Dragoncrest Cliffs i'm a pale imitator of the boy in the sky
32 Posts
Ooc — Twin
All Welcome 
mamama! mama! mam!
jadou jabs the shoulder of @Mireille with a hefty whack of a cinnamon paw. why was she still sleeping? he had something to show her, didn't she know?
the thing he wanted to show her, of course, was the trail of little prints that were now scattered along the den floor. his chest was absolutely soaked in water and dark russet mud from the lowlands, and upon his face was — for reasons that were not even truly understood by the toddler — a smattering of "makeup". his fur is ruffled and wild and sticking out in all different directions, the baby blues are smudged with streaks of black and brown, and atop his head is a long string of seagrass.
he sits down in front of her face with a soft, yet proud smile that spreads to his chubby cheeks. pweddy!
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
893 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she had been dreaming, up and up toward salt-crusted clouds. one sliver of greengem eye parted as little jadou shouted for her attention. but a smile chased it thereafter, delighted despite her weary desire to get a bit more shut-eye while others watched the majority of her litter.
he was smeared with mud! daubed with foliage and leaf-litter; mireille stared at this boy of hers, and then laughed. "very pretty, jadou," the obsidian assured, drawing him closer.
"you know, kelp might be a cape for you, next time," mireille ventured, smiling at his decorated little face.
32 Posts
Ooc — Twin
as jadou is swept up in his mother's arms, he squeals with delight and reaches up to smear the ruddy mixture all over her face; she was to be made pretty too, now that she is within his grasp! the baby blues sparkle as he giggles and reaches up to smack a big kiss to the cinnamon cheek.
cabe? he babbles, reaching up to adjust his kelp-wig before it is to fall off his head. he is bewildered by this new idea, but jadou, the agreeable child he was, thought immediately: why not both?
freeing himself from the entrapment of his mother, he wobbles over to the denmouth and disappears outside, only to come back dragging a big, wet mass of green sea-plant. he drops the sopping pile at his mom's feet before looking up at her with resolution. he could not put it on himself! cabe!
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
893 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"cape!" mireille exhorted, helping little jadou to settle it more closely on his shoulders. "your grandmaman erzulie told me dat t'ere be t'ree kinds of kelp, hm? purple, green, an' black, which is more like a deep blue. each of de kelp is a sort of medicine."
she straightened it once more.
"cape and medicine! what a good plant kelp is!"
32 Posts
Ooc — Twin
tee? the boy titters, trying his best to copy his maman's eloquent seaside tongue. now it sounded like a mission was afoot; he had to go find all three types of kelp!
but a boy so small could not do such a thing. he looks up at the green seaplant atop his head, and then down at his shoulders, a disappointed frown tugging at his face. onlee gween.
he wished he could make it change color now. or — maybe he could! one could almost see the lightbulb go off behind jadou's eyes. he peels the slimy plants from off his body and returns to the spot of wet dirt outside the den he'd been using to collect his materials. then, he plops himself down in front of the mass of kelp, proceeding to meticulously "dye" the green tendrils a rather garish shade of mucky brown.
when he's finished, he turns to show maman, eagerly trying to set it back atop his head. bèl! back seewee!
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
893 Posts
Ooc — ebony
so sorry! lets fade this and have an updated one <3

he was so creative, this child of hers. mireille watched raptly as jadou gathered the kelp he had brought and began to mix it with soil. swiftly his intentions became clear: that he meant to change their coloration.
her smile was bright as he turned back to her; mireille helped jadou to adjust it atop his head and then sighed in joy as he exclaimed.
"very good, my babe! what a mind you have, oui!"