Cricket Creek Bog where the river leads me
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
It had been a long time since Eljay was out on his own anywhere. Mommy and Daddy had gone to visit the Copse, but as they left he hadn't been invited -- well, not explicitly, anyway. Kind of like when Wiffle left. Yeah, he'd invited her before, but when she left after announcing she'd leave without explicitly asking him to come, Eljay's anxiety had started to flare up again and he had realised that maybe Wiffle didn't really want him there, or worse, need him there. He ended up leaving the plateau, though he wasn't really sure where he was going. At first he had followed mommy and daddy's scents to closeby the copse but he hadn't come too close. He didn't want to seem weird or stalkery, and he wasn't sure what to do. He'd hoped that he would know what to do by the time he'd come close, but unfortunately, he had no such luck.

Accompanied by the occasional chirp of a lone cricket Eljay stood in the shallow waters of the bog, feeling at a loss.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Colt had made good on his offer to think about it, and stayed well clear of the Redhawks ever since, ghosting about the region while he did.  Some soul searching happened, and while he was still not exactly happy, he was firm on two things.

One - he was better off without her.
Two - none of this was his bad.

And those two things were really all he needed to get a lot of his old verve back.  

He'd thought maybe at some point he'd run into Tegan or Clover, or maybe even Niamh (yikes there).  But he definitely didn't expect to run into Towhee (who never left) or Eljay (who he didn't think left?).  So when he happened to run across Eljay's scent, he didn't hesitate on checking it out.  Hopefully nothing was wrong and he was just looking for... Wiffle.  Jesus Christ what a name.

Eljay!  Hey, what's up bud? Colt asked cheerfully, unable to read his nephew's expression from where he was approaching from.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
His anxious staring at the murky waters was interrupted by a sudden familiar voice. Eljay's head swung up and he looked around with a bewildered look on his face, but after a few seconds he realised that it was only Uncle Colt. Eljay wondered if his uncle had made a decision yet. If he had, then maybe that was why he was here? Then again, the Redhawks pack, too, was close enough to be the one that he was on his way to so it could well be that. Eljay blinked and he stared at his approaching uncle, quickly trying to wash the anxiety off his face but failing miserably.

"Ah... Hi, Uncle Colt," he called back. "I was just... Just uhm..." Eljay tried to come up with some excuse to be here that wasn't spying on mommy and daddy or visiting Wiffle's pack in case his gut feeling was right and he shouldn't be going to the new Firebirds pack. Eljay swallowed difficultly and breathed short and shallow breaths while he tried to bridle his panic, but lately it had been flaring up more and more as he had gotten ambitious in his life goals and right now in front of the uncle he would like to impress (but already knew that wasn't gonna happen; at least not today) it was getting more and more difficult to suppress a panic attack. ".. Just.." ... Completely blank mind.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It seemed that his question kicked something off, because pretty soon Eljay was going full blown panic, and Colt stopped approaching.  Hey, breathe kid.  Breathe.  He took some deep ones in and out, paw emphasizing it.  It wouldn't do them any good if he keeled over, and Colt wasn't about to tell Finley he'd let her oldest panic himself to death.

I'm just curious, wasn't expecting to see you out here is all.  He sat down, ready to patiently wait while his nephew got his breath back and calmed a minute.  No big if you can't tell.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
*barges in*

Today's hunt led her south, beyond the copse. She threaded along the frozen stream bed, the scent of hare thick in her nose, jaws wet with saliva as her stomach snarled. Wildfire had been so busy lately, she hadn't taken the time to feed herself regularly, and she was definitely overdue for a square meal.

She eventually caught up to the rabbit. After a quick chase, she downed it with a stroke of her paw and dispatched it with a killing bite. Wildfire didn't even bother sitting down to eat; she ravenously dug into her kill.

Between the noises of tearing flesh and chewing, she detected the sound of voices nearby. Wildfire finished feeding before raising her head and looking around for the source of the voices. She didn't see anyone, so she quickly wiped her mouth and jogged further south along the creek.

Two figures soon appeared. One was familiar and the other wasn't. "Eljay!" Wildfire called, closing the distance. He looked a little distressed, which wasn't totally abnormal, though she shot the strange male an assessing look. "Is everything okay?"
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay felt like a total idiot in front of Uncle Colt. He had no idea how to explain what he was doing without looking like an idiot and now because he couldn't and didn't know how to tell what was on his mind he looked like an even bigger idiot. Eljay frowned in worry even as Uncle Colt told him to breathe and that it was okay if he couldn't tell. "S-sorry," he stammered, trying to find the words to say what he wanted to say and realising all too well that he was failing horribly.

Just as he was about to fall into another attempt to explain what was up, Wiffle showed up. Eljay frowned in worry as he looked at her and she asked him if all was okay -- a nervous jitter in his stomach. All he wanted was to hide away under a rock and for everyone to go away, but that didn't look like it would happen anytime soon. Instead, the easiest thing seemed to try and explain and tell Wiffle all was okay. It didn't occur to Eljay at all that Colt and Wildfire might not know each other. "Oh, yes, I, of course," he said, his voice a little high-pitched and not sounding okay. If anything, he might sound as if Colt was holding him hostage and threatened him to tell Wildfire all was okay. "Just on a stroll." Which both of them knew wasn't anything like him, really.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Colt gave a light sigh as Eljay apologized.  He needed to work on this kid's confidence and stat, because how Finley had let him turn out almost non functioning was beyond him.  It didn't even occur to him that thoughts like that were dangerously close to reasons to stay.

He stepped a bit protectively in front when Wildfire showed up, not wanting his nephew overwhelmed before he could give a try at fixing this, and a little annoyed at the sudden intrusion.   I think we got it handled, hun. He said, looking at her for a minute before something clicked.  Unless... you aren't Raven's sister, are you? What the hell was her name again? Wiffie? Waffle?
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Wildfire blinked at both her cousin's obvious discomfiture and then the stranger referring to her as "hon" and essentially implying she should mind her own business. Just as she was musing how exactly to respond to that, he mentioned Raven. She blinked again, then offered a small smile.

"I am. I'm Wildfire," she replied, thinking to add, "I also double as Eljay's cousin." She glanced over at him to make sure he was really all right, then turned back to the stranger and admitted, "I can't say I know who you are." Her black tail waved slowly, indicating her desire for a proper introduction.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
His discomfort grew when Uncle Colt called Wildfire 'hon' and with a frown he opened his mouth to say that she was 'the' Wiffle. Luckily Uncle Colt caught on before Eljay managed to get the words out of his throat and he started saying "That's--" but cut off as he awkwardly had started speaking in the same moment as Uncle Colt and listened to what he said first. He asked Wildfire if she happened to be Wildfire, who responded in her usual friendly way.

Glad to be able to change the subject away from his anxiety, Eljay nodded. "Yes. Yeah, uhm -- this is Uncle Colt." Eljay realised only after he finished speaking that calling him 'uncle' Colt might seem a little weird to Wildfire, but the word was already out. "How, uhm... How's your pack doing?" he asked, unable to keep a bit of hurt from his voice, though he genuinely hoped that she was happy and that her pack was awesomesauce and all that.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ok, so this was Wildfire.  And the odd family connection that apparently Finley had made between the two lines, one that Colt wasn't sure he'd entirely understand.  But he did back off, because Eljay seemed to have calmed down a bit.

He was going to ignore the obvious bullshit that was Eljay going for "a stroll", mainly because he didn't want to push his nephew into another panic attack.  Instead he went with the moved on conversation.  Recently removed from the Redhawks.  Fin is my sister.  he clarified, knowing the family lines could get muddied.  

He let Eljay's question about the pack get an answer silently after, though he did size her up a bit on the sly.  There was a bit of a family resemblance, he guessed, and if she was anything like Raven he'd likely get on better with her than he had with the rest of the Redhawks brood.  The younger were too tightly wound for his liking, but Raven had earned a lot of quiet respect from the Blackthorn male during his time there.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Eljay introduced him before Colt himself could speak up. Her silver cousin asked a question, though before Wildfire could answer, Colt pinned on a few other words. Her lips parted inquisitively, though she took a moment to sort through her thoughts before saying anything in turn.

"Firebirds is off to a promising start," she said to Eljay, shooting him a quick smile. Turning to Colt, she added, "If you're Aunt Flea's brother, we're practically family then. It's nice to meet you." Her tail continued waving. "But what do you mean, 'removed from Redhawks'?" she couldn't help but inquire.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Of course the Firebirds were off to a promising start -- how silly of him to even ask. With Wiffle's charisma, it was no wonder that it attracted wolves left and right. Eljay thought idly of how he was almost a part of it. Oh. I mean -- that's good. Eljay forced a smile to his face, not wanting to be rude, and then wondered if mommy and daddy had gone off to join it already... While contemplating what Wiffle might want or not want. She'd not asked him personally along when she left, but neither was she unfriendly. Eljay felt torn, though he didn't really dare ask either.

When Wiffle asked her question Eljay left space for uncle Colt to explain himself, as it was not Eljay's place to and anyway, he wasn't entirely sure what all had happened either. Meanwhile, it gave Eljay some time to overthink his life choices and options, but it was hard to weed through all the uncertainty that clouded his brains.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He smiled when she said they were practically family, and kept it up admirably when she asked the second point for clarification.  It had been a couple of weeks, but he hadn't worked it all out quite yet.  Still, if Colt was good at anything, it was forcing nonchalance at heavy situations.

An ambassador of sorts came from a pack we had issues with in the past.  A younger girl.  My mate and a packmate went for the kill, but I interfered.  My now ex wasn't keen on that and asked me to leave.  Couldn't really argue, seein as she was one of the head honchos. He looked at Eljay.  I was going to head back to the old Blackthorn homestead, but then Eljay here said there was a new pack forming up he might go join.  So I thought I'd see what it was about.

He still wasn't one hundred percent set on joining, and figured there was also a small chance she wasn't interested in having him around (though he couldn't imagine why, starting out like she was).  But it would be interesting to hear what she had to say about it.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
The circumstances of his departure sounded familiar. Wildfire was almost positive she knew which events it referenced, she'd just heard the details from another perspective. She frowned thoughtfully. It was pretty tragic that the altercation had come with such dire results. If memory served, the visitor had been a Blackfeather. She sipped in a quiet breath, not sure exactly where she stood on the matter, only that it had nothing to do with herself or the Firebirds at present.

Her chestnut eyes sparkled when Colt mentioned that Eljay might join her fledgling pack. "Really?" she said to him, tail picking up speed. Her gaze lingered on him a moment before flicking back to Colt. "We'd love to have you. Both of you. I assume you can carry your weight, Colt? Any special skills I should know about?" she pressed, keenly curious but also affable.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay listened vaguely to what Uncle Colt mentioned, up until the point he was mentioned. He looked up and blinked, then realising that they were back on the subject of anxiety -- the pack -- and smiled, though still looking uncomfortable, at Wiffle's enthusiasm. He wondered if she really meant it, or if it was more a thing where she wanted to be polite and didn't want to exclude him because she knew that it would make him feel bad.

"Yeah -- uhm, I mean, if you wanted me to.." He trailed off, still trying to figure out Wiffle's real feelings about it all. He wondered if Uncle Colt would join the pack, too. And what about mommy and daddy? If he could have, Eljay would have listed Uncle Colt's skills, but since he didn't actually know his uncle all that well he had no idea and so couldn't list anything.
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Decision time.  It couldn't hurt, to stay here a while.  He hadn't been looking forward to the long trip home midwinter anyway, and holing up until spring at least seemed like a good plan to him.

I can keep strangers out so long as you don't need me to kill any one that passes by.  And I am pretty clear on where I'm goin around here.  Been rangin these parts a good long while. Most of it had been on a passing through status, but he recalled it clearly and rarely had to worry about getting turned around.  

Mostly? Experience.  He gave a small smile, not quite willing to call himself old per say, but willing to at least name it an asset.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
Colt's answer intrigued her on several levels. Wildfire's eyes flashed as she replied, "We could definitely use a guardian. I have no interest in killing passerby. Even with trespassers, I'd much prefer to apprehend them and remove them civilly, unless they're a serious threat and we have no other choice." She paused, trying to read his expression, then continued, "I'm a scout myself and I welcome pack mates to range as much as they like, as long as they're still contributing their fair share. And if you ever decide to go abroad on a more permanent basis, that's fine; just let us know so we can wish you farewell. You'll be welcomed back should you choose to return." These were some of the most critical principles of Firebirds she wanted to establish and she hoped they worked well for Colt.

Turning next to Eljay, she addressed his prior comment with a soft smile. "We'd be lucky to have you and your caregiving skills, Eljay. I'm not sure there'll be any pups this year"she wouldn't be having any herself but perhaps some of her pack mates might want to embark on that particular adventure—"but I'm sure it'll happen at some point. And I know you've learned a lot from Rave that'll come in handy. There's another healer sort here; her name is Corinna and I bet you two might enjoy collaborating."
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
As Uncle Colt started listening his (to Eljay's mind) endless perks, Eljay felt a little meagre in comparison. What did he have to offer the pack? Especially such a young pack with little pup potential yet. Eljay knew there was little odds of him having any pups this year or any, so he was dependant on the rest of the pack for his puppy fix. Then again, he could always visit, and what if mommy and daddy would come? They were strongly considering it too, right? So surely they would, especially if he would join here, too. Then he'd at least have his own baby siblings to care for.

It gave him a lot to think about, but somehow when Wiffle said that she thought he would do really well in the pack and that she would be lucky to have him there, he said: "Okay." It was small and careful, because Eljay wasn't sure if he was making the right decision (but when was he ever?) and he thought back to his terrible decision to leave and almost dying at Drageda's borders until he was finally allowed in by its Heda... Even though this was nothing like that, he was still afraid. Afraid his family might not come and afraid for the family he left behind. But Wiffle was family too, and the thought of having to let her go after she'd only just returned to his life was somehow even more terrifying than all the other fears. He glanced at Uncle Colt and looked back to Wiffle as he said: "I'll come."
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He liked what he heard.  It wasn't that Colt minded killing when necessary - he'd done it before and would do it again.  He just didn't have the taste for blood that the rest of the Redhawk clan seemed to have.  Maybe it was because Blackthorns were born roamers.  They understood desperation and the difference betweeen that and enmity.  Not that he thought it in those exact words.

He let Eljay answer first.  His nephew seemed to be considering long and hard, which surprised him considering how excited he'd been when telling him about it earlier.  Colt hoped he wouldn't get cold feet and regret it later (though if he did he could always come then, he supposed).  Fortunately, the answer when it came was yes.

Colt figured he might have stuck around regardless at this point, at least until spring.  He still wasn't sure how long term this would be, but he was down to hunker down for the season.  Sounds about right to me too.  I'm in.
gubraithian fire
3,000 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Master Trapper
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
She'd left home for a meal and would return not only with a full stomach but two new recruits. Wildfire's tail sped up even more when both of them agreed to join her cause. She was absolutely thrilled to have them both, particularly Eljay, and she couldn't help but wonder what his parents would think of this development.

"Well, let's get home then," she said invitingly. "I need to do some marking and patrolling if you two would like to join me. Otherwise, you're welcome to explore and the copse and make yourselves at home." Smilingly, she turned to lead the way there.

My last post—obviously feel free to continue between yourselves! :)
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay was glad to hear that Uncle Colt joined them, too. His tail wagged excitedly and then as Wiffle invited them to come 'home', he smiled and nodded. He'd have to return to the Caldera to say his good byes soon, but there was no harm in taking a break and exploring the Copse a little first. He had little idea what he'd signed up for, after all; at least when it came to the territory.

Let's go? Eljay suggested to Uncle Colt, but regardless of the answer he'd come with Wiffle right now. I'll help for a bit, he agreed -- it was never too early to help out and anyway, he could see some of the territory that way too, so it was a win-win.

my last post too!
I still don't get it right sometimes · I just don't get it as wrong
692 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Alright, he agreed, glad to see his nephew's stage fright seemed to have fled with his decision.  Maybe he had some hope of toughening the kid up after all, or at least helping him deal with whatever that had been.

No better way to explore than from the founder herself, so he would follow as well, helping as he went and keeping mark on where the borders were.  He imagined they'd take up some of his time, like the Redhawk ones had.  He'd enjoyed strolling them frequently for business as well as pleasure.