Redhawk Caldera I only wish to visit for a time
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
There was a lull in their hunting time and Amalia had taken a leave of absence. She would return, swift as she could. She ran hard and fast, hoping to only be gone for a few days at most. She found she wanted the solace of a friend that was not of Moonglow or Natigvik. She wanted someone who did not have any ties to her pack. And she had thought of Maia.

Now seemed like as any a good time to visit. She had stopped only briefly by the shores of the sea, to carry with her seashells wrapped in rabbit furs and rabbit furs for her friends children. She had 4, she hoped that was enough of everything.

After she had lay the furs nearby, she had rushed upon a rabbit and taken down two, with them she carried also. An offer to share with her friend meat and a way to dry furs. Gifts for a chat. Then she lifted her nose to the sky at the far reaches of the border and called out to @Maia or anyone who could bring Maia to her.

So she wasn't sure how many children Maia had so she brought 4 rabbits furs, 4 seashells and then caught two rabbits for Maia to show her how to dry the furs if she doesn't already know. or tell her how to dry them more so Heh :D
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia was definitely busier than she had been but in a very quiet way. She'd never been one who frequented patrolling or hunting to the extent others did and as a Raven, she hadn't felt the need in the way she did now. When she wasn't with Eljay or the children, she was finding a packmate to check in on or keeping occupied otherwise.

When Amalia called she had been on her way to the other side of the territory. She paused and her ears perked up, and then immediately she whirled and began to rush to greet her. She'd thought the other woman had forgotten her invitation! Or decided it wasn't worth coming. Maia couldn't really blame her for that; she wasn't the most exciting person to see nowadays.

Hi!!! Oh my gosh, how are you!? Maia asked as she approached enthusiastically. Then she spotted the rabbits first that Amalia carried. You didn't need to bring anything! I still owe you that story! She'd given her food last time too, and Maia hadn't done anything yet to return the favor! She was smiling, though, and clearly more worried about it than bothered by it.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There seemed to be many changes around the area and within the woods itself. Maia's scent was extremely prevalent on the borders now, and if Amalia was right, they hadn't been before. She had not been so near, as now.

Amalia's tail brushed and wiggled beside her, and she darted forward to give her friend a nudge to the side and a shoulder. Happy to see her.

HII!! I'm alright.

Large black nose pressed the smaller furs forward, the clink inside them making her pause, but it seemed as if nothing was broken. She flipped the skin open and pointed to the seashells.

These are for your little ones. I told you I would bring them gifts. And these two are for the king of your heart and you to share. A date if you will. Away from the hustle and the bustle of the pack and children.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Many of Maia's worries were tossed aside when Amalia came and greeted her without reservations. She'd never completely eliminate all of them (that wasn't how her mind worked, after all!) but she relaxed a bit and smiled, returning the hug approximation warmly.

She brought gifts AND food!? Maia took it all in with surprise, gratefulness battling with insecurity. Are you sure!? These are beautiful! But I.. we don't have anything for you. Are you hungry? I can go get something!

She already owed a story and would gladly owe a few more too, then! And she'd have to call the children here so that Amalia could meet them and give the gifts herself. Selfishly she wanted to catch up a bit first, though - Jay and Dwyn were being extra overwhelming today and she could use the space for a few. She loved them with all of her heart, but sometimes... big breath.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia was thrilled to death to see her friend in such good spirits. She was happy with the hug and huffed kindly.

Amalia shook her head. I don't require anything in return. I just wanted to bring you these things. And see my friend. I have missed you and felt bad for being gone for so long.

Amalia settled to her haunches. Tail wagging. What's new with you? Hows life been treating you? How are the littles?

Amalia smiled gently and waited. Eager to catch up on all the comings and goings. She could speak of some of the things going on with her, but she didn't wish to mar the day and it was difficult to put her emotions into words anyway.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia laughed lightly and shook her head. Don't! I know you were probably busy. And I want to hear all about it! Though Amalia had asked first, so she could give the rundown.

Things have been quiet here, thankfully! The kids are back with Eljay, but I'll call them to get these soon. I'd love for you to meet them! And for them to be able to thank you personally. Maia still couldn't believe how thoughtful this was. My niece is back, which has been really nice. Especially with Hymnal and Sylvie gone, traveling. She tried not to worry but it was clear the parting was bittersweet. Maia was so glad her daughters wanted to see the world the way she had! But she hoped they were safe and happy doing so.

It seems like you found a pack? Do they live very far from here? Last time she'd seen Amalia she'd been alone and traveling. Now it seemed she'd found at least some others to share space with! If they were close, maybe Maia could make the trip the other way sometime - she certainly didn't want to force Amalia to do all of the legwork!
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia chuckled, but tuned into her friends words. Following what she said and trying to keep everything straight. Eljay was the mate, if she wasn't mistaken. She wondered if Hymnal and Sylvie were her children.

She tilted her head. I am sorry that two are traveling that can be hard. But they will learn much. I did.

About three days run that way, but.

Amalia's ears flicked forward and she sighed. There is unrest and the like, so I look for us to disband soon. We will probably join into Moonglow, but.

Amalia frowned and looked down. There is a youngling, about a year old. She is awful. She treats everyone so callously and I try to understand I do, but she and I are so different and she upsets my peace.

Amalia didn't know what she was asking or telling. She really didn't. Perhaps she just needed an ear to listen that was not part of Moonglow or Natigvik.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia nodded gratefully at the reassurance. She did her best not to worry, and had enthusiastically been on board when the decision had been made! But now that they were gone it wasn't hard to let her mind drift to the worst. She'd had a few of her own run ins, none of which had ended well, and she could only imagine where she'd be if Eljay hadn't been here. She didn't think on it long.

I'm sorry to hear that. Maia responded, taking the opportunity for the change of subject easily as well. Amalia had helped her out at a time she needed it, she was happy to have a chance to return the favor! If not about the circumstances. Moonglow is... nice, I hear. But they have some interesting ways. Maia tried to remain tactful, but she couldn't help remembering the way Wraen had spoken of the place. She couldn't ever live there herself.

Something tells me it takes a bit, to upset you. She must really be something. What happened? It sounded like more than just a general personality thing, and Maia was down to listen! In part to help her friend, in part because shared drama was never something she'd avoid taking part in.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia could understand where thr other would worry. She had no children of her own, but she could imagine how it felt. She had left her family behind and it had hurt and be frightening.

Amalia nodded. i like them, and kukutux is very kind, but they do take some getting used too.

Amalia sighed. I attacked her upon first entering our borders, because i didnt see my leader. I was reprimanded. She sought me out to goad and wheedle and try and get me to fight. And there is turmoil under the surface. She looks down upon us. Is tude and haught and prideful, but i feel guilty because she is young. Perhaps I'm being rigid.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia's ears straightened indignantly. She just entered, but you were the one to be in trouble?! That's... wow. We had someone do similar not too long ago, and one of my kids was nearby. I can't imagine anyone here ever being upset with me for trying to protect them. Of course, Maia hadn't attacked them. But that was maybe more of a personal failing than anything else.

She sounds terrible. I don't think it's you. Your leadership lets her do that? It would be hard, she thought, to confront someone. But if she noticed something like that she liked to think she would do it. Brecheliant was a place where no one was meant to feel like any more, or any less, than anyone else.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalai noddee, bit added. My leadwr had entered first, but I hadn't seen him only her and he allowed her entry.

Amalia felt a curdle of shame dig deeply into her stomach and sadness. She still was deeply deeply ashamed.

Amalia shifted. I don't know if they know. They have their own stuff to be done with, but when i do mention i am told it is her pack tartok that she acts thusly and shes young.

Amalia shifted And perhaps it is me i have felt uneasy fir awhile and the pack is upon thr precipice of breakdown i think. And moknglow will accept us but i am unsure what i want to do.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It still sounded like enough of a misunderstanding that Amalia didn't deserve to be reprimanded to Maia, but she was also biased towards taking her friend's view on this. She sensed her discomfort with it and decided to keep that comment to herself.

That doesn't sound like a good reason to let her bother you this much. I guess I don't know them, though. Maia smiled, relenting, though she still stood by the fact that they weren't likely to be doing their jobs then. No wonder their pack was in disarray!

If you do end up wanting a new home, we'd be thrilled to have you here. I would have offered last time, but I wasn't sure if you were looking to settle down! She'd seemed happy to be traveling, but Maia had kicked herself more than a few times since for not bringing it up. You don't have to, obviously, but... if you don't want to go to Moonglow. I'd really love if you came here.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni

And there in lay the rub. Amalia didn't feel listened to in any regard. Ahe felt that all her time and duty was being ognored for a rude mannerless child.

Amalia's tail wagged. Thank you. I will tive it some thought.

And she would perhaps this was the answer she was seeking. Though her heart felt glad from her visit.

Tell me of your pack?
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Of course, Amalia would need to think about it! She likely had friends in her pack, Maia thought, and it couldn't be hard to leave any family, even if it was falling apart. She thought of her and Eljay, and how long it had even taken them to come to the same place.

There isn't a whole lot to tell. It's just... home. Maia smiled. Everyone here is family, or at least, that's how it feels. We don't really have ranks outside of the Ravens. And we take care of each other. That was the core of what she wanted for the pack, and she guessed that even meant something now. Now that she was Auspex.

I can show you? She didn't mind giving Amalia a small tour of the Caldera as long as her friend had the time.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had friends, but she had also given her word to Sahkmet and Kigipigak that she would stay.

Amalia smilel. I like that. My first was familial and Natigivk was at first as well.

Oh Amalia wagged her tail. Yes please.

She gave her friend a nudge and a smile. I would love that.
1,550 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
want to fade this and have another sometime? We can assume she showed her around and introduced her to some of the kids briefly <3

Maia beamed and waved her tail happily as Amalia took up her invitation. Perfect! I'll show you a few of the best places, and then I can introduce you!

Over the next little while she'd take Amalia through the caldera, showing her the lake and the walls and chatting about the things going on with their lives. When they'd visited the highlights, she'd allow her friend to present the children with the gifts she'd brought in person - @Chickadee, @Aiden, Ceridwen and Jay each getting a shell while Eljay looked on. Luckily @Shenanigans wasn't there, though Maia noticed that night as Jay passed it off on her in a surprisingly generous move. He declared he couldn't bite it so it wasn't any fun. She was just glad he hadn't said that while Amalia was around to hear - she'd have been tempted to flick his ears if he did.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Yes and as always thank you lovely for the thread <3

Amalia spent the day in careful repose with her friend. Learning names and faces and the beautiful places. It was gorgeous in Brechliant and she realized were she to fully leave Moonglow or Natigvik. She could be happy here. She could.

However, there was still many things to think upon. One such was her word. She had promised to stay among Natigvik and to break that promise. It felt dishonorable. She would seek the words of Sahkmet and Kigipigak and Moonwoman.

Thank you for such a wonderful trip. Maia. She would whisper as she left, making sure to hug her friend dear to her heart.