Dragoncrest Cliffs yo wè figi ou
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
862 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
set for the 16th! eyes opening <3 tags for ref and/or aw

whether or not the same came for her siblings yet, mireille woke that afternoon with a new sense. light, pressing against her closed gaze, until the girl carefully slid them open like a pair of shutters.
clawing @Coraline in her haste to get away from the new and jarring sensation, the girl rolled roundly over @Loko and slid over the incline of him into @Sobo
and when she finally lay still, mireille raised her tiny head and squinted gingerly at the new sight again, image sharpening moment by moment until she saw a small pool of sunlight just outside the denmouth.
there's too much left to taste that's bitter.
102 Posts
Ooc —
Loko awoke with a grunt as his mobile sister’s paw caught him somewhere soft and sensitive. He blinked, unwittingly sharing a special milestone with Mireille. But then he sneezed, and the den-floor dust rose to smack him right in his newly opened eyeballs.

The pup recoiled with a strained grumble, flailing his way out of the puddle of sleepers as he took turns crawling and pawing at his cheeks in a effort to soothe his eyes. He found Mireille accidentally, and squashed his face into her, yet to behold the wonder of light and sight while he became acquainted with the gunky, stinging side of dirt.
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Sobo almost slept right through the whole thing, except first Mireille rammed into his side, then Loko smacked him in the face. Who could possibly sleep through that?!

The round pup rose with an indignant groan, something akin to a seal's laborious turning, and attempted to fix his newly opened eyes on the culprits. They were indistinct, fuzzy shapes and colours. At the same time, his folded ears began to detect minute traces of sound, mostly within his own body and throat; the sound of his own grumbling made him pause for just a moment, as though waiting for a second ring on a telephone to confirm the first had truly happened.

Then he forgot all about it and went back to seeking out his offensive siblings. That he could now see shades of light and dark did not even occur to Sobo. Everything before today may as well have never happened. The boy could not remember a time when it hadn't been this way. Tomorrow, he would not remember that his gaze was hazier the day before. By the time all his senses sharpened, he would not remember ever lacking them. He was not the sort to look back, even now.

Only forward, and there was the fuzzy red-brown of his sister with another but different fuzzy red-brown smashed into it, and that mass of red-brown smelled like both of them. So Sobo came prowling in the manner of a particularly fat walrus toward them, rolling his puppy bulk forward with ineffectual heaves of his forelegs, prepared to crush them both under his considerable weight.

"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
862 Posts
Ooc — ebony
loko stole a good deal of thunder from what might have been mireille's proper debut. the pup blearily watched her brother roll to and fro, taking in the redfall hues of his coat but not quite separating them from the semi-dark of the den.
finally he came to her, and she rotated plump head upon fat neck to gum at the place between his ears. no sooner had she begun to explore than sobo came along.
mireille was caught beneath one indignant flipper. she struggled, attempting to place loko between them as her own scalded yowling began to fill their collective airspace.
80 Posts
Ooc — twin
such a rude awakening!

first the rake of claws over her head — insult enough, if coraline were asked, but it seemed her siblings were far from done with her. a rustle of movement and tiny limbs, and her own eyes cracked open in a fury, for the second or third time perhaps; the girl was not yet aware enough to truly know, but it did register, vaguely, that this sensation was not quite new. she was simply a more mellow sort than her siblings, inclined to let such milestones pass without note, without fuss. it didn't matter over much now, anyway. now there was a purpose to this ability, and so this moment mattered far more than the rest she'd allowed to pass in silence.

she turned her seldom-used, blurry gaze toward the source of the shrieking the moment it started, taken aback by her sister's cries and suddenly gripped by a fierce need to make it stop. it was hard to say in that moment whether the source was some budding protective instinct, or simply an early aversion to the din of childhood antics; only time would truly tell. for now, coraline's motives were a mystery. she was simply driven to action.

she launched herself into the writhing mass of sibling-bodies with as much force as a puppy her age could muster, and as little coordination as the rest of her siblings. her half-formed goal, barely a thought at this stage, was simply to put herself in the middle and separate the sibling pile in hopes that pulling them apart would stop the noise — a bit like taking a hammer to the dead-batteries smoke detector to make the beeping stop, but in this case, her body was the hammer.
there's too much left to taste that's bitter.
102 Posts
Ooc —
Scrubbing his face into his sister's ribs did the trick. But there was no second chance for Loko to have a moment of uninterrupted sight. Sobo came, and Coraline next. In a literal blink the puppy puddle had recombined around him with a whole lot of smothering fuss.

Loko groaned. Squirming, shoving, wriggling, crawling, mouthing—eventually, he squeezed himself out and moseyed off to the side, finally having his moment to look around. His head bobbed and weaved as he slowly combed his blurry eyes over the den walls, and the floor, and his toes, and the light.

But all he thought about—in some abstract way—was the gurgle in his stomach, and his desire to get milk-drunk once again.
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Sobo hooked one smaller sister beneath the blobby fat of his arm, eliciting such a shrill shriek from her that even his still plugged ears could pick it up. In the meantime, Loko managed to sneak away, leaving Sobo alone to fend off both his sisters when Coraline came barreling into the pair of them. She drove forward like a wedge, pushing between the mass of Sobo and the fussing form of Mireille.

Well! The nerve. Sobo's jaws came apart with a sticky web of saliva moments before he descended on his blonde-streaked sibling, utilizing again his stellar problem solving skills: if something would not be squished, then all there was to do was bite it. While harmless enough, puppy gums weren't painless. He'd learned early on that gumming on things was just as effective as rolling his fat body over them.

So he went for the side of Coraline's face in that slow, half-drunk manner that all babies operated in, though he believed his mock attack was very menacing indeed. It was Sobo and Coraline now, for he could only focus on one thing at a time; Mireille escaped his notice for now, and Loko might as well be in a completely different orbit.

"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
862 Posts
Ooc — ebony
coraline was between them, and swiftly became the focus of sobo's chunky irateness. mireille was disinterested in the way of infants, which was to say that once she was released, she rolled fatly away from the battling pair of tiny walruses.
her rotund locomotion came to a halt as she butted up against loko, four paws waving in the air as she struggled for purchase. her cries became more plaintive, though as sharp as before; her sibling must come over at once and comfort her!
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
OOC: Posting again just to pull Sobo out of this.

Somewhere between lurching for Coraline and connecting, one of the adults decided it was bath time for their kiddos. Sobo had the unfortunate privilege of going first. He was hoisted by his midriff away from the pile of his siblings, and all he could do was flail and squeak in protest.

He calmed down when the actual bathing started, though. No matter how much he pretended to dislike it, did anyone truly dislike being groomed? Not Sobo, no siree. He slipped into a content daze almost immediately.