Wheeling Gull Isle here we go.
a silent siren
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Ooc — cyprin
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ruo took @Huojin upon the top, sitting on the peak of her pride rock. not many were to come across it, as the sirens scent was marked all over, a claim for her, and only her. if her son did not wander to her father, she would keep him peacefully between her paws, while looking at the moving waves. 

she always felt at peace, watching the sea.
[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]
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Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
There she was upon her den, a little place where she and their son held the privacy they needed. Ruo, even more so, who was a very quiet and reserved woman. Still too this day she was like a mythical creature to him, a siren born of both the sea below and the moon above. A star in his life he could not even begin to grasp for himself and himself alone. Even as they bore a child together, Aiolos could never call her his. Perhaps, he never would. Though there was a bitterness in this. He longed her and though he had had her in a simple term other men may have figured, she was still so far from his reach. 

Ruo... Came a delicate purring of her name as amber eyes looked down the length of her chest to their son, and he smiles before meeting his mother's attention again.  However a backdrop in the distance to this pack she had been, Aiolos always seemed to find her priority in his life.
moonglow daddy
a silent siren
279 Posts
Ooc — cyprin
"lion," the siren took a look toward him, "how are you," she asked, before gaze breaking back toward the ocean. she couldn't help deny, it was hard at times to lock eyes with his ambers, feeling awkward due to their circumstances. she however, would never be able to soley toss him away, for he was huojins father, but also felt someone important.

ruo however, couldn't say for certain if what she felt was desire, for him. she knew, like hua, ying, majority of her cousins and siblings, were dear to her heart, it felt like he was in the same league. passion, or attatchment to aiolos was still an enigma she wasn't sure to call yet. sometimes she could see his burning desire, but she never knew how to greet back toward that.

she wasn't sure how to feel.
[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]
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Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
A weak smile took to his lips as she asked him how he was doing. He wonder if it was an honest caring or a simple strike at small talk which everyone passed between others casually. However, he knew Ruo not to be a woman of small talk. Ah, well enough... There had been a time not too long ago when he wasnt. When he had been ripped and torn all along the back and sides of his neck by a rogue wolf. Now, dispite still a bit of fur missing along the back of his neckline and a bit of soreness when he woke, all was hidden into scars beneath the surface. 

I'm happy to see you out again... He felt awkward, much in the same sense perhaps as she. They never had needed to spare much word between one another before. Though it was hard to find out how she truly felt about him if they didnt speak. He guessed, maybe, that was part of the mystery.
moonglow daddy
a silent siren
279 Posts
Ooc — cyprin
"he is older," she looked down, "i can leave more." she told a white lie, with a bit of truth. in reality she could've gone out, just chose not to as she reserved herself into isolation with her dramatic lifestyle. she felt there was too much tension caused by herself and didn't desire to see anyone. but if she wanted to, mostly could've gone out a bit more. with a son though, still has to have restraint.

"anything new?"

might as well ask the latest gossip.
[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]
english | mandarin
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Realized the timelines so dropped this Ying bomb...

He understood. Before the child, Ruo often wandered far from home onto the shoreline of the mainland. It was how she often visited him, after all. After Huojin being born, Ruo had adapted to the life of a mother. Both solely immersing herself in motherhood and using it as a way to distant herself now that she could not physically distance herself like before. Aiolos took to his role as Lead Scout and took it well, thus, the distance between the pair, despite the child, grew. 

No more, no further, he hoped. 

He settled onto the sands and spare grasses around the densite. He breaths deep, then places a small smile on his face when he views her again. Ying, shes back. Though, note entirely wholly. She was more or less a shadow of the wolf they had once known, without actually remembering much of her past and thus, the wolves that were in it. Aiolos was incredibly happy she was alive and well, her pups too, though had kept to the sidelines of it in order to allow her family to take present placement. After all, she had pups away from here and a mate waiting, or a father figure at least. There was no chance of her being able to stay.
moonglow daddy
a silent siren
279 Posts
Ooc — cyprin
having a thread with ying but ruo didn't know she lost her memory or has kids, oop

"that is good," ruo had faint knowledge her cousin had left, which pained the siren, but there wasn't anything she could do. on with life really. she simply tried to move forward, "i smell a lot of newer wolves as well."

ruo could be counted as a 'veteran,' to yuelong. however she was still the lowest rank- without a trade, without any friends. she was the recluse of the land not many knew of. and, she didn't mind that. however it gave wary, as unfamilarity wasn't the best feeling.
[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]
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Daddy Moonglow
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Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Yeah I figured he'd be vague, let her find out on her own the details.

Yes, quite a few, some more well established, like @Minori, @Takara and @Tzila. Others far more new, that I've yet to meet. Like @Sae and @Hide. He couldnt help the bit of smirk and shake of his crown. Compared to you, me and Hua...well, their all new. He finished with a chuckle. It was, however if you thought about it, quite unfortunate. When he had first arrived, there was many of 'the family' here though it seemed they had mostly gone, perhaps home or perhaps to create their own packs and families elsewhere. Now, not only Hua's pups, but his and Ruo's, would be of the new legacy.
moonglow daddy
a silent siren
279 Posts
Ooc — cyprin
"many of my family seemed to simply disappear. wonder where they went." she voiced the thought out loud and questioned where they gone. many cousins, many siblings. However, as Ruo was a rather reclusive wolf, she didn't, in all honesty, cared too much. perhaps it was the fact a part of her family, was also a very.. nightmare part of her life. it wasn't spoken much, about ruo's life back home. 

but she never wanted to share it.

she was very cut off from the family, so her feelings toward them, were so little, and almost non-existent.

perhaps if the siren wasn't horribly brutalized by some, it would be different.

she wonders, if her childhood terrors, would ever come to yuelong.

sometimes she felt like the salt of the sea stung her faint scars.

perhaps it was all an illusion.

as long as the current reality, was real. even if any family was no longer around, she would make a new one.
[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]
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Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He was unaware of Ruo's terrors. Unaware of an abuse by the wolves that should have been the ones to protect her - her family. In this sense, the pair were more alike then they realised.

Though Ying and Hua had only briefly hinted at an upbringing not so great, Aiolos was mostly blissfully ignorant to it. 

Do you think that some of them had returned home? He had perhaps thought his own, the few of the Nereides tribe he had been a part of which had come here, had returned to their home because of how different things were here. How it did not fit to their customs and tradition. Perhaps the former Yuelong family members had done the same?
moonglow daddy
a silent siren
279 Posts
Ooc — cyprin
ruo was always quiet. even upon her own abuse, she remained of silence. neither her siblings or cousins, will know, and never shall. most likely, she will keep the secret to her gave.

she did not wish to ever divulge that part anymore.

even though sometimes, they plague her dreams.

"maybe," she could only assume her siblings ran off to their parents, "maybe didn't like yuelong," or they simply didn't enjoy the cousins being in charge. coastal wolves were very dominant- in ruo's opinion anyway.

"didn't like foreigners," they were also racist as fuck.
[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]
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Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
And Teekon... well, it's very different from their ways, I'd think. Like said, Aiolos only knew some vague points here and there from what Ruo's cousins had leaked. The Nereides, who took me in...they had a very strict and different perspective as well. But she knew if this, mostly. Aiolos didnt mind explaining to others the tradition and structure which the siren woman practiced. It was his own family, his blood, who he often did not tell about.
moonglow daddy
a silent siren
279 Posts
Ooc — cyprin
"all different cultures," she noted the one large thing about these wilds, as many were from a variety of cultures, "not all like," but it's also something some wolves wouldn't like. she was neutral about it, as ruo in general wasn't too focused onto her own. of course, it was something she desired to pass down onto huojin, but it wasn't something she'd defend to the death.

done more harm then good, really.

somethings are best left behind.

"tell me about it."
[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]
english | mandarin
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
The Sirens, they believe the males as the lesser sex. They hold no power, no rank within the pack amongst the woman. Are not seen as equal in any means, not taken as mates, and are as guardians, servants and donors to their litters when chosen. 

He pauses, looking over to his son who was happy to be settled between his mother's forelegs, asleep, maybe, if not dozing off. Aiolos was happy for it that he was unable to really understand what he was saying now. 

Though of course, no one wants to be seen as a lesser thing, after the way I had been treated in my birth pack, what I had witnessed...I couldnt help but feel as though they had it right, in some ways. But there was also ways that i could not accept. Things I knew in my gut were not right. 

I had come here to these Wilds on a mission for them, actually. Our group was in search for a lost noble. We all lost one another when the earthquakes happen. And from there, welp, it all led up to this now.
moonglow daddy
a silent siren
279 Posts
Ooc — cyprin
ruo silently listened to the beginning, to the end without a word of intervention. she only vaguely knew of the lions past, "i see." perhaps it explained his quant nature, and more noticable subservient behavior.

"our culture is the opposite- men are ontop." the conclusion drawn is the two were definitely from different worlds. within the coastal wolves past, the males were often praised and loved, while females, casted aside. the sexist behavior was not brought to yuelong.
[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]
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Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
I had some hinting of that. Between conversation with Ying and Hua, though what he knew about their upbringing was vague, much as her knowledge of his own youth. At least, he didnt mind to speak of the Nereides. They were rough and sometimes even cruel, though they did not have the mindless, sexist brutality which he had been birthed to. 

Aiolos could very much so imagine how life would be for a woman being lesser to a man. Were they cruel? He wondered, ginger ears falling to his skull at the ill thought.
moonglow daddy
a silent siren
279 Posts
Ooc — cyprin
she had to think. ruo was a well-known recluse, even coming to the wilds, not many cousins knew of her, and barely remembered so. she often strayed away from family, so the cruelty of men was not much to her, "woman are ruthless," but, there was others. she wasn't destroyed by the men, but the woman who should've been her allies.

"men cruel to others. i stay away." as she always has.
[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]
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Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Not from me though, right? He spoke, a rhetorical question as a smirk toyed over his creamy lips. Obviously not, given the child which nestled against her chest now. 

He took a few steps closer and moved around behind Ruo, makin way up the incline of the rock which she perched on. Maybe when he is older, we can take him onto the maiinland coast. Show him what we've explored, and more... He had enjoyed those times with Ruo, staring at the stars and searching the forests for ones which had fallen from the heavens.
moonglow daddy
a silent siren
279 Posts
Ooc — cyprin
ruo only raised a brow at his joke, before shaking her head.

"if he wants to." generally, she was giving him the choice whether he wished for so. ruo was forcing the swimming upon him, which was her only requirement, but she didn't care much if he wished to explore more. she had a vague understanding he was getting lessons, but the siren wasn't sure if he was enjoying it to. her son didn't give her any complaints, so she remained silent on the matter.

"if he learns english well enough."
[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]
english | mandarin
Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
He's a smart kid, I think he will get the hang of it. Right now Jin's words were clipped and sentences small. However, much of the time so were his mothers. Aiolos didnt think this was because he didnt understand, but that he was selective on what he said and whom he said it to. Not many can juggle learning three languages all at once. He admitted and with it, letting Ruo in on that Aiolos had taught him a few basic words of Greek, enough to get by really.
moonglow daddy
a silent siren
279 Posts
Ooc — cyprin
"i switch between common and home tongue." well, not often, but sometimes. she had to say ruo prioritized her own language above else, but wouldn't willingly admit so. she tried to correct herself, sometimes, on using english, but to truly bond with him, simply felt easier in mandarin.

"should have told me before." it was simply obvious she would teach him her own, but the siren had no idea the lion knew greek. when her son spoke greek occasionally, she wasn't sure where it came at, and he, with baby-talk, could barely answer. only now has he been getting better at it.
[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]
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Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
And he had not told her and yet the thought that he needed to before hand had not crossed his mind, either. He shrugged, I rarely speak it myself, really, unless opportunity presents itself. But I figured a few things may do him some good if needed. Hopefully however, it wouldnt. After all, the only ones he knew to speak it were the sirens and those were not exactly the kind of wolves Aiolos wished Huojin to be subject to.
moonglow daddy
a silent siren
279 Posts
Ooc — cyprin
"it wont hurt." she agreed. learning more then a few would be useful in the long-run, but the language of greek was not something ruo would be able to help.

"it growing late," she said, "i'm going to bed."
[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]
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Daddy Moonglow
1,035 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Okay... His eyes fell from the sandy and stormy coat of Ruo and down to their son, who all but tried to sleep awkwardly atop the rock in between his mother's limbs. 

I'll make my rounds. Licking the top of Jin's crown, the fiery man passed Ruo one more glance before hoping from the rock and padding down the shoreline.
moonglow daddy
a silent siren
279 Posts
Ooc — cyprin
"be safe," she said to the lion, before forcibly picking her son up regardless of his resistance. then, a final glance toward aiolos, before whisking away into the den.
[Image: dc1mu1x-1d71b3f4-120c-4399-b918-71c0e5bd...uDi0UyVmY4]
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