seal first glimpsed Arrluk’s bi-colored pelt, she thought it was her sister. Her heart jumped with excitement. “Orca!” Seal yelled… but after only a moment she realized her error. As her eyes focused on his broad silhouette, did Seal understand this was not her kin, but rather Moonwoman’s son (aka, Ajei’s crush!).

“Ah-,” Seal caught herself, sheepish. Though the brightest light faded from her expression, she did not wilt completely. Seal wagged her tail merrily. “Yes, I’m Orca’s sister, Seal. And you…. you’re Arrluk,” she concluded.

But what was he doing at Moonspear?

She cocked her head, but just when she was about to ask a familiar voice called out.

“Acrux!” she practically screamed. Holding her composure together just wasn’t a thing Seal did.

“Look at you!” she exclaimed with a sweeping gesture of a paw. No longer was Acrux a wee little boy… soon he would become a man.

She regarded both with a warm expression. “I’m back from Brecheliant. I’ve come home,” she told them with pride.
232 Posts
Ooc — Vami
A humble smile passed the man's lips, as the called out to him, mistaken by being her sister. He had been right then. It was much a funny thing, how similar he and Seal's sister were. Of course, their coating had some differences (Arrluk had eyebrow spots, Orca's white under her throat went up further to her cheeks...) but without a doubt could be figured as twins easly. Arrluk often wondered if they were soul-twins, in some way or another. Perhaps their lives were made to link to one another, destined by the spirits. Perhaps it was just coincidence. 

Another came, his nephew Acrux, who happily came along to greet the young woman at their borders. Already Acrux had grown so much, before Arrluk was able to grasp time with him as a child. Now Arrluk had become an uncle of a great many very quickly. One little from Vaire became now two. Sialuk had three this year, Ariadne brought home her lot and Chickadee too (and Wilwarin but he didn't know this yet). Arrluk felt swamped in children, yet happy for it all the same. It was hard to keep up! 

I'm sure sister will be happy to have you back. His tail waves, sea green eyes sweeping between the two. Come on in then, let's get you settled. He could even catch her a fresh fish too, if she'd like.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
Montagne de Ciguë
416 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Gonna wrap this up here!

Seal gives Arrluk an excited nod in affirmation.

“You’ll have tae catch me up on everything I’ve missed!” she exclaimed as she followed her two packmates across the borders, ready to become reacquainted with her home village.