Seaside Moors cause taking you to another landscape is my mandate.
583 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
dream sequence! <3

again the dream revisited him; little fireflies coalescing in a glade of black. that glade appeared more darkened pool than substrate -- any time valravn found himself entering the clandestine copse, his body caused small ripples in the fabric of reality around him. ripples which dredged up luminary balls of light no bigger than a speck of dust, which then glittered and danced in silent glee until at last their light faded, and all was still around him.

they were the only source of light in this small cove; no moon overhead to guide his senses, no stars in which to mark his passage. just space - empty of meaning and time, swirling around him in the languid manner of a panther spread across sunlight.

valravn felt tired. he did not know how long he had been walking; things such as hunger and thirst were beyond him in this dreamscape, but he knew his body had passed some unimaginable distance. he plopped down and watched as the blanket of clover underfoot rippled away from him like startled water. each clover was nearblack in color; for the briefest glimpse of time he caught iridescent maroon spreading out like veins on their undersides, before they were righted and another wave passed through.

he understood here was somewhere elsewhere, and that there were many discrepancies between the now and the waking world -- but instead of feeling weary or lost, he felt simply at ease. content to watch the hovering faeries of light as they droned from obsidian patch to patch, valravn drank it all in with the expression of a creature who knew once he woke, it would all be gone forever.
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sᴍᴀsʜᴇᴅ ɪɴᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ
248 Posts
Ooc — daphne
backdated to thread's original date. dreams are exaggeratingly written with wordplay and fantasy elements on account of them being a dreams. anyway sorry this took so long, havent felt motivated to write out her dreams for some reason l-o-l 

she slept deeply, straddled by her mother, who every night defended her unconscious body from any harm. harm that could come for like it may have come for thade. in a mortise lock of doting closeness, the girl's impregnable head tucked between wylla's black forelegs, the woman embraced her most bijou and lastborn child. the hide of a blacktail deer lay beneath them to absorb future accidents. of that there had been many, and their hearthstone couldn't take another night of a child's enuresis. it already strongly suggested it was an outhouse rather than a shelter, but there was little to be done about it. 

it was on the hour when her mind began playing the reels in her head that sowed terror and stirrings, screamings and sleepwetting. her breath sighed, became shallower.

[Image: middle.png]

she was trapped in the mouth of some mysticeti netherbeast, it's saliva pooling in around toes curled with dread. its tongue undulated in gulping motions, coaxing her down its throat—an abyss of blackness that would swallow her into the underbelly of her subliminal mind; an infernal purgatory that harboured her fears and all manner of mindly appalments.

the dread welled into her like spilled ink bleeding through diarized parchment. her lungs were two quills beholden to an inkpot, tipped over and spilled into some phaedra-shaped pareidolia, a rorschach depiction of her; endless whispers making interpretations of her, not in her ears but ugly, graven images impressed upon her soul. she felt a scream catalyze, fit to leap from her throat, when she was abruptly given pith to a course— 

none of this made any sense. from her waking memory a lockstep tongue remembered its ritualized verse—"i'm dreaming! i'm not GOING!" she blurted without any trace of her impediment. the truth of her words spindled onto the ink-strew isabelline. "spit. me. out!

after making her demand, she shut her eyes and when they opened again, phaedra was alone in the dark. heart beating fast as a hummingbird's wings, pounding so pronounced; it felt as if the final bars of some percussionist's magnum opus were being played beneath her breastbone. she had to suppress her excitement or she would awaken. she grounded herself, and took a deep, steadying breath. 

alone, yes, for now. but not for long. a constellation of blue wisps seemed to take special interest in her and wreathed her in a haloing of light, forging themselves as a beautifully lucent path of lodestars, leading her somewhere she did not know. nonetheless she followed, yes— at the insistence of her soul. 

she watched each foothold like she was bound at any moment to fall into a crevice, but each step she took was lit up by the spindrift of some gilt-edged smoke. she danced around, whipping up a nebulae of fluorescence that limned her pudgy figure. when she laughed, the wisps silhouetted her in a beautiful prismatism, fairy-lights ensconcing her outline and predicting every dither.

she giggled, following this predestined terrace with the scintillant farblichter as they escorted her through the dark. then, they drew her to a sight that made her gasp under her breath with wonder.

a fissure that shimmered and danced on an impalpable breeze—like a chiffon curtain mantling a cracked-open window during dayspring, glowing like a summer peach. her eyes glittered with mesmerism.   

the moment she made the decision to travel over it felt as though she had just insinuated herself into someone else's mind, slipping through a tear in the fabric of an eavesdropped-on dream. this darkness did not feel scary or needle her with dread, but a strange intimacy was expressed upon her the moment she crossed. 

her pathmakers had disappeared, and she was left in this uncharted dark. "where you go? farblichter?" she called, wandering aimlessly until she saw a flit of golden light in the far distance. "die sonne?" she breathed.

[Image: middle.png]
583 Posts
Ooc — Lauren

i'm dreaming -- I'M NOT GOING!

faint echoes down an abandoned hall, no soul there save valravn's. his ears strained as a tongue more intimate to him than the susurration of his dam's heartbeat beckoned -- but all around him, the world was black.

he peered down at his feet; they were crowded by dark clovers, as plutonian as his own pelt. he was puzzled for he recognized the dissonance of reality in his dream, where all was dark save a bobbing blue wisp in the distance.

it radiated out, not unlike the shimmering phosphora of his birthden; he recognized it intimately and had no name for it.

he drew close, marveling at how the dark shrouds under this animus' feet seemed to lift, as if concentrated sunlight was cast into that dour realm and banished all shade -- underfoot the clovers transformed from black to lime green to a rich mahogany, all on faintest sigh of a soul's breath.

he stood transfixed as the lightness drew close. where he stood the shadows coagulated and writhed like a pit of asps; where she stood, lightness and wealth and happiness seemed to exude, siphoning off the blight of his dreamworld in little incandescent rays.

die sonne? the bauble of blue and shimmering silver spoke. val's eyes flew open with a start, a soft o of his mouth announcing his surprise to see his dreamworld visited by so splendid a dreamwraith.
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sᴍᴀsʜᴇᴅ ɪɴᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ
248 Posts
Ooc — daphne
[Image: middle.png]

die sonne heeded her, drawing close. she felt something against her feet. 

swaths of clover sprouted around her feet. phaedra looked down and sprawled her toes through the trefoil, squeezing her eyes shut, willing this dreich groundcover be flushed with the filigrees of dawn. 

once she opened her eyes, her will be done, a tenebrous figure stood in the foreground, expression umbraged by her dream-mired gaze.

another tartarean spectre sent to mutter terrible malisons against her, grasp at the ruching of her soul, necrotize her waking mind. fear started gathering in her stomach, the clover under her feet dislimned from their aurous floruit ... but then,

"no." she breathed, mastering her fear of whatever entity she'd made manfiest as she stepped forth, the decayed florets underfoot seemingly shying from her. "you are dreaming" she reminded herself in the privacy of her mind, "clarify!" she demanded. cosmic wisps immediately illuminated around her, lit her point of compass, 

and she braved to look up from the ground to behold whatever monster came to consume her, 

there he stood, coalesced into shadow and perfectly still.

(souls in prosody; the sun shines not better on any than these twain shine, intersecting in a chance moment)

"thade?" the echoing whisper depart—

(but she got it all wrong)

[Image: middle.png]
583 Posts
Ooc — Lauren

they had met before, in dreams and lives other than these. valravn remembered nothing coherent. little glimpses came here and there, ramshackle like the tenuousness of smoke on the wind.

the glade stilled, save for the riffling of verdant green fighting back against black miasma beneath the animus' feet.

he looked up bewildered, in time to see the orb-like apparatus flare and glow like sunburst, yelling 'clarify!' into that glade with such gusto he felt time's synchronicity ripple.

in that moment the wisps of silver fell away in ephemeral ribbons, and phaedra was unveiled. he saw her only as an obscure shape, but wolven -- he gasped and tried to speak and yet, no words came.

bit by bit he felt his peripherals darken, a pixelation of red and black patterning coming to life in a roaring finish. he tried once more to speak, before the dream slipped away entirely --

and yet, nothing.