Redsand Canyon Estía
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
Arsenio huffed as he wound his way back along the canyon in search of the densite that had been established for himself at Tamar.

The mercenary had just finished a patrol of their claim. He used the time to learn the grounds and free his mind of the memories spent on the borders of Akashingo. The canyon was a sound claim for an outpost. Germanicus had done well to establish early roots there. All signs of the wolves who had been called Saints had been removed from the canyonland.

The redstone figure moved into the den and chuffed out softly, wondering if @Tamar was there. He had worried for her sickness and hoped that whatever Ruenna had given her was helping.
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the sickness had left her.

good sleep and medicine had chased it away. all that was left was the guilt. tamar sat on the narrow bed she had made up with donated furs and cold sedges.

when arsenio came back to their den, she was waiting for him, tense despite her smile. "what do you think of mereo?" she asked softly, quietly.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The man could see the tension in her. It tilted his head, drawing his features tight in a fretful stare as he stepped into the den and found his spot beside her.

When she spoke, she asked what he thought of their new outpost. Arsenio looked to the room around them, as though it was the entirety of Mereo and all that needed his attention. The man did not entirely know how to answer her. The Roman’s outpost was not something that the Greek found appealing, only for its ties to the Pharaoh. It felt like he had placed distance between himself and the spoiled little brat, but not enough.

I think it is leagues better than what we had before, my love, the man answered with a small nod. His voice was solemn. As he looked at her, Arsenio could not help but smile. I do not believe I am used to it yet. He nudged his head to hers.

But what did Tamar think of Mereo?
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
tamar nodded. "it is better."

she did not know what to do here. she did not know how to be. it was a place of men. and she did not trust the imperator. tamar was not certain if he had been kind or if her presence here was another barter.

like belen.

to quell her thoughts, the girl swallowed and crossed the room to nuzzle against arsenio's chest. "ruenna is very kind. it is — odd to think of germanicus being married." he had never evinced interest in anyone that she had known.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
When she told him that she believed it was better, Arsenio softened. Relief washed through him and cleansed him of a great deal of worry.

Tamar pressed to him and spoke of the Roman’s wife. Arsenio had not had much of a chance to know the woman, but he found the idea of the soldier being married odd. Duty had seemed to be his only love, though the Greek had known him for a short time. When Tamar spoke of it, the man chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. It was pleasing to know he was not alone with his thoughts.

She is nice, though? Do you know what she does to help Mereo? I have been thinking what you might like to do here. I do not want you to grow bored, Arsenio spoke fondly, kissing her once. I would like to take you to show you the canyon. It is beautiful in the evening time.

The pale brown of her eyes brought peace to him. Knowing they were free was an astounding gift. 

All it had cost was a fraction of the man’s soul.
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
tamar liked to see arsenio with more lightness.

"she is the matrona. in charge of those who are not soldiers. she helps. she knows medicine." but she was not a queen. not a regent. "she said that i would be able to call her rue if i wished." tamar shook her head, but there was a small smile on her face.

"i have offered to keep the story of mereo." her eyes found and held those of arsenio. "she does not want a maid." a lift of her eyebrow. 

what would arsenio think of his love's designs?
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It warmed him to think that the autumn leaf was finding friends, even in the wife of the Roman. He could not help but to smile at her. Akashingo already felt so far behind them. The weight of the Pharaoh’s pressure had been lifted from his shoulders. He could only hope that Tamar felt the same relief.

When she spoke of her desires to keep the history of Mereo, Arsenio blinked. The Greek laughed happily, pressing his chest to the fires of her fur.

My love, you have kept your talents from me. I should like to be blessed with a historical telling, if you would honor me with it. The glacial blue of his eyes fixed on her. His heart clenched with love.

Tamar, I have… I have a question for you that is rather important.
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
a historical telling. "if i start speaking now, you will go to sleep!" she laughed against his chest. for a swift, long moment, she felt truly at ease. truly free. for a moment her mind was not filled with akashingo. not ramesses. not the queen.

not belen.

only arsenio, handsome and amused and with love filling his icewater eyes.

she stared up into them, her breath catching. "ask me anything, arsenio."
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Will you be my wife, Tamar?

Arsenio could not break from her gaze. He swam in the pale brown of her eyes, filling him to the brim with warmth and care.

The redstone man pressed his chest to her, wishing to sprinkle kisses along her neck, her nape, her shoulders. She had come with him, had followed him to Mereo. The Greek did not wish to live his life without being able to call her his – his beloved, his most treasured, his wife.

Will you let me be your husband?
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
tamar had seen this coming had she not?

and yet her breath was stolen. and yet her eyes shone with sudden tears she did not understand. the young wolf's heart galloped behind the cage of her ribs.

tamar felt his kiss upon her throat, her nape, her hackles; his breath warmed her through and through. she closed her eyes, breathing in the clean mountainous fragrance he wore, new but completely devoid of the mesa now.


"yes. i will marry you."
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Yes – and his heart was swept away in her answer.

The man could have scooped her into his arms and smothered her with enough kisses to quell even the Pharaoh’s lusts.

Then, I am the luckiest and happiest man to walk upon the earth.

Though he spoke with a grin – toothy and wide – his words were genuine. In his heart, he felt that he had been given the greatest treasure of his life. The Gods did mad things for love, he had heard. It made sense, after knowing her. It made sense. For, Arsenio would tear the very surface of the earth clean open and would let loose a thousand hellhounds if it meant she would know happiness, if he could hold her in his arms.
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
tamar loved his smile.

it was true as the rest of him. true as his heart. and though tamar had not yet truly considered what might occur next, children born here to them in the canyon, she knew that arsenio held her trust.

it would not be something to fear. not with him. tamar pushed closer. she felt as though she could be close enough. she was silent now, content enough simply to breathe with him and to experience the delight of no palace chaining their joy.
676 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Going to lovingly fade this and make you a brand spanking new one! Because I am only slightly obsessed. ^^;

Love had filled their room and made it into a home.

Arsenio could breathe again, though he was not certain it spoke positively on his soul. For, while Tamar was safely tucked to his chest, made into his wife, the young stranger Belen had been left to the Pharaoh. The Greek did not know Belen. He could not allow her to matter as much as his beloved mattered.

If Arsenio could have offered all the young women in the world in exchange for her freedom, he would have – unquestioningly.