Stone Circle I know I’m thinking too much lately
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
All Welcome 
She had departed from the plateau where she had found her children's father dead and had completely avoided the mountain range out of fear of the earthquakes, the terrain was vaguely familiar from when she first had appeared in the woods with her brother and it brought back memories for when times were much simpler.

As she came closer, the scent of her child was vague but it was there and she stopped a bit away from the borders cause she knew how people saw her pack. She hoped one day she could change that but for now she seemed leadership and her child and with that she released a short howl.

@Moonshine @Valette
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette was not in the mood to talk to visitors. They were in the middle of a crisis. The female did respond to the howl though but there had been enough on her mind lately. Merrit and Clay were gone, two of her sons. A member of their pack had died. She had accepted a pup just before the quakes started which wasn't really helping with the food they were getting. The bison had left as well which was not a good sign. Valette had to calculate how much prey there was for each member of the pack. She was also worried for everyone's safety, and just had to do a head count every night.

When she approached she saw a dark female. Valette stopped before her. "We are not able to take refugees," she spoke first, however then she used her nose and got tenser. Her eyes squinted. "Blackfeather," she said about loud. "What is your business," Valette questioned.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her call was answered in a fast timing and she lowered herself to show she was no threat to her or her pack in any way but as she spoke of her pack she thought it may be impossible. "I am not seeking refuge." She said simply; she knew how harsh thing were and if it was as packed as it had been when she had first came to this pack then she completely understood. "I am looking for my child. Her pelt is brown." She hoped to whatever gods there were above that she was alright.
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette gave a firm nod. "I realized that," she commented in return after she noticed that the female smelled of Blackfeather. She didn't want anything to do with it but she had accepted one of their pups in their pack. Valette lifted her muzzle when the mother started about a pup. She kept her face rather stoic. "We might have seen one," she commented, first wanting to know what the mother wanted. "She voiced that she was lost but didn't want to return home," Valette spoke, not revealing yet that they had her child. The pup was clear that she didn't want to return home after all. She chose Easthollow.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She wondered if the pup that had said that was her moonshine. Not that she blamed the young pup at all. She had every right to not want to return. "If the pup is mine, I won't force her to go. With these quakes it may be better for her to stay away from the forest." Trees were falling and she hoped that her you g would fall victim to it as the other female had. "I just want to see if she's well and indeed here or at least the direction she may have went in." If she was safe it would put her mind at ease.
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette was not sure what to think of this female. She would do anything to have her children back. She frowned slightly. "You would leave your daughter with strangers?," she questioned. wondering what the reason was of this female. They had the quakes too, and their prey had left. "Then why look for her?," she questioned curiously. "Why go through the trouble if you want even want her?"
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Seems the female didn't understand what she had meant. "I've seen two members of my pack become crushed underneath the trees of our forest, as well as her father. If leaving my child with a pack of strangers means I won't find her amongst them so be it." She was wondering what she thought of her but didn't care. "And if my pup is the one you found that expressed not wanting to go home, I'd rather not force her to go home to a place she doesn't want to....all I want is for her to be safe that's why I've come."
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette felt her face twist as the female spoke about her mate being crushed under a tree. How could she be without emotion? Valette wouldn't be able to even think of the idea of Greyback dying and saying it so coolly. She slowly nodded though, rather not wanting to anger the female. The dark one continued as she spoke about not wanting to force her daughter. She could understand that but it would still be hard if she would ever have to do that. "We will take care of her."
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She felt her heart break at the thought of someone else raising her pup. Her only female to be raised by another, but deep down she knew it best to let her daughter be and after looking at the ground for a bit she looked back at the woman. "I don't wish to upset you but would it be okay if I spoke to her? I'm not asking for entrance into the territory, I will remain here." She said simply. "I just want to tell her where we are located now. For when and if she wants to return in the future."
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette looked at the mother with a skeptical gaze. She decided that she should let the mother talk to her talk. On the other hand, they were going to be here family, she didn't need to know where her mother would go to. "I don't know, she took her distance from your family," Valette stated in returned. "I don't want any Blackfeather wolves here or for her to go back to that awful place," Valette stated, not convinced the mother should talk to her own child. After all, she had decided to leave her behind with them anyhow.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She knew anger would not get her anywhere with this wolf and she remained calm. "Blackfeather is not as it once was. Yes, they were doing horrible things in the past but it has taken up new leadership one who only wishes to live in peace." There was no other way the female could explain it. "If Moonshine ever wishes to come home we occupy fairspell meadow until the shaking if the earth ceases." Was all she could say.
Mother Overlord
2,653 Posts
Ooc — Mar
Master Ranger
Valette looked at her, thinking at first that she was going to attack but she didn't. That took her by surprise. She just nodded. "I tell her the location of your pack the moment she asks for it," Valette returned. That at least would perhaps help the mother with her loss. "Anything else?," she asked curiously. She didn't want to linger on the topic of black feather, especially if her father found out.