Luneshale Pass blade & body
348 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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backdated! vague; pping kheti <3

three shadows fell across the sand in a marching line.

@Kheti, @Safiya, and their father moved through the desert. he had bid them stop several times by now, encouraging them to drink from the soaked skins brought out of muat-riya. normally khusobek would not have paused until reaching the pass, but they were children. 

and the more frequent stops gave the crocodile a chance to point out herds of antelope, leaping hares, the tracks of their coyote neighbors, and twice, a rattlesnake lying coiled in the coolness of higher shrubbery or large stones.

"here is luneshale," khusobek grunted when they had come to the place. "you see how the walls rise high? beyond this pass the land turns to meadow, and then to golden flatland. akashingo can be seen then, rising over all."
98 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya struggled a bit to keep up to both her father and her brother who had grown larger than her. But where they could travel faster she pressed harder and pushed herself to go and go.

She watched the world about them with wide open gaze. Learning and listening. She would never admit she appreciated the frequent stops. For her father was right. They were only children. She knew someday she'd be able to keep up. But today she learned.

Safiya stared back the way theyhad come amd then forward. Awe inspiring is the way it was, but not words she knew. They were important, or at least their home was.
348 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he led the young mazoi both along the stone way that glittered with mica glow. beneath the moon it would be a brilliant walkway for a royal party.

"safiya. can you tell me where an enemy might attack? from the flatlands or from the desert? let us say pharaoh travels between her palaces, leaving from muat-riya to akashingo, in that direction."
98 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya watched and wondered. I think though it would be hard. Maybe desert if they know it. Surprise and all that. Flatland you can see.

She swished her tail against haunches. And nodded. Yes that's what she would do.