Ouroboros Spine quiet brook
Montagne de Ciguë
416 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
All Welcome 
AW, Seal is looking for @Ajei

All of the Moon Villages mourned when Moonglow lost its Star Hunter. Ajei and Arrluk returned to their homeland to grieve and, through the grapevine, Seal heard of the great running her friend pursued.

The young medicine wolf thought of her mentor’s, Bridget’s, teachings and set off to Moonglow with a bundle of herbs parceled in a well-crafted skin of pine marten.

She walked slowly and respectfully through the Spine, brown eyes on the lookout for her friend.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei could be found resting near her mothers grave. A heavy blanket of grief over top of her. She felt wrung out and broken. Her paws and body ached. Her scabs numerous from the running, the hunting.

But she was proud. She had done more than she had thought she was capable. A tilt of her ear when a noise was heard. She lifted dainty head. Ear twitching as she looked.
Montagne de Ciguë
416 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
The spirits seemed to guide Seal’s walking and she managed to stumble upon Ajei, and the resting place of Shikoba, completely by chance.

Seal was shocked to see the state of her friend. Obvious physical injuries interrupted her normally immaculate red fur and her body had the fatigued mien of a wolf who had just endured a great challenge. Yet, despite this, her friend’s eyes shimmered with light. Accomplishment.

Though Seal immediately wanted to throw herself at Ajei, she managed to hold back and approach with mature decorum.

she began, voice soft with sympathy. “I’m so sorry about your mom.” Seal sat beside her and set aside the herbs, not knowing if Ajei simply wished to be left alone.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei knew she didn't look the best. It had been a rough few days. But she also knew Seal wouldn't judge her for it.

Ajei didn't hold such reservations. She boldly moved to bury her nose into her firends fur and hug her as tight as she'd let her. Eyes watering.

Thank you. her voice whisper soft as it always was.
Montagne de Ciguë
416 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
“Oh, Ajei,” Seal’s voice thickened as she became choked up when Ajei, without a second thought, sought a hug. To have her friend’s trust meant the world to Seal, and the young woman was happy that she could help support her in this time of grief.

Seal wrapped her arms around Ajei and squeezed, careful not to touch her wounds. “I’ll always be here for you when you need me, no matter what,” she promised her friend as she blinked away tears.

Seal would hold Ajei for a long time – as long as she needed – but when the moment concluded Seal placed a paw on the bundle she had brought. “Can I… help you with your wounds?” she asked. “I’ve brought some herbs.”

Then, after Ajei answered, she asked, “tell me about you kinaalda.”
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei couldn't quite hold her grief back. But to have her friend here. It meant the whole world to her. She missed her mother, more than she could say. She was aware this is what happened, but it didn't make it any easier at all 

Me too. it was all she could summon to say. If Seal needed her. She would be there as fast as her feet could fly.

Ajei nodded and unfurled herself. Bearing the shoulder wound, the one on her cheek, above her eye.  Her broken paws.

I had to run East to the sun 4 days. On the third day I hunted to feed the whole pack.

She smiled shyly. I'm not much of a hunter as you can see.

She tilted an ear. Fourth day I feed them. Bring my spoils for everyone to enjoy after I ran.
Montagne de Ciguë
416 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Seal quickly went to work. Her deft handling of the plants showed that the young woman had been studying hard. Quickly, she assembled two bundles. One bouquet garni of chamomile, willow bark, and lavender and one compress of herbaceous dandelion and candula.

“Chew this one,” she instructed before Ajei began her harrowing story. “It will relieve pain.”

Then, Seal gingerly dabbed the compress onto her friend’s scabbing and open wounds. For the worst cuts, she let the herbs linger a bit longer.

Through it all, she did not turn her attention away from Ajei. Bridget had taught her that to listen was just as good as any medicine. It was important to be present.

“You’re amazing, Ajei,” Seal commended. “I ken your mother would be verrae proud of you.”

She fell quiet for a moment in companionable silence as she treated Ajei.

“I didnae realize your ways were so different from the Sunshine people,” she remarked. “Your hunting journey… was your path to womanhood?” she asked.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei felt small and a little worthless in her friends giant shadow. Seal was doing so well. Doing everything she was supposed to and thriving. She was so proud of her.

 But also wondered was she doing the right things. She had no trades and a counselor? who really needed a counselor? Perhaps she should just learn to hunt like her mother.

Ajei obediently began to chew. The taste not overall terrible, but not great. It did help.

Ajei swallowed. That is all I want for Mama to be proud. I will make her proud continuously.

She nodded. My mother is or was Navajo and other. She came here after she was a yearling from very far away. My Kinaalda is the new path for all women in Moon Glow. A way to honor my mother. Now the boys will go on their journey and the girls will do Kinaalda.

Ajei shifted. Have I never spoke my mothers language near you? I'm sorry. I should have shared more.
Montagne de Ciguë
416 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
If only Ajei could read Seal’s mind then she would have understood her friend felt the same imposter syndrome. To the Sveijarn-Corten girl, Ajei was far more accomplished and beautiful than she could ever hope to be. It was because of this she worked so diligently. Ajei set the pace and Seal did her best to keep up. It wasn’t a negative sentiment, though… Seal was so proud of Ajei and was glad to have someone in her life who caused so much inspiration.

Seal was pleased when Ajei took the medicine. It would not be long before her aching paws and joints would feel better.

As she administered her compress Seal listened. She began to chew a different leaf into a salve she would use to keep Ajei’s wounds moisturized, plus stave off infection.

“I had no idea,” Seal said. Her tone wasn’t accusatory but fascinated. “That’s amazin’ your culture’s story has been woven into Moonglows… it speaks volumes of you and your mother’s impact on the village.”

“Kinaalda…” she tested, as if it was a stone she thoughtfully turned in her hand. “You’re the first, then, Pathmaker, she dubbed Ajei.

"How would you say that in Navajo? Pathmaker, I mean,"
she asked.
614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei was not fast or strong. She didn't always speak well to others. Her shyness often causing great rifts or divides that she daren't criss-cross.

Ajei sighed softly as the salve began to work. The ingested medicines had not started uet. But she trusted that it would be soon. Seal wouldn't steer her wrong.

Ajwi shook her head. My mamas impact alone has done this. She was made of mountain and wild. Desert storms and grit.

Díí baa ałchíínígií

it is hard to fond a correct navajo tranlator lol hopefully this is right.
Montagne de Ciguë
416 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Mind if we fade here?

“Navajo sounds verrae bonnie,” Seal complimented. “Its suits you.”

She gently smiled at her kind, beautiful, and hardworking friend. Then, her gaze fell upon Shikoba’s grave. Seal scooted closer to Ajei and leaned against her as a sister might, to help her through this grief.