Redsand Canyon Let's compare scars, I'll tell you whose is worse
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
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Ooc — Talamasca
All Welcome 
The boy had started the day with his usual routine: a run, followed by a quick patrol, before breakfast. He needed to feel as if he had earned it or Glaukos didn't right about eating. This wasn't something he let others know about him - but given that Kallik had Aquene, Tamar had Arsenio, and Germanicus was busy with his many duties or his husbandly ones, Glaukos had no one to tell in the first place.

He came to the sparring grounds after taking a long detour of the territory, seeking any sign of trespassers or prey to hunt, of which he found little sign of either. When he entered the sparse arena he thought of running laps - then settled on watching a swallowtail bird flit by.

How envious he felt in that moment, seeing how free the bird seemed.
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Ooc — hela
He had a very rare free moment and was actually headed to the tablinum to bother Aquene for a bit. But as he passed by the sparring ring, he saw Glaukos sitting in there by himself, watching a bird. Their relationship had always been...strained? Something like that. But now, he imagined it was more so. They weren't the talk it out kind of packmates, but he did wonder where they stood.

Kallik changed his course and trotted over to the other soldier. He greeted him with a quick nod. Up for a spar? he asked as sort of an olive branch. Though he wondered how willing Glaukos would be given their current location and what had happened the last time they were here.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Someone came trotting over from afield, which earned a flick of Glaukos' tattered ears until the bird winged away for good, then a glance. He heard the request and was about to answer to the affirmative when he recognized the other wolf and, appropriately, grew cold.

Glaukos looked around as if Kallik wasn't there, but answered him sharply: Depends, this about the girl again? Probably not but he had to be sure. Kallik's scent was dominated by that of Aquene's which made him all the more wary.

Even so, Glaukos had been the winner of their last ill-advised spar, and wasn't afraid of facing off against Kallik again. He wanted to make sure it was for a good reason - for the safety and security of Mereo - rather than a useless one.
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He supposed he deserved the other soldier's pointed words. Aquene, he corrected. She deserved respect from all of the pack, no matter what had gone on between the two men. And no; I was just hoping for spar; no fighting. He still felt bad for his impulsive outburst but there was no way he could force those words out. He would just have to try and show Glaukos that it wouldn't happen again.

He was unsure if the other scutarius would accept, so Kallik remained where he was. His gaze studied the other soldier's face as he waited.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Glaukos didn't answer when a name was given. He didn't really care what her name was, only that she was impeding their growth as soldiers. That she had come between Glaukos and his fellow warrior was one thing, but the obvious fact that she wasn't being dismissed was another. It seemed as though the woman held more sway within Mereo than she should have, according to Glaukos; it had been her error when she'd chosen him for a spar and her's again for choosing Kallik's dick over her apparent duties - given that Aquene had wanted to join the warriors at the time.

Bygones, and all that. The two boys had found common ground against the cougar on their punishment patrol, so Glaukos was willing to look passed many of the other scutarius' poor choices. He was glad, to a point, when Kallik admitted that he wanted a spar and not some kind of duel for the stupid bitch. Alright; that's what the sparring grounds were for after all.

Then come, see if you can best me. As Glaukos said this he squared his shoulders towards the waiting warrior, prowling across the open expanse of the ring with an inviting stare.
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Glaukos seemed to find his answer acceptable, accepting his request for a spar and heading into the ring. 

Kallik followed and started moving in the opposite direction, taking in his fellow soldier's movements. The scutarius knew from experience that rushing the beast of a man was not a good idea. But he didn't want to use his earlier strategy and wait for his opponent to make the first move; Glaukos was likely expecting that from him. 

He was struck with an idea and decided to test it out. Kallik rushed forward, kicking up dust as he sprinted towards the other soldier. His plan was to change his trajectory just when Glaukos made his move, and dodge his attack. If successful, he would try and circle aronnd and jump at him from the back. All of this would only work if he was quick enough, so hopefully he was.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Kallik was more than quick enough.

While they trained together in the past, Glaukos had always been the blunt instrument; a hammer seeking a nail. Kallik had always been something more finessed, and he employed this quick-step style as he rounded to Glaukos' haunch, then launched himself at the man's side. Glaukos couldn't tell where Kallik was for a split second - only that his obvious charge had been too obvious, and it had failed.

The sinuous silver body of Kallik landed across Glaukos' back in an almost suggestive manner, and in a panic Glaukos braced with his forelimbs and attempted a donkey kick, not exactly aiming for Kallik but finding it difficult to miss given their proximity to one-another.

If it was successful then Glaukos would turn with a snarl and lunge for Kallik's face, or his shoulder; if it wasn't, he'd have awkwardly swatted the air with the kick and been left to rebalance.
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It seemed he would be successful at first. The scutarius was able to make his way around his brute of a packmate and jump onto his back. But in his planning he had made an error, one that would cost him. He failed to consider that Glaukos could use his strength to fling him off, and that was exactly what he did. 

Kallik hit the ground and was immediately met with the other soldier's snapping jaws. He turned his head to the side so that the attack would miss his face, but he felt the sting of teeth in his shoulder a moment later; he snarled in response, adrenaline surging through his veins. 

He would kick up at Glaukos' sensitive underside in the hope that it would get him to back up. If successful, he would leap up and launch himself at the other man, hoping latch on to his throat, not hard enough to damage, but enough to distract him so that he could figure out a way to pin the giant soldier.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The only options left to Kallik were obvious: relent to the might of Glaukos, or find a way back to his feet. When the warrior tried to kick at Glaukos the large man saw the attempt coming and avoided it.

His body pivoted with quick steps. His grip on Kallik's shoulder slipped purposefully away, and Glaukos lunged with the intent to throw his weight across his opponent like a wrestler, or maybe a linebacker, to pin him down forcefully.

It was an end to their fight if successful - and quite similar to the tactic he had used against Aquene, but Glaukos failed to recognize that part. He only wanted to win and this was the most advantageous use of his own strengths.
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His attempts to get the brute off of him failed. Glaukos was able to dodge his kicks and keep him on the ground.

Kallik felt the teeth slip from his shoulder but there was not enough time to react; the other soldier had him pinned, without any hope of releasing himself. 

He yielded then, knowing he had lost and wishing for the giant to get off of him.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
After waiting for the man to tap out, Glaukos lifted free of Kallik and gave him space. He could've offered to help him up but didn't think of it until the man was already on his feet.

He was silent, appraising his fellow soldier, and as he looked away Glaukos murmured, You're a little rusty. I guess distractions can do that.
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Kallik pushed up from the ground the second he was able, shaking the red dirt from his fur as he stood. Glaukos' words made the scutarius roll his eyes.

Maybe you should find some distraction for yourself, he quipped in return. But honestly, his fellow soldier could really use the companionship that came with being married. Kallik wondered what that would even look like for the surly brute.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The other man's reply brought to mind Tamar of all people, and Glaukos swallowed down the sentimentality. He huffed with feigned indignance to the idea.

Maybe I'll find something when I do my tour of Akashingo. He quipped. Glaukos wasn't serious about it - there was a vague humor to his tone - but at least he wasn't being an asshole.

As he climbed to the edge of the arena and out, he cast a look at Kallik, but said nothing else.
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The mention of Akashingo brought forth memories of Jawahir and his own time spent there. It was long before he found the imperator and Mereo; he had been different then, lost. He still thought fondly of the fellahin and hoped she was safe and content.

Kallik jumped up and out of the ring to stand next to the other soldier. You will be spending time in Akashingo? he asked. I think you will find plenty of distraction there, though I'm sure the imperator will not allow you to partake. They both knew the rules.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
If I want to advance here, I have to go there first. It was one of the requirements. To serve a term within Akashingo as a guard for the palace.

Glaukos presumed it wasn't high on Kallik's list of priorities now that he was wed, and hoped to take advantage of his fellow soldier's hesitation.

I have heard that the people of the sand are very different from us. I doubt they could truly distract me from my purpose. He was certain of that. It sounded like a boring place he would have to endure, but hardly a challenge.
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Ooc — hela
Kallik knew of the rule; he had long dreaded the time when he would have to do the same. 

I do not think it will be boring, but I am sure you can handle it, he offered. If anyone could resist the call of the mesa, it was likely the imposing Glaukos. I do not know much about the day to day of Akashingo, but it is definitely different from Mereo. Kallik preferred his life here, even if he had indulged in their culture while he was there.
seraphs sob at vermin fangs
695 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
With their business at the sparring pit concluded, Glaukos had little else to add. They appeared to be of similar minds when it came to Akashingo and from what Glaukos could discern, Kallik knew about as much about the place as he did himself; that or he held his knowledge close and was unwilling to share it. The young man wouldn't ask for specifics either way.

He gave a nod, and then began to depart without a farewell. There was always a patrol scheduled, or a patch of unexplored mountain to map, or pests to cull around Mereo. It left little time for idle chatter.