Sun Mote Copse stand against the tide
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
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All Welcome 
Somehow, @Weejay had managed to sneak away. Eljay had only closed his eyes for a few seconds while watching her and @Elfie and now she was gone! Eljay knew that others might think he could not watch his children all the day, all day, every day, but he wasn't going to give in to such negative thinking. He would simply have to, because someone had to, and it seemed like everyone else had already forgotten that Wiffle had died and that the same could happen to his children if he did not pay enough attention to them.

Elfie? asked Eljay with his tired, sleep-depraved head as he looked 'round the clearing where he had just lost Weejay's scent. He was sure Elfie had been there but moments ago, but now he had lost the boy, too! Eljay's breathing came out in curt rasps and it was with a deep frown that he looked 'round the peaceful copse while he imagined all sorts of horrors might happen to his children. Why didn't they stay in place? Why didn't they understand he was doing it only to protect them?

tags mostly just for reference, but feel free to reappear if y'guys want - thread's all welcome!
super-adorable little shrimp
506 Posts
Ooc — Me
Frankly speaking, Elfie was slightly pissed off, when Weejay took off to adventures outside the copse and did not even invite him to tag along. Where was that - always and forever - promise now? Had she forgotten all about it? Was he not fun and great enough? There was a pinch of jealously inside his heart for, whever his sister met outside and obviously had good time with. He tried to make up for it by hanging out with his aunts and uncles and doing all the cool stuff with them. And not tell a thing to Weejay. Just look annoyingly knowing.

On the other hand he was a teeny tiny bit smug too - who was the good and obedient kid now, huh? But that was a short-lived triumph, because Eljay was on the prowl now to herd them back to the rendezvous site. Weejay was lucky to be far away, Elfie had been hiding from the sun (and Pox's teeth) in the shade of the nearby bushes. He held his breath, flattened himself against the ground and did not make a sound. He let his father walk right past him and with a sufficient distance between them, the boy bolted from his hiding place and loped across the territory.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Elfie? called the worried father, his tone shrill. Honestly, he was more worried about Weejay, because he'd seen Elfie fairly recently, but in lack of his daughter he may as well at least find Elfie. It might make him feel like a little bit less of a giant failure of a father to have at least one of his children safe and sound somewhere.

Eljay glanced around as he passed Elfie's hiding spot, not noticing his son. When he had long and well passed a few bushes Eljay heard rustling from that direction. Ears perked up and Eljay looked 'round to see a ruddy flash. Elfie? he called, unsure if he'd seen right. Eljay decided to take the risk and with a hasty pace he made his way after the red flash he had seen while he called out: Elfie, wait!
super-adorable little shrimp
506 Posts
Ooc — Me
Taking them in the direction of Falls of the Hinterlands.

Wasn't this fun?

Elfie had hoped that Eljay would not catch up with him, but let's face it - he was still a five month old bloke and his dad was not only a grown up wolf, but had spent a life-time herding and chasing rogue puppy-sharks in the pool. The fact that someone was on his tail was thrilling - now and then - the boy looked over his shoulder to see, how far off his father was. If he was too far, he slowed down a little to let him gain upon, if he was too close, he zig-zagged, bolting here and there.

So carried away was he that he did not notice the river-bend and the rushing sound of water-fall nearby. One giant leap and he was over the edge. There was a splash, a quiet moment, then someone resurfaced and swam hastily to the other bank. Wet to the skin and dripping water, Elfie climbed out and up and settled down on a rock. If you think that he looked repentant for just a single second, you are dead wrong. He was beaming proudly like a kid, who had just crashed his father's favourite motor-bike on his first ride.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
If the terrain was even then it might've been easier to catch Elfie, but he just kept moving out of reach, placing territory between them and changing directions. The fact that Eljay had no idea where they were headed contributed big time to his being unable to quite catch up. It felt like the father was continually just out of reach from the boy. Spending some of his energy on calling out probably didn't help. Elfie, please just wait! he called out. When they passed the borders, Eljay's shouts became a bit more desperate: Please stop! Elfie, it's dangerous out here! Please!

Caught between a panic attack -- from being out there and his son being out there! -- and pressing on -- because his son needed him right now! -- Eljay continued to follow while he bit his lip.

As they reached the roaring waters with the waterfall's noise on the background and Elfie jumped, Eljay's eyes widened. NO!! he called out, and he wanted to jump but was too scared to, so Eljay stopped just in time to not fall over the edge and into the water himself. He watched the water frantically while frozen in place as he repeatedly shouted his son's name --Elfie!! -- and it felt like hours before Elfie surfaced again. Elfie climbed out on the other side and watched Eljay seemingly defiantly. The father loudly called out: Elfie, it's dangerous! You can't just -- Come back here right this instant! There was a note of panic to his voice that he was completely unable to hide and Eljay felt on the verge of tears, but bit them back because the last thing he wanted was to cry in front of his already rebellious son.
super-adorable little shrimp
506 Posts
Ooc — Me
Usually Elfie was pretty sullen and broody around Eljay, it was a reaction that was quite natural now, and on top of that he avoided his father as well. They boy wanted to have a good fight and dad was not giving it to him. However, after this little, daring adventure, where he had not only outrunned his father, but ended up on the other end of the river, had given him not only a boost of adrenalin, but released some endorphins as well. He was able to smile slyly at his father, who did not dare to cross the river and come for him himself.

"But it's dangerous - you said it yourself!" he yelled back over the roar of the water. "I can't come back and you cannot come to me - so, we are stuck, I guess," he added, got to his feet, stretched, shook the remnant water off his coat and began to explore his side of the riverbank.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
There was nothing in the world that could've hurt Eljay more than that smile on his son's face. It was clear in his expression: He felt broken as he looked at his defiant son across the water. He wanted to tell Elfie to listen, but he already had, and of course Elfie was having none of it all. They were already so far from home; they needed to get back, in whatever way.

If Elfie had simply denied coming over Eljay might've just panicked, unsure what to do, but as it were Elfie said something else: That it was too dangerous for him to hop right back, and so they were at an impasse. Elfie had something going there. Stay there! Eljay called to his son. I'm coming over and we'll find another way back! Eljay might be terrified and too scared to go further from the territories, but he also knew he couldn't leave Elfie out there alone. It might be scary outside, but at least they'd be out there together.

Eljay took a small run before he jumped as well. Like Elfie, he didn't make it across -- Eljay had never been that great at jumping or these kind of athletics, anyway, possibly because he'd not practised it much out of fear -- and splashed into the water, from where he began to swim his way across while his heart raced in his throat. He was scared of what might happen, but he was even more scared that his son might not be standing right there anymore by the time he reached across...
super-adorable little shrimp
506 Posts
Ooc — Me
It would not be Eljay, if he in the face of the first failure would in fact work harder to overcome it. It was an admirable quality and in later years Elfie would learn to appreciate it, now, however, he was so full of his own success and youthful bravado that in response to the suggestion, he groaned and rolled his eyes. Would his dad ever stop?

Probably not. Oh, well. But Elfie was not a pretty princess to wait for a rescue and do nothing to aid it. He walked along the narrow rocky path along the river paralell to his father, when it came to a dead end, he turned around and walked back and tried the other end. A look up, told him that the wall was too steep for him to climb on his own. And a look over to the other bank, made him realize that he was, in fact, stuck.

It had been a long time, since he had been in agreement with his father about anything. Now this was the occasion. It did not make the boy happy, but he waited patiently to see, if Eljay found any useful solution to the problem.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Finally Eljay reached the other side and he shook the worst of the wetness out of his fur. Eljay looked around and blinked the water from his eyelashes as he searched for his son. He didn't instantly see Elfie there, but his scent was still around and it was easy enough to follow. The worried father followed until he saw the ruddy form of his son looking up a steep wall. It didn't look like they could pass there, and Eljay quickly scanned his mind if there had been any sort of passage on the other side.

Looks like a dead end, Eljay said, completely ignoring the fact Elfie had once more run away from him -- it seemed almost as if in Eljay's mind, his son had simply gone off to search for an exit back home they would then both use together.

There wasn't much more to see here in terms of an escape, and Eljay gestured behind him. Let's see if there's anything on the other side, or maybe the river will be more narrow... Eljay frowned, feeling worried about this and hoping that they would find a way out of here that wouldn't be too difficult. He didn't like being out her in the wilderness one bit -- all sorts of terrible things could happen.
super-adorable little shrimp
506 Posts
Ooc — Me
When Elfie would look back at this situation years later, he would see that at least once his fahter's watchfulness had been in the right place and right time. Had the boy been all on his own, he would probably either remain stuck here or would attempt to swim to the other shore, which would have been just as good option, if not for the steep bank there as well. 

He did not say it aloud, but he was secretly glad that Eljay was here. And that instead of being the snivelling-coward self (that Elfie thought his father generally was), he had taken the risk, had got over the river and was here now. They were in the middle of an adventure. Boy, was Weejay going to be SO jealous, when tells her this later in the day. "Where did you get over?" he asked, because they could take that road, if all else failed. "Or we can swim!"
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
This adventure wasn't much of an adventure to Eljay, of course, whose biggest priority was just getting his son back home safely. Maybe some day he'd look back to this day and think it was nice, be glad that Elfie'd taken the plunge, but right now it was hard to enjoy it. All he wanted was a way out. He knew there was no use in showing how scared he was that they were all the way out here rather than safely in the copse, right now. It would only scare Elfie (yeah, as if).

Elfie asked where he got over, and Eljay said, I jumped in around the place as you. He had also swam, and while it was a possibility, it seemed very daunting considering the bank was a bit higher on the other side than where he had climbed out himself.

Eljay walked back towards the place he had come over and gestured, It was here, but the other side is much steeper. Let's... Look at the other side, first. Eljay then continued along the river, hoping that they would find a better passage there somewhere.
super-adorable little shrimp
506 Posts
Ooc — Me
Eljay did not seem too excited for a chance to swim again and Elfie's face expressed disappointment. Though even to him it was clear that the stream here was too fast and the banks too steep, dad could have showed at least a bit of appreciation for his idea. Otherwise it was the same old game of "I am an adult and I know better".

But, since there were not many other alternatives, the boy followed Eljay's lead obediently, not contributing to their shared problem and entertaining himself with all the great rocks, weeds and water around. If he wanted to play a know-it-all parent, so be it.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Elfie grew quiet, and Eljay didn't understand at all why his son suddenly got so quiet. It was strange to see him not being his boisterous self. Was he scared, maybe? This only made Eljay feel like taking the reins even more, for he would want someone to take charge if he was feeling scared. Let's check the other side, he repeated, just trying to keep some sort of words going to distract his son's mind. There was a little further to go alongside the river there, and it looked like there might be a place where it was easier to cross further up ahead.

The path was narrow, however. Eljay frowned and eventually decided: We've gotta try this. Just be very careful, the path's really narrow and it might be slippery. He didn't want Elfie falling into the river and getting more lost, after all. Least of all because that meant he'd have to jump in after to rescue his son. Eljay took the lead and started along the narrow stony path by the river.
super-adorable little shrimp
506 Posts
Ooc — Me
Careful, shmareful... Elfie thought, allergic to the word itself already. He regarded the suggested path with a furrowed brow and sceptical eye, then looked up and down the riverbank on the opposite side, hoping to find a better solution than Eljay's. Not that it was bad, but out of principle. To prove... well, he was not sure, what would it be, but just to prove wrong and feel better for it.

Nothing better came up, so with a sigh, he stepped on the slippery path and made his progress slowly towards the copse. In the middle, however, his hind paws lost the surface they were treading on, making the boy scramble madly to regain both balance and the footing. Next thing - he managed to get back up and without giving a second thought, ran as fast as he could towards the bank.

Once there - he leaped up and landed in the grass. His heart was racing and there were numerous thoughts buzzing in his head simultaneously, but soon all of them gave way to the sense of victory. He had done it, he had made it! With this in mind, the boy raised up, shook his coat and turned to watch his dad walk. Part of him wished to see him struggle.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay watched as Elfie went first, and he followed a few steps behind, to make sure that Elfie would be safe enough. As Elfie's hind legs slipped Eljay called out -- Elfie, watch out! -- an obviously moot point but the best he could do in the situation, and he lunged forward, hoping to grab Elfie in case he would fall in the water. In the process however, Eljay himself slipped. With relief he saw Elfie run forward and make it to the other side. Just as Elfie turned around Eljay himself slipped and fell, but luckily he fell to the right side of the current, so he was swept back into the slippery path across the river by the current's speed.

Eljay swam towards Elfie, where he looked up at his son. He felt rather panicked but nonetheless shouted: Don't worry, I'm fine! And he started to try and climb up on the bank, though it was steep and he struggled a bit getting up.
super-adorable little shrimp
506 Posts
Ooc — Me
Eljay did struggle and in the beginning Elfie watched him with a self-content sneer on his muzzle. But then, when his father really did slip and fall in the water, his expression changed. He jumped to his feet and watched the rest of his father's plight with focused expression and a deep-set frown. There were two conflicting emotions raging against each other inside him, neither felt exactly right and because he did not understand them fully, they annoyed him.

So, when finally his father had made it back to the bank and seemed to be well, the boy gave him a superficial once-over look and then retreated few steps. "I will go to eat something," he told him and padded off. There was a lot to think about and he wanted to do it in solitude.

Last one from me! Thank you for the thread!
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
me too, i enjoyed it! i think threads like these add a lot of flavour to the relation between these characters <3

It was a hard battle against the rushing waters to get back up towards the bank. Eljay didn't have any time to think about what his son might think of his slipping or what he could've done better; his brain was completely focussed on the task at hand, namely getting out of the water alive. Instinct took over and eventually, with adrenaline rushing through his veins, Eljay reached the other side of the water. After he scrambled up with a lot of effort, Eljay shook his fur to get most of the water off and looked at Elfie.

Elfie said that he would go and eat something, a seemingly random comment to Eljay. Elfie, wait! the father called out, but it was too late and Elfie was already retreating. Eljay was left standing on the bank panting and with a worried frown on his face. He wished that it could've been different. He wished he was a better parent. He wished that he had Wiffle by his side still to help him with situations like these, someone to mirror off of and to complement him in his parenting.

He wished a lot of things, but he knew there was no use in wishing. With a sigh, the wet Eljay started making his way home, feeling defeated and lost.