Ocean's Breath Plateau lotus root
First Warrior
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Ooc — ebony
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far down the shoreline walked the seal hunter when callyope made her trading visit. he had with him all five young ones, and they had taken a seal.
apt and swift they had become in these warm waters. he helped them to carry their bloodied catch to the lodges, set it down and began the butchering which by now he could leave to one or the other.
chagak laughed; sirmiq and sea hunter wrestled, puffin carried strips of hide to marina and tullik; kilalurak relived the hunt's glory in great shouting embellishment.
here was good. and here he did not let himself think of any sunshine faces.
as the afternoon slanted down, chakliux brought seal meat to the lodge of red leaf, and then lastly to the place where @Simbelmyne rested with her children.
he had wrapped the sweet and fatty flesh in brinesoaked kelp; he set down the dripping bundle and called softly outside her lodge.
162 Posts
Ooc — Jess
In sleep, she could dream, and in dreams, she could forget what was true, and remember only what it was that her subconscious desired. 

In dreams, she danced through the ferns, dizzy as sun notes drifted around her, whirling featherlight on the breeze. All was green and lush and beautiful- save for the luminescent glow of her mate’s flaxen fur and glittering eyes. Here, she could see him again, move with him, and feel the radiance of his love.

She could not feel him when she reached for him, though- and it left her waking, aching with want. The green faded, to be replaced with the cool dark of brown earth, and cool at her flank where Dutch should have been.

She realized that something had awakened her, and a breath of air told her that it was Chakliux. She emerged, still sleepy-eyed and with bed-curls in her fur. The wave of her tail at her hocks was a courtesy, but nothing else. Wan and paled, Simbelmyne blinked against the daylight. 

Chakliux, She said softly, and her voice cracked. She cleared her throat. She shuffled her paws, looking down at her feet and trying to smoothe the ruffled fur at her shoulder, like a poor woman trying to pull a sweater a bit tighter. Apologies…Am just waking. She said.
First Warrior
1,004 Posts
Ooc — ebony
dutch had once told he and raiyuk of sea-creatures, of beauty which lived in the very waves. he saw it now in the curl of her fur and the sleepy openness of those dreaming eyes; but he did not allow himself to look overmuch at simbelmyne.
callyope had made him feel less than, and in living history it was the first time chakliux had questioned his own practices — questioned the happiness of marina and tullik.
he did not want simbelmyne to see how he thought himself inferior, for a moment, to the sunshine;
and he did not want to disrespect either she or dutch.
"do not apologize, please." the seal hunter gestured to the parcel of sea roughage."my children hunted another seal. i have brought you your share."
162 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He was going easy on her. She couldn't help but feel like less of a woman, with the wolves of Moontide being so welcoming, hospitable, and caring for a wolf who had done so little for them in return. She felt herself growing heavier, with the burden of being a burden- though her body grew lighter with every meal that she handed over to her children rather than eating it herself. 

His children flourished, and hunted sea creatures. Seals. Her eyes grew dim as she recalled a distant memory. "We consume our past to perpetuate our future," She said, her voice barely above a whisper. When her words finished, the memory of the last time she had spoken those words filled her eyes with tears. Her lips trembled, and she bowed her head, ashamed, and tried to fetch the hot tears with a sweep of her forepaw. 

"I am sorry- I am grateful-" she blurted, hiccoughing lightly as she fought to keep herself from sobbing. She bowed her head again, avoiding eye contact now that she had exposed her grief so easily. "Thank you," She said, figuring that the weight of her emotional turmoil would make him leave.
First Warrior
1,004 Posts
Ooc — ebony
his voice grew into a soft wistfulness; he settled beside her door. "do not be sorry for mourning dutch. the rest of us weep for him too." roughened grew the seal hunter's voice; he cleared his throat and reached out gently, hand to her own for a small time.
aditya had gone looking; he had not come back. chakliux prayed to oil father that the older man had put many miles between he and moontide in his search, and that his silence did not bode tragedy.
"please do not cry alone, simblelmyne. come to the lodge, sometime. today. tomorrow. we will eat. we will feel." he tried to bring humor into it, even as the words caught in his throat, that dutch would not want his wife to cry by herself.
162 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She looked up, lips quivering, to see that she was truly not alone in her suffering. Kind Marina had shown her sympathy, as well as her own pain. Truly, the man had been loved, by many- and now his father had departed to search for him, if there was a chance to find him and end the suffering of his family. She felt seen, and it made it easier for her to carry the burden of grief, now that she was reassured she was not carrying it alone.

He invited her to the lodge. She realized then that she was not sure if she desired isolation, or if she craved the reassurance that she knew Chakliux and his family could offer. She felt her paw warm beneath his, just as her heart did. She was fortunate to have Moontide. 

”I will. I- I just do not….I do not know what to do, Chakliux. I don’t know how to do this on my own.”
First Warrior
1,004 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i do not know how to tell you it will be, simbelmyne," he admitted, sharing in their warmth. "in the small moments, there is loneliness. but for all the rest, we are here. you are one of us. you and your children."
there was no full comfort he could give; he sat quietly beside her lodge and listened to the sea just beyond the trees. "i am glad you found one another," the seal hunter said at last. "i hold his face in my mind the first day i met you together."
his smile wished to be lighter. "wherever he is, he has not forgotten that moment. he holds it with him also."
only this could chakliux offer, and he found it paltry, the gifts of seal meat more tangible than any comfort he might bestow.