Blacktail Deer Plateau all you have is your fire
3 Posts
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All Welcome 
The dice say MS, so MS it is! [WILL SHE LIVE? (5) <--- if this is 15 then she ded.]

this was the first day within many that the sky was clear and the earth was warm to the touch, and she was glad to see it. there was a heavy fog rolling in from the sea which collected like cotton upon the tines of the many trees, and through this she roamed, until the mountains welcomed her.

she climbed. endlessly it felt like; until the ground was white again, and when she looked out from a steep ledge she could see the treetops cascading down along the hillside. 

then, she found a series of plateaus upon which she could rest. there were heavy scents of wolf interspersed with the thick aroma of blood, the musk of fresh meat — so the gray-cast woman drifted along, becoming like the fog. her snout was inches above the stones and she took frequent tastes (with her nose, her tongue too, like a snake) trying to decypher the mysteries of this place.

she knew there was food — finding it was the issue.
3 Posts
Ooc —
will he die, mighty… die? [ 7 ]

Angry at his parents, siblings, and just life in general, he left the plains of his youth only to find himself in—you guessed it—a whole new grassland! There was some mountain-climbing and river-swimming in there somewhere, as he worked to get from Point A to Point B, but none of that mattered; he was pretty awful at climbing the mountains and an undertow had nearly drowned him in the river but whatever, water under the bridge. Anyways, the plains and plateaus of the new region he stumbled across weren’t too far off from the ones he’d come from, only occupied by different bodies.

No biggie.

Mythix carried on without much care for his close proximity to a pack, unintentionally trailing after the silvery wolf as he sought out his own solution to an empty stomach—which was, hopefully, a fresh but abandoned carcass, still fat with meat.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Going for Haida! 10

It was a fairly good day so far, the normal routine of hunting and patrolling kept him warm. He had just gotten up from resting and grabbing a bite to eat and had set off to do his second patrol when the breeze blew the scents of two non Morningside wolves to him. What the fuck? The expletive was only used in his mind for now, but really....what was with all these trespassers?! Setting off at a run he cut off their path to the caches but barreled forward toward the female in front, attempting to slam into her.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Hi, guys! Morningside has updated their tresspasser policy - the policy can be viewed on our public forum. Let me know if you have any problems with this. Those that I tagged, feel free to hop in. If you are too busy and want to be mentioned as having helped later, let me know, but I would like one or two more Morningsiders around, if at all possible. I'll do my first roll here bc Tabletop is not letting me, for some reason? 4
Grayday was not in perfect from that day. Although he had largely recovered from his run-in with the lynx, he was still getting over a bad cold, and was feeling more sluggish than usual. This didn't stop him from running full-tilt toward the scent of tresspassers.

It was not long before he realized they'd split up. His blood ran cold at the thought. The male lifted his muzzle and howled for his packmates to be on high alert, a note on the end indicating that he hoped @Shale, @Dawn, Aditya, @Kieran Adrien, and @Sylvas Streiter would help him to handle this problem. He was afraid he would not be able to handle it on his own, and his children were somewhere in the territory, all in danger.

For now, though, he charged ahead, his nose leading him to face a male tresspasser - younger than Grayday, but less powerful? Grayday didn't stop to think but barreled straight toward the man, hoping he'd just give up and leave. Either way, Grayday met him with jaws gaping, intent on doing some harm to the other wolf. 
Current Health (15/15)
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
303 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Luckily, Shale was close by, trying his hand at small game hunting, when his brother's urgent cry rang out. Fur bristling, the gray male charged to the scene, coming over a small rise to find Day and Sunny engaged in battle with a couple of wolves with no pack-scent. Interlopers.

Snarling wordlessly, Shale rushed forward, doing split-second calculations as to where he should strike first. Sunny was a burly boy, a born fighter. . .and he worried about his brother. Day not only had just the one eye, but he had had that run-in with the lynx, and the sickness, too. He needed Shale's help more than healthy, thriving Sunny.

"Hey, fucker!" Shale roared, a silver streak through the air as he launched himself at the trespassing male, teeth bared and ready to sink into something. A throat, preferably, but anything at this point worked.

If it's not clear, he's going for Mythix. Roll: 8
1,413 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Master Coach
his joints ached like those of an old man's, his nose constantly ran, and he occasionally emitted a chest-rattling cough. despite all this, aditya was on the mend.

it was fortunate, that he felt better so quickly, for if grayday had called for him a few days prior, he not only would not have been able to answer the cry--he might not have even noticed it for a cry at all. it would have been an illusion, a figment of his imagination, a scream from a land far off.

he sat bolt upright in the den, head pounding suddenly as he did so. wincing, aditya rose to his feet and took off, first at a fast trot, then a run. the alpha's call sounded an alarm, coming from the border: something was wrong. he gave a hoarse howl for @Dawn, though he knew her father had mentioned her already. he wanted her by his side, in case the worst should happen.

after a trip he did not much remember, he found the three relatives--grayday, shale, and sunny--all fighting two wolves that looked to have strayed onto the territory. his nostrils flared; he sought a familiar scent, and found none. these were wolves of no pack, likely newcomers to teekon.

grayday and shale were fighting a two-on-one fight with one wolf, so aditya raced to help sunny with the other, expelling a glob of phlegm from his mouth in a horrendous cough before slamming into the rogue female--did she have a tail? he couldn't quite tell in the fray--and attempting to rip her into shreds.

going for Haida. roll: 1
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
Bile coated her maw, and she blinked wearily at the small pile she'd deposited and left steaming in the snow, before rising disjointedly and blinking away the hurt in her head. She wasn't going to rest right after she'd recovered from her stab injury, and it seemed Pema already thought her incapable of getting through the winter. Taking a quick rattling gasp, she moved off towards the call, forcing her aching limbs into a quick trot, trying to blink the bleariness away from her mind.

The reason for the call soon became clear, the two interlopers identified after a moment of blinking at the pair. She lunged into the fray, throwing herself beside her mate and accidentally grabbing his shoulder a moment before launching a true attack on the female beside him, tired mind a few beats behind her wild attacks, rage bubbling through the fog of sickness as she moved less than elegantly beside her mate.
Roll: (5)
Aditya Chomp: (9)
3 Posts
Ooc —
This is gonna be long because I didn't expect everyone to go after them, lmfao. Also wow! How did y'all not roll a 15??
According to the trespassing policy I forgot to read: I gotta roll a 1d10 so lets do that! >>> ( 7 Because it is an odd number she doesn't do damage, but she's only trying to evade so... I guess that works.)

it was maybe ten minutes before she caught the scent of something fresh. she couldn't tell food from friend, though - not until the variegated stranger came in to view. the silvered girl paused and lifted her snout from the soil; before she could say anything, react in any manner, she was overrun.

they came swiftly from all sides - a gray boy first, throwing themselves before her as if to block her path, and she cackled at the sight of him. haida staggered and tried to duck around the oncoming body; however, she misjudged his speed and was slammed head-on. his shoulder clipped her chest and she she spiraled back, staggering against the weight of him. haida managed to stay on her feet but the blow would leave a bruise beneath the plush pelt she carried.

but there were others.

a flash of silver caught her eye but it wasn't heading for her, so haida ignored it. a second body - this one with a loud voice that made haida's gaze shoot sharply after the bearer - went after the first.

haida was not distracted for long, but it was enough for her to miss the oncoming tawny form of yet another pack wolf. they slammed in to her successfully and though she felt temporarily winded, she scurried as quickly as her pale paws allowed and tried to scramble for purchase; the last thing she wanted was to fall from the plateau.

lastly, there was a female - she was there quite suddenly, buffering haida's opposite side, as if she were a defencemen in a hockey game and haida was the unfortunate puck; she was passed with one blow from aditya to dawn. something was off about this final wolf though, she was slow - slow enough that haida could snap her own teeth and block a few blows with her jaw or the bulk of her shoulder.

she wouldn't get out of this unscathed, that much was clear - but haida was a practiced thief and she knew her own physical limits. if she coud just keep them off of her for long enough, maybe she'd be able to make a break for it!
3 points of damage from Sunny edited in.
HP (12/15)
3 Posts
Ooc —
Current Health: 12/15 | Attack: [ 5 ] (Shale) | HCM roll will be done again when his health gets lower, because I want to carry on with trying this system out. ( eyes )

Honestly, he should have expected some sort of backlash.

In what felt only like seconds there were wolves upon them—yeah, them; he’d taken notice to Haida right before fury rained down around and on him. Before he could even realise what was going on there was a giant weight barreling into him, winding the boy and nearly laying him out. Luckily, he managed to keep his balance—though maybe things would have been better, had he fallen, as teeth were immediately upon him. He didn’t get a chance, or really even try, to correctly assess his attackers or where he was, he just attacked. He aimed for the forelimb of the first male as a burning sensation worked its way up his shoulder, pulling his attention off of Grayday and depositing it onto Shale.

Abandoning his early attack long before he could truly follow through with the thought, Mythix wiggled and squirmed in an attempt to get away from his attacker, right before twisting his head around and aiming a good, hard bite towards Shale’s crown.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
he's at full health. Again for Haida: 2

He connected and the force of his tackle flung her back a few feet. His momentum carried him forward still and he kept in close proximity. Suddenly beside him was Aditya and he shot the male a glance at his horrible cough. That did not sound good at all and for a second Sunny was worried about his new family member. But then came Dawn who mistakenly bit down on Aditya before whirling and going after the female. She looked worse off than Aditya and Sunny panicked. He couldn't let his sister or Aditya get hurt, no he wouldn't allow it.

Snarling fiercely he rounded to Haida's open flank and lunged, going in low for bite to her hind leg, where if he made contact he'd latch on and attempt to drag it out from underneath her.
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Attacking Mythix: 8
Lucikly for Dawn and Aditya, Grayday failed to noticed how ineffectual their attacks were. He was too busy focusing on harming the stranger and not harming his brother, who'd entered the scene with the sort of veracity that was typical to men of his line.

Unable to see what Shale had done to their opponent, but sensing that whatever blow he'd dealt and soundly landed, Grayday felt his confidence grow. With a savage growl, he dove for the stranger again, doing what he could to drive him out of the territory even as he did his best to grab hold of the other again. They were going to put the fear of Morningside into him, and they'd kill him if they could. Grayday pressed through the pain of teeth raking against his forelegs and tried to grab for the stranger again.

Grayday's Health (15/15)
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
303 Posts
Ooc — mercury
rolled a 3 in discord tabletop, which is a miss

Despite the present threat, Shale felt a sense of pleasure at fighting alongside his brother. They had always made a great team, as kids, and now with a few years of life experience under their belt, they were a formidable pair against this young male. Hopefully they would cut him down soon, and go after the other rogue--whether she'd flee or fight was to be determined.

He found himself too bogged down in the minutia of the fight when he narrowly avoided jaws that sailed wide toward his head, seeking to clamp down. Ducking, he whirled just out of reach and snarled at the male, making a slow, menacing semi-circle around him.

Day landed a solid blow, and before Shale allowed the stranger to reel from that attack, he pounced, hoping to land atop the boy's back and take his neck between his teeth.
1,413 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Master Coach
rolled in discord tabletop. also a miss for aditya. short crappy post to keep things moving

he was a mess. dawn soon joined him, and she was also a mess, which both alarmed and, oddly enough, comforted him. at least they had sunny, who was landing some pretty solid blows. breathing thickly, he tried to attack again, his last blow having been a miss.

surprise! he failed once more, instead stumbling clumsily off to the side. he flashed dawn a panicked look, hoping they would both get out of this alive. they had too much to live for to not.
Family is not an important thing. It is everything.
223 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
*throws Syl in* Also im new to the dice roll thing ^^' but will give it a shot! Health 15. Going for Haida! Rolled /1d6 which was originally a 1 so no damage dealt :3 will roll properly in the next turn lol

Paws thumped steadily against the snow laced earth as Sylvas raced across the plateau. Grayday's howl still ringing within his ears as he swiftly approached the chaos that was unfolding up a head. His eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing! The tresspassers were out numbered greatly by his pack mates and nothing but snarls and snaps of their mighty fangs could be heard - echoing into the air. 

Sylvas darted toward the entanglement of bodies, amber eyes searching for an opening as he tried to analyse which intruder to go for amix the scuffle of fur. Without enough time to think, the mercenary quickly jumped into the fight, a thunderous growl escaping him as the brown male lunged at the pale girl. Syl's fangs were ready for blood as he snapped his jaws, hoping to catch and bite down on any part of the pale intruder he could.
1,215 Posts
Ooc — Thalia
Master Ambassador
She launched another clumsy attack, feeling as if her limbs were heavy and numb to the commands of her brain. Nausea collected in her gut, and for a moment she swayed, gaze blinking to Aditya as he looked to her. Seeing the look in his eyes, she at once become infuriated; not only with the trespassers but her own, useless self.  Her next attack was waylaid by a hacking cough, but as soon as it was over, she aimed a failed (surprise!) attack for the trespasser's limb, and cursed the fact that everything seemed to be moving too quickly for her flu-wracked body to catch up to. At the point, it seemed the best she had the potential to do was vomit on them.
3 Posts
Ooc —
Sorry for holding this up, I didn't know it was my turn. Can I ask that nobody else join in this thread? It's really confusing with so many bodies. (I'm unclear if I should be rolling 15s, 10s, or d6s. If this is wrong I can redo!)

D10 ROLL: 2

nothing was worth all of this fanfare, not even for haida. she watched as body after body came barrelling after her and mythix, avoiding the assailants by the luck of the draw. until such time that a ginger-toned body came flying from cover and straight in to the fray.

haida snapped her own teeth in his direction as he came up short, becoming fully invested in the idea of flight over any lingering desire to fight. she spun and faced-off against each wolf that assailed her in turn, either with a snap of her teeth or the bludgeoning of a shoulder, a kick of a hind limb, trying her best to dissuade them from pursuit - such a thing was unlikely as they, being pack, were devoted to protecting their land and resources.

she should have taken a lesson from their efforts and banded together with mythix, perhaps defended the colorful boy from his own batch of defenders, but haida was looking out for one person and one person alone: haida. she struggled against the mass of bodies as they writhed around her, trying to find any gap that would lead her to safety with minimal bloodshed, and bolted at the first sign of freedom. in her mind she thought only, screw this! 

12/15 HP (12/15)
3 Posts
Ooc —
9/15 (9/15)
HCM: [ 4 ] | Attack (Grayday): 4 ]
Mythix is attempting to flee the scene. If the above HCM roll lands on a 15, however, you guys can kill him!

Blow after blow found their way towards him, the primary cause of his assault being a large, silver male. Mythix snapped and bared his teeth, snarling with a mix of anger and unrealised fear; they were terribly outnumbered, their chances of winning being slim to none. And, to make matters worse for the male, the woman of the fog made for a quick getaway, leaving him there to fight alone. A growl worked its way up out of his throat, knowing that he could not face the masses alone—so he attempted to flee, only for jaws to tear into his shoulder. With a sharp yelp-turned-growl, the male fought against the grip with a number of snaps aimed at his attacker’s face. Whether or not any of them were successful, he didn’t care to find out as he pulled away—likely leaving behind a chunk of flesh—and took off running.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Attack on Haida: 1 . he took a hit last post by Haida.

As he bit into her hind limb she whirled around and managed to bite into his shoulder though with all the wolves against her she had released before he could retaliate. He released her limb and circled around, eyes doing a quick scan of what everyone else was up to. Dawn and Aditya were...just a mess. They looked horrible and snapped at air and each other. He blinked once in concern before suddenly someone else was there too, a grown man he only vaguely recognized from his childhood. 

Grateful for the extra (able, no offense adi or dawn) help he took a chance to end this and went for the neck, teeth clicking back together painfully on nothing but air before he drew back and once again circled breath coming in pants as he was nearly frenzied with adrenaline at this point. How dare they waltz into his dad's pack and act like they didn't expect this to happen?
Birdcatcher: 4/10
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Didn't realize it was my turn! Grayday is going to attack Haida, now. Odds = he accidentally rams into a Morningsider. 2
"Argh!" Grayday snarled, pulling back at the feel of teeth on his face. He gave an answering snap in the attacker's direction, but when his teeth snapped down on empty air, he realized that the male had fled the scene.

Good riddance! Grayday sneezed, wheeling around and heading toward the sound of a fight. There was another intruder somewhere in his land, and by the sound of it, there was another fight to be had. The leader barrelled onto the scene, attempting to pull back when he realized they were a bit closer than he'd bargained. But then he thought he could see the intruder, and he continued on full-tilt in an effort to knock their assailant off-balance.
Current Health (13/15)
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
303 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He was thrown from the boy, and before he could get another blow in, the rogue had taken off running, as had the female of the pair. He chased them a short distance, teeth bared, before he was satisfied they were over the hills and far away. Turning back, Shale trotted back to his packmates, evaluating the situation.

Grayday was bleeding from the face, and there were a couple of other superficial wounds sustained, but overall, the Morningsiders hadn't come out of it too badly. The border had been successfully secured, and Shale looked around at the wolves assembled, panting slightly as he tried to slow his breathing.

"Well, that was fun," Shale remarked wryly, his voice low and dark. Though black humor danced in each syllable, laughter did not reach his eyes nor his mouth, and he cast a worried glance toward where the two had fled. "Should I go after them, make sure they get far away?" he asked Day, ears pricked in readiness.
1,413 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Master Coach
he was useless, his barely-recovered body and mind both in a fog as he battled against the rogue. fortunately, she turned tail and fled, with the male soon to follow. the morningsiders were left breathing hard with some wounds, but altogether looking none too worse for wear.

well, save him and dawn, perhaps. she hadn't gotten as sick as aditya had, but she still looked like death walking. he gave her a gentle nudge, his muzzle pressed to her cheek, murmuring a gentle, wordless endearment before pulling away, eyes straying to where the rogues had run.

"well, that was. . ." he paused, lost for words. it had been a hell of a few moons on the plateau. whatever grayday's plans were to move, whatever the timeline was, aditya was sure things would go into motion much quicker, now.