Only if you have time <3
At the top of the mesa, the Prince called for the Pharaoh, @Ramesses.
Father. Do you have time for a spar?They had not trained in some time. He thought of Makono, with the soldiers of Mereo. She was supposed to be home soon, he thought. Was she enjoying her time there?
Siptah is healthy.
Siptah is grieving the loss of his mother.
August 22, 2022, 11:21 AM
had she sent word?
ramesses waited. his eyes were turned toward the sunspire. he knew he must trust germanicus. and there was no reason for his daughter to be slain.
the role of pharaoh required the cold and pragmatic thinking. and part of that was understanding each of his children had a target upon their royal hides.
a fierce longing for satsu tore through him.
siptah called. ramesses descended. "would it not be better for the guards to train you?" but his tone was teasing and warm.
ramesses waited. his eyes were turned toward the sunspire. he knew he must trust germanicus. and there was no reason for his daughter to be slain.
the role of pharaoh required the cold and pragmatic thinking. and part of that was understanding each of his children had a target upon their royal hides.
a fierce longing for satsu tore through him.
siptah called. ramesses descended. "would it not be better for the guards to train you?" but his tone was teasing and warm.

August 26, 2022, 08:25 AM
The young Prince grinned easily at his father's jest, and he quipped back,
Nodding to his father to begin the spar, he told Pharaoh,
Yes, once I know them better. I am trying to know all of our people.Siptah took up his fighting stance — Germanicus would be proud, or at least that's what he told himself. He was growing quickly into a large and stocky frame, and even now, the definition of muscles could start to be seen.
Nodding to his father to begin the spar, he told Pharaoh,
Soon, I will know our land as well.He was old enough to travel on his own, now.
Siptah is healthy.
Siptah is grieving the loss of his mother.
August 27, 2022, 08:28 PM
pharaoh prepared himself, flexing sinew and muscle in long stretches. "you are ready."
it was curious that makono had come to herself first. but siptah was crown prince.
ramesses waited for the first blow. "where have you decided to go?"
it was curious that makono had come to herself first. but siptah was crown prince.
ramesses waited for the first blow. "where have you decided to go?"

August 28, 2022, 01:24 PM
After stretching, Siptah struck out for Ramesses' shoulder. He had no more milk teeth, and so would be careful with his attacks. He told his father,
He thought of Makono, of their hunt with the mazoi, and her words. She didn't trust them, and Siptah was uncertain. He decided against voicing these things, however.
Not far. I will stay close to Akashingo.His place was here, after all, with his people.
He thought of Makono, of their hunt with the mazoi, and her words. She didn't trust them, and Siptah was uncertain. He decided against voicing these things, however.
Siptah is healthy.
Siptah is grieving the loss of his mother.
August 28, 2022, 03:15 PM
he parried, thrusting his shoulder toward his son's jawline.
"i have half a mind to send you to the sunspire."
ramesses snapped firmly for the boy's right shoulder.
"with makono."
"i have half a mind to send you to the sunspire."
ramesses snapped firmly for the boy's right shoulder.
"with makono."

August 28, 2022, 03:20 PM
The Prince was shouldered in the throat, and he felt the pressure on his windpipe. He swiped a foreleg out, claws spread wide while taking a step or two backwards. Then, a snap to his shoulder, but the Prince danced away. As he aged, he grew graceful.
He circled, attempting to ram Ramesses in the side.
I would go.A trip with Makono would delight him, but he knew his father must have other reasons than Siptah's enjoyment.
He circled, attempting to ram Ramesses in the side.
Siptah is healthy.
Siptah is grieving the loss of his mother.
August 28, 2022, 03:25 PM
the young upstart knocked breath from him! ramesses whirled to clip at the boy's ears, a flash of silken white.
pharaoh circled.
"which one of your sisters would you place upon the throne of queen, prince?"
pharaoh circled.
"which one of your sisters would you place upon the throne of queen, prince?"

Tag for reference!
His ears fell back to pin against his skull, then Siptah, emboldened, aimed to headbutt Pharaoh. At his questioning, the Prince knew his answer at once.
Princess @Makono.He paused, tail lashing as he thought.
She is wise, even now. Cautious, and cunning.She would make a great Queen.
She has the mind of one.But he was curious, now. Siptah fell back to circling, eyes narrowing.
Siptah is healthy.
Siptah is grieving the loss of his mother.
August 28, 2022, 03:32 PM
he would have chosen her also.
shoulder took the blow, teeth flashed for the prince's crown.
"why not ashikaga? or what if princess toula comes into her own and is just as formidable?"
his testing was direct, open.
shoulder took the blow, teeth flashed for the prince's crown.
"why not ashikaga? or what if princess toula comes into her own and is just as formidable?"
his testing was direct, open.

September 04, 2022, 05:11 PM
(This post was last modified: September 04, 2022, 05:12 PM by Siptah.)
I do not think Ashikaga will recover from losing Mother.The young Prince spoke boldly, honestly, and he ducked Pharaoh's maw, reaching then to bite at throat, face, or neck. He had not seen much of his other sister in some time — he could only wonder what she was doing. She seemed... disinterested, he supposed. But perhaps he misjudged her. Only time would tell.
Toula is only half divine. I... I believe a Queen should be fully blessed by the Gods. Plus, it is Makono's birthright.
Siptah is healthy.
Siptah is grieving the loss of his mother.
September 05, 2022, 03:43 PM
siptah's teeth closed on his shoulder. ramesses grunted. "i think you are correct." he shouldered the prince away, batting tail toward the boy's eyes with a stinging lash.
toula, it seemed, would have to earn the esteem already granted her siblings.
makono was now a contender for the throne of akashingo, and she had the approval of the crown prince.
"only marrying pharaoh legitimizes a queen."
toula, it seemed, would have to earn the esteem already granted her siblings.
makono was now a contender for the throne of akashingo, and she had the approval of the crown prince.
"only marrying pharaoh legitimizes a queen."
September 11, 2022, 10:38 AM
Not going to fade this thread just yet! <3
Struck in the eyes, Siptah backed up hastily, blinking back tears and growling loudly. He paused at his father's words, ears falling back in uncertainty. What did that mean?
But only I or Sethnakht can be Pharaoh, right?
Siptah is healthy.
Siptah is grieving the loss of his mother.
September 18, 2022, 07:23 PM
ramesses lashed his plume. the spar was over.
he did not immediately answer; he called for a wet cloth to be brought, where siptah might wash the sharpness from his eyes and the sweat from his brow. and then he sent the servant away.
"that is how it has always been done. makono does not understand. her ambitions are beyond queen." did siptah?
he did not immediately answer; he called for a wet cloth to be brought, where siptah might wash the sharpness from his eyes and the sweat from his brow. and then he sent the servant away.
"that is how it has always been done. makono does not understand. her ambitions are beyond queen." did siptah?

September 19, 2022, 03:25 PM
A cloth was brought to him, and Siptah wiped his eyes and brow, then the servant was sent away again. He looked to Pharaoh expectantly, and as he spoke, the Prince nodded.
She wants something of her own.Akashingo was to be his, but what would Makono receive? He frowned in thought, then decided,
She should get it.
Siptah is healthy.
Siptah is grieving the loss of his mother.
September 19, 2022, 03:28 PM
ramesses shook his head. "makono loves akashingo. i think it is not your brother who will resist your claim."
a difficult thing to say. pharaoh straightened. "go and soak your body. you will be sore. we will come together again."
a difficult thing to say. pharaoh straightened. "go and soak your body. you will be sore. we will come together again."

September 19, 2022, 03:37 PM
Siptah paused. He had not expected that. He did not want to fight his sister, but Akashingo was his birthright. She would see that, in time, or so he hoped. He stood at his father's directions, then nodded.
I fight for Akashingo, not just mother.It was all he could think of to say. Smiling, he dipped his head to Ramesses, then left to soak in the pool within the caverns.
last from me <3
Siptah is healthy.
Siptah is grieving the loss of his mother.
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