Silver Creek i just panic ordered $200 worth of chinese food.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
All Welcome 
In hindsight, this particular venture could've gone better.

"Can't you just let me go?" Penn whined from his perch on the tree limbs, "I said I was sorry, and I even mean it!" Like... 70% mean it, he added in his head, not daring to say it aloud for fear of the beast that had driven him into the tree in the first place.

The wolverine hissed angrily at him from the base of the tree where it seemed to be content to linger, keeping him trapped in place, though Penn didn't doubt it could've climbed up to get him if he pushed his luck much further. With a grumble, the young wolf shifted his weight as he tried to maintain his balance. His hind legs were comfortable enough though they stood upon two separate tree limbs. It was his front legs that were splayed awkwardly apart, though there didn't appear to be much he could do about it. The limbs of the tree quaked under the cold wind that blew, making it seem very likely that at some point, he was going to fall and become a meal. Which was less than ideal.

Penn lifted his head, glancing around for the thirty-billionth time in hopes of spotting someone that might be able to help him out of this mess. Just like the other thirty billion times he'd looked, there was not a soul to be seen. He sighed and looked down at the wolverine as it sniffed at the tree trunk. With any luck, the beast would eventually get bored and wander off. It would probably take more luck for Penn's strength to be able to hold out until then, tired as him legs already were.

So, Penn was trapped in the consequences of his own stupidity, and now he just had to deal. He whimpered again at his prison guard and asked, "Pretty please?"
179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Zane was back, bitches!!!!

He'd gone home to check on the old folks (his mother had been thrilled to hear all about his heroic excursions) but sticking around there was definitely cramping his style, and he'd never intended to stick around long.  

So now he again graced the wilds with his sweet, sweet presence.  Zane sauntered through the southern woods with a small grin, but he kept his eyes and ears open.  Last time he'd approached it had been to the siren song of some lovely lady and he certainly wasn't about to turn that down.

Instead what he heard was someone pleading.  As he came upon the scene, Zane took one look and burst out into a loud guffaw.

Got yourself stuck in a jam, short stuff.  The fuck happened?  As he spoke, he eyed the wolverine, who had turned to eye him as well.  Fuck, this dude seemed a little less than chill.  Shit was his problem?
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn didn't know it yet, but he too was SUPER excited Zane was back. And right on time too because he legit did not think he was likely to make it much longer. His legs trembled from the effort of staying aloft his perch. He was actually thinking that letting himself collapse onto the wolverine's head might just be his best bet for escape. Maybe he'd knock it out and he could escape. It was a terrible plan, but so had been trying to steal the wolverine's kill in the first place. But hey, even terrible plans were worth a shot, right?

Good thing we don't have to go there.

"Hey! Dude! Can you like, kill this thing? Or something? Anything? I'm begging ya," Penn called, ignoring the question he'd been asked in favor of pleading. His ears drooped pathetically as he looked down at the wolverine, who had remained put in his vigil, but was now eyeing the stranger as though he (Zane) were about to try and steal this kill (Penn) from him (the wolverine).
179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Kill it? Zane eyed it dubiously.  Fuck that, little bro.  That thing looks nasty as hell.  He slid an inch closer and it hissed, spitting and charging forward stiff legged.

HOLY FUCK!  Zane scrambled backwards as the wolverine made its case to the new threat.  On the plus side, it was no longer blocking the tree.  On the minus side, it was now definitely coming at him and he totally wasn't sure how to handle that.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn's lips peeled back in a growl as his request was denied. He didn't really have any right to be pissed that this complete stranger wasn't willing to risk his life to save him, but he was pissed anyway. "Come on, man, I'm dying here," he moaned, wondering just what it would take to convince the other male to help him when something absolutely beautiful happened.

Penn's downtrodden features brightened with glee as the wolverine suddenly took flight. "YES!" he cried happily as he looked at the ground and sprang. His weakened legs weren't ready for the sudden jump, so instead of ..well, jumping, he sort of just collapsed in a heap at the base of the tree trunk as his legs gave way beneath him and he smacked his head hard on the frozen earth.
46 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Hope you don't mind me joining!


Dhalia busted the scene and promptly wished she could just bust right away back, the stuff of nightmares unfurled before her. She made a mad skitter with her paws, but ain't no getting outta this mess, girl. Maybe she shoulda listened to her brain for once -- she'd been smart enough to think of avoiding all this commotion, but not smart enough to stay away. Brains and abandon had always been at war in her, and abandon, unfortunately, held the winner's cup there.

"Hold on, man!" she shouted, and in some brazen attempt, she flung herself past the tree where the kid sunk against the ground, and whipped herself at the wolverine. Jaws wide, she sought to lay her teeth in any piece of the creature's hide. Hell, what if that thing turned on her? Her hesitation rippled through the length of her, and her teeth only met the hell beast's tail. She gripped, jerked, and jumped away, in hopeful attempt to avoid any swipe of that thing's deadly claws.
179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Zane was good preoccupied by the batshit critter to notice Penn's fall, but he definitely noticed when someone new came through and barreled in to help by snapping at the fucking thing. His first thought - was that a chick?!  This bitch was insane!

Oh fuck this!  He yelled, but he grinned as he did so.  There was no fucking way he was letting her show him up.  Still oblivious to the little dude behind him, he closed in on the other side and pincered, grabbing a mouthful of fur.  He gained a claw set across the nose for his trouble, and the thing screeched in a way that made him grit his teeth.  But, surrounded, it was clearly starting to think about better options.  Those being getting the hell out of there and away from the quickly forming pack of wolves.
529 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn must've blacked out for a few seconds there because when he looked up, the strangers had multiplied. He blinked rapidly to clear his vision until he was able to fully make out the forms of two distinct wolves as they tangled with the wolverine. He pondered for a moment where the other one had come from, and then he pondered what he ought to do next. This was his mess, so he knew he ought to jump in and help them in any way he could.

On the other hand.

The boy looked past them, his eyes zeroing in on where the wolverine had abandoned its kill in favor of driving him up into the tree. It would be wrong of him to go grab it and take off, leaving the other two to fight his battle with the wolverine for him. Buuuuuuuut... His family was hungry, and he'd be feeding them, and was it really that wrong for him to prioritize his loved ones over complete strangers? Probably. But he was hungry.

Penn pulled himself swiftly onto all fours. They wobbled a bit, but he grit his teeth and went for it. He sped past where the three beasts were tango-ing and snatched the mangled rabbit from its hiding place wedged against a fallen tree. He pivoted, stumbling only a little before he raced off as quickly as his legs would take him towards home.

if you want to roll to try and stop him, that's fine by me! otherwise, this is my last post :D 
46 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Though the wolverine spun around to swipe at her, Dhalia managed to avoid its claws. Less so because she was quick on her feet, and more so because this stranger proved just as insane and as gutsy as she'd been, and bit down on the freakin' critter's back, which made the wolverine redirect its blow his way.

In the pause of time, Dhalia pulsed forward in a second attack. She aimed for the creature's other side, but the wolverine pulled away just in time, and her teeth clicked mid-air. Dang it! A sharp sting of claws dragged through the tip of her ear, and a spray of blood hazed her vision. She blinked, teeth still bared, and cleared her eyes in time to see the wolverine slip from the grasp, trying to lumber its way out of their machine of attacks, to hurry away with its life across the blood-speckled snow toward the tree where the kid had lain just moments before.

Only, somewhere in the chaos, the kid had disappeared. Dhalia couldn't remember when.
179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Zane turned his face away just in time to see Penn up and booking it.  Awwww yeah little.... wait.  Are you SHITTING - but before he could fully go off on the kid for bailing with the food (there had been food!?) he was forced to deal with the crazy critter that he'd had a hold on.

At least it was backing off.  Okay little dude, look.  We won't eat you if you don't eat us, so just be cool and wander back down your hole or some shit.  Cool?  He took a step back, then glanced over at the chick who was fighting with him.  Cool, yeah?  She didn't look super hurt, though she did have some blood on her face.  Speaking of, his nose kind of stung.  Holy shit if this dude had given him a fuckin scar he was going to come back here and eat it for sure.  Way to make a dude feel self conscious right now.
46 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
The wolverine skittered away, but still eyed them with ferocious suspicion. Dhalia didn't know if wolverines even spoke the common tongue, but she had to give props to the guy for trying to negotiate. She didn't need the critter dead, anyway, just somewhere away from them.

For the first time, the Rochester actually took in the other guy's features, and, well... he certainly looked older than her, but was honestly quite handsome. The fresh set of claw marks across his nose didn't do anything to dampen that. "Cool, yeah," she agreed with a smile, and a shrug, as she turned to face the wolverine again. Dhalia took a few steps back to demonstrate her intentions to the critter, and side-eyed the new guy, to encourage him to follow suit and do the same.
179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She confirmed that she was, indeed, cool, and he relaxed a little more.  She took the lead on the whole backing up thing but he joined in willingly - Zane was a lover, not a fighter, though he could totally kick some ass if needed.  Just let that wolverine try anything else.

Fortunately for both of them, the food was gone and with it any drive to move that way.  Speaking of...

Did you see that?  Dude took off with something and left us to fuckin deal with his mess.  Zane said quietly, though the disbelief in his tone was evident.  What a dick!  It occurred to him a second later that maybe she was one of those uptight chicks who didn't appreciate language, but then no fucking way.  She was crazy, no way she was uptight, and he was rad as hell.  He had nothing to worry about.

D'you know that dude?  He asked suddenly, wondering if they were friends or some shit.  He hadn't even thought of that, and maybe should have before he went off on him.
46 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
She cupped her ears to catch each of the stranger's words, but shifted her gaze across the scuffled snow as he rambled out a string of indignance and justified profanity. Dhalia hadn't seen the kid run, she'd only seen that there'd been a kid here one second and not a kid the next. Curious now, she crept forward and sniffed along the snow until she found the spot most stained by blood, belonging to neither wolverine nor wolf.


"Don't know that kid from a hole in the ground. Sorry man, thought he was with you." She tipped her head to observe the vacant wedge beneath the tree. He'd taken the rabbit in one piece, clean and wicked handiwork. Too bad for him, his scent, brimmed with fear and adrenaline, gave a clear path to his flight. "That kid sure used us. Damn," and a smile tugged at her lips -- because irked as the stranger seemed to be, she was honestly impressed. "You wanna give him chase? Just for the kicks of spooking him a little, don't know if it's worth the rabbit."
179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Zane too was impressed, but definitely offended (and also a little annoyed he hadn't seen the food first).  Here he was being a stand up fuckin dude and little man had the balls to dip right out? He'd pulled one over on both of them, that was for sure.

It was good to know that she wasn't in on it.  This chick was too cool to be down to clown with that shit, he could tell just by looking at her.  Certainly helped that she was a fuckin stunner. 10/10 babe material.

But even her lunge at the wolverine couldn't have prepared him for the dastardly plan that came out of that beautiful mouth next.  Holy fuck, yes, marry me.  Zane grinned.  Shit, that's good.  Fuck yeah, let's give the little guy a scare at least.  Can't fuckin dine and dash and get away without any payback.  It didn't warrant a fight, and he didn't want to hurt the dude, but scaring him seemed just the right karma.

He took off in the direction Penn had run.  The kid had a head start, but they might be able to tail him.

I love them omg.  Also they are cousins and this is hilarious to me.  We can wrap and have another sometime or continue, I'm fine either way!!! <3
46 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Despite what she knew of this stranger, Dhalia knew her words were a gamble the moment they slipped from her lips, and she half expected him to back away. Fighting a wolverine was cut and dry practice, but why meddle in a pot that didn't have to be stirred? That's what Jasper would have said --

But this guy wasn't Jasper, she figured that much from the start. But oh, how he proved so now. Her smile twisted that final measure with a devious glint, and she swung up beside him with a wicked weave of her tail. "Then let's go," and she took a playful bow, which arched into a leap, and she booked after her devilish accomplice.

A wolf of like mind, a troublemaker -- and she stole a dancing glance at her companion -- trouble with a T, and charming.

Yeah, they had definitely found the Teekon Wilds.
hahahaha I absolutely love them too! I don't mind wrapping up here, and would love another thread between them. Are you game for one now @Zane ? <3