Lake Rodney A dinner, a swim, and maybe even a friend
37 Posts
Ooc — Echo
All Welcome 
Echo had stopped at a beautiful lake. It wasn't that she was scared of the water per se. She just simply had a natural tendency towards panic due to her parent's overprotectiveness. In actuality, she liked water. It kept her cool, it hydrated her, it was fun to splash in. She just didn't like being submerged and not being able to touch the ground. But this lake, with its brilliant flowers and shady trees, she couldn't help but stop to rest. It was then that she was able to see the fish splashing about. She easily caught more than enough to satiate herself. She could smell that she was near to a pack. She hoped she'd meet a nice pack wolf like Reyson. But either way, nothing could stop her from working on her fears.

She slowly approached the water. It was different when she wasn't planning on just fishing. She shook only slightly as she went into the water up to her chest. Maybe this time will be different. It can be. She took a deep breath and stepped one paw off the ground and into the deeper water. She shuddered and immediately put her paw back down. Echo took herself out of the water and shook out her black and white fur. "Another day then." She spoke aloud to herself.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Broad footpaws landed silently as he walked across the lands. Sunlight dappled is russet red coat as he walked. His mind on hunting, and providing. Though some cool, refreshing water would not go amiss. So it was with these thought's Rodyn traveled towards the Lake. He could possibly even catch some fish. That would be nice. Yes Fishing sounded perfect today.

Though he was stopped in is tracks by the tiny black and white wolf near the water. He moved closer with a kind smile on his face, when she spoke aloud. What's happening another day? He asked, then he realized a moment to late, he should have announced his presence rather than just speaking, but it was too late now.
37 Posts
Ooc — Echo
Startled out of her own self pity Echo's hackles raised instinctively and she jumped around, baring her teeth, prepared to defend herself if necessary. Luckily the stranger seemed friendly. There seemed to be nothing but curiosity in his gaze.

She recalled how close she was to a pack and imagined it probably best that she explain herself sooner than later lest the males friendly attitude change into a more defensive one.

"Swimming." She answered quickly, honestly.  Maybe one day she'd learn the art of crafty dishonesty so as not to give too much information away but she was the world's worst liar, now was not the time to start.

She bowed her head in a submissive gesture, hoping to make amends for her original hasty reaction. "My apologies, I startle easily." She sighed, annoyed with herself.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn took a step back, ears to his skull. Whoa easy I didn't mean anything by it. His own hackles rose in defense. He didn't voice a growl, just stared at her for a beat of a minute, but soon enough she seemed to calm down and continue their conversation.

I can see the appeal it's certainly hot enough to go swimming. I was going to do some fishing myself. He shuffled his feet, and his fur slowly began to lay back down against his shoulders. He wasn't one to startle easy, but when one bared their teeth at you. It caused him alarm and irritation.

Sometimes frights happen. No shame in being prepared. Your reaction time was flawless. He offered kindly.
37 Posts
Ooc — Echo
She turned to fully face him, her brown eyes searched his yellow eyes, maybe she could find a hint, anything that could tell her more about him. "My name is Echo. I'm sorry I'm just trying to figure my life out." He was kind not to attack her outright. She had made a foolish mistake. She frowned shaking her head.

It didnt seem like he was going to hold it against her though, he was changing the subject and being, friendly. She was confused but doing her best to catch up. It was difficult after traveling alone over the last week. She was due to return to her mountain soon, but something was holding her back. She just wasn't ready to return yet. She sighed. She wanted to see her friend again but felt that she hadn't the right without her mountain.

"I guess the anxiety kind of gives me an edge up on the reaction time." She smiled at him despite herself. Would you mind if I stayed while you fish? I miss the company. She pawed at the ground nervously.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She turned and he dipped his muzzle in greeting. I'm Rodyn. From moonglow. She was like a whiplash. Hot and cold. Though he did startle her, he wasn't sure what to make of it.

Rodyn wondered why she wasn't in a pack, or with somwone. Though he had certainly traveled on his own for a time. Had enjoyed it too.

Probably. He listened ears forward and then nodded. Sure you can. You know how to fish? I can even show you if you like.
37 Posts
Ooc — Echo
"Is Moonglow the nearby pack I caught a whiff of?" She inquired curiously. She hoped it didn't seem like prying. She was genuinely intrigued, as a stranger in a strange land would be. She settled herself on the ground next to the water. "Me, know how to fish? Not at all. Mom and Dad barely let me near to get a drink, I was lucky to dip a paw in to cool off." She snickered.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Yellow eyes traced her form, but not in an intrusive, way. He was assessing what would best for her to fish. She was a tiny thing. He was not used to so many smaller wolves, even his sisters were pretty large. She would do well, quick agile. Probably catch on pretty quickly.

He moved a little closer, russet red fur shimmered for a moment and he motioned her to follow him. First he spoke of moonglow. The love for his pack and his leader dripping into every syllable.

Probably, there are few others around here, most are allied or at least on friendly terms with Moonglow. We are run by our matriarch Kukutux. We are a pack of hunters and traders.

He made it to the crystalline water and studied the bottom. She would need to stay away from the more murky areas, because her paws might get stuck. So he found a spot with a slightly firmer ground and motioned.

You want to stand about knee high in the water. He moved into position, eyes on the water and the ripples that went outward.

Now you have to let it settle, then the fish they get a littel curious. Rivers are better for active fishing, but we can find a few here.

He studied and saw a fish dart by. He nodded towards it. With fish because of water and light. The shadows bend so you want to watch the shadows not the fish, and you always want to strike a little before it.
37 Posts
Ooc — Echo
The dice roll unfavored her.

She was surprised that he had offered to teach her, but she certainly wouldn't pass up the opportunity. She was already on her feet, her tail gently swishing to and fro. She assessed him as he did her. His russet fur was welcoming in its own way, his kind yellow eyes even more so.

"I'm grateful to have come across a friendly pack. I've met one other person, he seems to have pride for his pack as well but he doesn't talk as much." She smiled, she would have to visit Reyson soon, she missed her friend.

She wanted to ask more about Moonglow, she wanted to live somewhere where everyone loved everyone. Somewhere where most people were on friendly terms. Where people lived in peace.

She followed him and took his lead, entering the water where he showed her. She knew this was a resource that she could definitely use. Being able catch fish would help her immensely in her travels.

She watched the water, there were ripples here and there, but once they settled she began to see shadows. All too small for her liking. When one came within reach she decided to take her opportunity. It wasn't quite as large as she'd like, but large enough to suffice for a first try. She struck her paw out at the shadow, just a ways before it as Rodyn had said. Unfortunately it quickly darted the opposite direction and her paw grasped nothing but the lake's sediment.

She wasn't discouraged though. "Well, we can't all be winners." She chuckled self depreciatingly. "I've got plenty of time to practice though."
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Aww poor girl

Rodyn was more than willing to share his knowledge of hunting often. He felt it important to share. She was tiny, but she would be quick. He could work with this.

Rodyn smiled. Some can get more said with less words. I am not of that persuasion though. I can be long winded.

He wagged his tail glad she had a friend to converse with. Even if he didn't speak much.

He would have answered any inquiries she had about Moonglow. He was proud of the pack he was a part of. They were kinder than any he had met, yet they were no push overs. He liked that about them. Their kindness rolled them, but it didn't make them weak.

Rodyn nodded his head. It happens. It took me ten tries, before i caught my first fish. It just takes some time and some practice. As I said Rivers are a little easier, cause they are constantly pushing the fish around. Your form is good. Just remember to strike a little before the fish.
37 Posts
Ooc — Echo
"Do you think Moonglow would have a place for someone like me?" She wasn't really sure if she was actually ready for pack life or not, but she was curious still nonetheless. "I can hunt for them unless they have something else they'd like me to do." It was her best skill. She was quick and agile, an excellent combination for catching small game.

She searched the river again her paw resting in the water. Just as a shadow approached she struck. Again the fish got away. She sighed, turning back to Rodyn. She was curious about Moonglow and her possible future.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn nodded his head. Yes they would. And Kukutux, our leader is very good leader. She is a moonwoman and very kind.

He loved his pack and their people. He shook his head at her next question.

Its a pack of hunters so you would fit on well. But what of your friend would they miss you?

Rodyn leaned near the surface saw a large shadow and struck. He grasped the fish between tight teeth and crushed it.
37 Posts
Ooc — Echo
"I think I would like to visit him first and climb one more mountain, he is of the of the Mereo pack. Are they a friend of Moonglow's?" She before glanced towards what she hoped would be her new home. Rodyn was much more practiced at fishing, it showed in his movements, and his successful catch.

She was patient and returned to the water, but wondered if her luck may be out since he'd already gotten a catch. "Do fish leave the area after a catch like other wildlife?" She tapped one paw on the surface gently, watching it ripple.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Rodyn nodded his head. I think they maybe allies of each other, but I'm not 100% sure on that. I do know they are at least friendly.

Rodyn smiled at her. I think you'll like Moonglow, Echo. I've found a place there. I have no doubt you will too.

He shifted and tilted his ears forward waiting for anything else she wished to say.

No. They scatter at first, but they always come back. Always.

Rodyn wasn't too certain on the brain power of fish, or even if they had brains if he was honest. You could eat almost everything of the fish and it tasted the same.
37 Posts
Ooc — Echo
So sorry about the delays as always
"Thank you Rodyn." She smiled at him. She enjoyed learning about Moonglow and learning how to fish. "I'll keep working at it, I have to go see my friend but I'll be back soon I promise!" She was excited now that she had a plan for her life. Her tail swished gently in the air as she trotted east.
-I am a gentleman. My natural inclination is to be on my best behavior.-
1,376 Posts
Ooc — Danni
No need to apologize life happens. <3

Rodyn watched her go. A little surprised and amused. He wasn't sure who she was exactly, but she seemed good enough. And he liked her, she was willing to learn and to fish. So well she seemed to be a fine addition. The question was did they have room in their ranks, he couldn't remember.

He was fairly certain they were fine.