Redhawk Caldera Obsidian
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Amalia had been entered into the pack of Brecheliant. She had slept soundly the night before.

She didn't know anyone, but Maia, but she found herself okay with this. She hadn't been this peaceful in a time. Perhaps she really did need a new start. Though when she thought of her friends, her heart tightened painfully. And she did miss them.

But there would be no idle paws when she was around, so with out further ado, she began to familiarize herself with the Caldera. She had, had two tours now, and she had tried to remember everything, but there was much to map mentally. So she started in the middle and would work her way out. She had made sure to increase the scent of Brechliant on her shoulders and fur. This way no one could ask if she belonged.

Black nose to the ground, she slowly worked her way around. Brown tip to her tail weaving in and out in delight. Though it was cold and misty, it was a good day.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
There'd been a few new entries to Brecheliant lately. Akkuma had been introduced to Eljay, though only briefly; he was approximately the same age as his own children (though it was a bit different now that they were adult, too). He hadn't yet met the other newcomer to the pack; not until that day. Eljay was lounging in his favourite spot near the large lake in the Caldera when he noticed an unfamiliar face. He could only conclude that it must be the other newcomer that Maia'd mentioned. Eljay did not remember her name, though.

She seemed the cheery sort, he concluded from her waving tail as she moved through the territories nose-down. Eljay got up and stretched out. The first few steps as he came into motion were stiff; it was an increasing problem, these days. The caretaker smiled warmly as he approached Amalia and chuffed in greeting.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia knew that the king of Maia's heart was around her something, and she was fairly certain that his name started with an E. But beyond that she wasn't certain. She would need to slowly learn everyone's names. There was also a scent that she recognized, but for the life of her couldn't place it.

A chuff broke her from her reverie, and thoughts as she tried in vain to remember and a smile lit up her face. Brightening her green eyes.

Hello! I'm Amalia Willow, but just Amalia is fine.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
She sounded as cheerful as she looked upon her approach and immediate introduction. Eljay's warm smile broadened and he replied, Nice to meet you, Amalia. I'm Eljay, the pack's caretaker. It felt good to no longer carry the weight of the Auspex position, and it looked like Maia was doing wonderfully with it. To see his pack and mate thrive while he was allowed to take a step back felt good. Are you a friend of Maia's..? he asked tentatively, as he did not remember the precise conditions of Amalia's joining. Maia travelled more than he (though not as much as she used to before the two of them had fallen in love) and met many wolves on her travels.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
This pack was becoming good for Lia. It had been so long since, she had felt at peace. Kukutux had tried, and were it not for the fact that Kigipigak and Sahkmet dipped into despair, perhaps Kuku would have succeeded, but the heaviness of her former pack leaders was too much for her to bear.

Ears went forward as the jolly fellow spoke. He was older than she, but so was Maia, so she wasn't a bit surprised. His question though brought another brilliant smile to her face.

I am. And you are the King of Her heart, yes?

AMalia's tale wagged. I recently came to the Teekon in late spring. And Maia was actually one of the first wolves I had met.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
The soft smile on Eljay's face broadened as Amalia named him the King of Maia's heart, which was enough of an answer on its own, probably. He nodded nonetheless. Yeah. He had guessed right that she was a friend of Maia's. It was no wonder, really; Maia was such a sweet and kind soul and she easily made friends. Besides, Amalia seemed kind and that was precisely Maia's friend type.

Where did you come from? asked Eljay. It was always a little intriguing to him when wolves came from outside of the Teekon, seeing as he had lived here his whole life. He added: Only if you want to tell, of course.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia smiled. I've wanted to meet you. Maia has nothing, but wonderful things to say. It is nice to see that such a kind wolf as she has a partner of the same traits.

Amalia's tail moved softly as the man stood nearby. He was really kind. She liked that he and Maia were similar in that regard. Kigipigak and Sahkmet were kind at times, but they were also quite closed off and could be cold. She loved them though. It was their way and she knew this, but she hadn't realized how much she craved openness and kindness, until well right now.

Amalia's smile dropped, but only because she missed home a bit. I don't mind talking about it. I just miss my family sometimes.

She wrinkled her maw in concentration as she thought of what to say. We didn't have a name. Not really. I was born to a family of traveling healers and story tellers, though by the time I came along, my father who was quite a serious male had stopped the traveling and established a pack of sorts. But well when numerous mind sets get in one place and you are used to a certain way of life. It tends to implode and that is quite what happened back home. Everything fell apart, and I Left with my parents blessing.

She smiled softly at the mention of her parents. My great aunt had come this way years ago. Blue Willow was her name. I followed in her stead. It took me about half a year to get here. I settled with Natigvik, a sister pack with Moonglow. But during the fall hunt Sahkmet and Kigipigak decided to join Moonglow again and dissolve Natigvik. And I was no longer happy there. Kigipigak and Sahkmet took their pack dissolvement hard and it hurt to see them so unhappy and, and broken. So I came here to see if you were recruiting.

She tilted her head a maelstrom of emotions curling in her chest and into her eyes, but she tried to keep it at least light. She had, had much tribulations. She hoped it didn't cause him to think badly of her.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay felt a fire light up his heart when Amalia mentioned that Maia had spoken only good words about him. Again he felt blessed to have her in his life; it was hard to imagine all the ways in which his life would be different if he hadn't met her. It would be a completely different life.

As Amalia started to speak of her past, Eljay nodded along the way. It was a bit hard to follow in certain places for him, especially as it was such a different life than the one he had led. Many names were mentioned and many packs, most of them rather complex. The name 'Moonglow' came familiar, but Eljay could not quite place from when and where. The bottom line was that Amalia hadn't been happy there, and that's why she had come here. It put a smile to Eljay's face to hear it; it was precisely how he had come to Brecheliant.

If Eljay thought anything but compassionate thoughts in response to Amalia's story, it wasn't visible. He just nodded and at the end said, I came to Brecheliant because I was unhappy in my previous pack, too. It's a lovely place. I lived with a lot of family before, but I never really felt like it was a family I fit in with until I came here. Another soft, gentle smile to emphasise the peace that he had found here.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Maia had spoken so wonderfully about everyone in her family. Her children, her husband. It truly was wonderful to hear. And Amalia was so pleased with her friends life. She was so happy for her.

Amalia knew well that her history was probably a difficult one to follow. There was much to speak on. Much to share. Even for as young as she was.

It really is lovely. And the land itself is gorgeous. I fit with my family, but my father didn't like that I had taken after his parents and grandparents. It bothered him immensely.

She tilted her head and looked all around here. Do you like to hunt?

She could have ended the conversation, but she wanted to know more of her pack mates, her friends mate.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay frowned when Amalia said that her father didn't like that she was like her ancestors. Was he different than the rest of his family..? asked the caretaker. Maybe it was a sore spot because of that. Eljay had learned over time that others often projected their insecurities on those who were different (or in this case, the same). It sounded sad; it was hard for Eljay to imagine not getting along with one's own father. He had always been very close to both his parents. He realised as he thought about it that he might've made it sound like he didn't fit in with all of his family, which of course wasn't true. His parents, at least part of his siblings and cousins he fit in very well; it's just that the other half of those were a lot unlike him. It didn't mesh well in the end. He did not mention it though, as it seemed insensitive to mention being close to his parents after Amalia just said she and her father did not mesh well.

At her next question, he nodded, though not too enthusiastically. Yeah, especially bigger hunts are my thing, said Eljay with a soft smile. I've never been particularly good at the small game. Rabbits were just too fast for him, honestly. What about you?
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She nodded. Very much so. He found solace in being stationary and reality. He didn't like to tell stories, though he was very good at it. I know he loved me and only wanted what was best for me, but we were quite different. I was very close to my Roma mother, though. Were you close with your parents?

Amalia didn't mind talking about her family. She loved them. Sure it hurt sometimes, but they had done the best with what they knew. And her father hadn't been cruel with her. He had just felt she was flighty and careless and that scared him.

Amalia's tell wagged. I have only been on a few group hunts. So the smaller game is where I show off my hunting talents. Rabbits are a particular talent of mine. But I also love to run.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay nodded as Amalia said she had been very different from her father. He felt sort of the same about Towhee, really; she was family, but the two of them were so different... It'd been years now, but he still felt nervous thinking about her. His parents were different and he had been much more aligned with them. He and his mother were very different as well, but somehow that didn't take away at all from their relationship, while his father had been more calm like himself (except more confident and competent).

At the question, he nodded. Yeah. My mother was a scout and she loved to travel, while my father was more of a homebody like myself, I guess. Except that his father actually left the territory at times, while Eljay stayed mostly at home. I was very close to them both. They died a few years ago. Around his age, he realised suddenly with a bit of a shock.

As for hunting... Amalia mentioned having been on only a few group hunts, so that smaller game was more her thing. That's very admirable, Eljay said, and then admitted, I think I'm just too slow for the smaller game. Age wasn't making it any easier, either. And I guess I like working together with the pack. It feels good to achieve something together like that. He smiled thoughtfully.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
723 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia thought of her siblings, Austria and Alaric. Austria who was sweet as pie, and loved all things. She wouldn't have ever left their parents. She was too sweet, too good. A little simple really. Their mother had told her Austria had been born not breathing, but their father had fixed her. But she hadn't been like other children. She needed constant supervision and care, at least to make sure she didn't do something dangerous. Alaric who was just this side of dangerous himself. Adrenaline junkie at it's finest. Always willing to do the dangerous thing, to get that thrill. But never pushing past the point of no return and he loved his family fiercely.

Amalia's tell waved. I'm a scout. I love to travel too. I would have gotten along with your mama just fine I bet. I was closer to my mom, but my dad and I got along as I got older and I managed to control my whimsy around him. And he imparted many wonderful lessons before i left them.

Black lipped smile. I think I would like to try it. Perhaps we can have a group hunt when warmer weather arrives? I'd like to see how all of you work together and mesh myself better with the pack and the wolves that live here.