Redhawk Caldera There once was a girl....
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
733 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had thought about it for days as she had traveled back to Moonglow. She had taken the long way from her visit with Icarus. Now she knew the path she wanted to take. Though she adored Icarus, she didn't think that Mereo was for her. The tall sandstone was too sad and cold. So Brecheliant had been the next best thing.

She had said her goodbyes to those she cared for. Had spoken to Moonwoman of her needs and wants. Now she was on her way to a new beginning. Somewhere, she could forge her own path, without the lingering sadness that clung to the former wolves of Natigvik. Their separation had left a scar, that she was unable to heal from and they as well. At least quickly. So she felt a small distance would be enough.

So with a back full of furs of animals she had caught, and a dead rabbit she made her way to the pack lands. She lay these offerings nearby, and then lifted her nose to call for the leaders of this pack. @Maia and @Teya

She knew that Maia was one, but there were usually two. She wasn't certain how this pack ran things, but she was eager to find out. If they even wanted her. She was, well she was different than many. Unsure if she could find a place, but she was willing to try. She thought of all her skills. And wondered at her penchant for story telling, could she tap into that skill here? Like her mother, her father, her aunts and uncles.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia certainly hadn’t forgotten Amalia, though as time passed, she wondered if the other woman had changed her mind. She wanted her friend to be happy, so part of her hoped so, if it meant things in her current pack had gotten better! She needed to go pay a visit sometime soon.

But her friend beat her to it again!

Maia didn’t waste much time in attending to her call. Hi!! Oh, wow! She was carrying a number of things, piled on her back, and Maia was clearly impressed. Though that didn’t necessarily mean she was here to stay! How are you!?
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
733 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia had not changed her mind. More she had wanted to think her decision through. And it wasn't that the pack was getting better or worse. What it was, was that it had grown stale. And her leaders had grown sad.

Amalia smiled and wagged her tail, letting the furs drop to the ground. She greeted her enthusiastically.

Hi Maia! I'm alright. I was actually coming.

Amalia smiled softly and motioned to her items. I was hoping your offer was still valid to join. I brought gifts for dens.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
if she’s 100% I’ll try and get her added to the ranks here shortly!

Oh! Absolutely! I mean, if you still want to, that’d be amazing! Maia smiled widely and her tail began to quickly wave behind her. She would be thrilled to have her friend stay with them if she wanted to!! Though it meant that things hadn’t gone well in her current home, something Maia couldn’t be too happy about itself.

You didn’t need to bring anything! But I’m sure they’ll be wonderful. You’ll have to keep some for yourself! If she’d gone through the trouble, and was going to find a new den, she deserved to have it be comfortable. Did… something happen? Or… Maia trailed off apprehensively, not sure what she should ask. Hopefully she wasn’t moving on for any reason too bad.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
733 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She is. BTS is how she handled it. So she spoke to everyone, at least in minds eye, but i don't know how that will spill over icly. :)

Amalia nodded. I do. I would like a fresh start with a friend.

Her own tail weaving behind her, while she smiled. IT was a bittersweet moment. She would miss everyone, but this was something she needed to do. There was a pall to her since seh went to moonglow, not for their lack of care, but rather for her displacement and peace.

Amalia shook her head. Nothing happened. I left on good terms at least i feel like i did. I just feel that it was not a place for me. I should tell you I carry the trades of Scout and Hunter, but I can prove that to you if you'd like. Though I may instead go for storyteller or chroncler.

She gave a soft huff of delight. thank you for allowing me to join.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia waved a paw. No need! I mean, you can, but don’t feel like you have to. We’re happy to have you either way! Besides, you already caught more than enough for me before. I’m the last one who should be questioning your hunting skills. She smiled at the memory, still grateful for the gifts.

Storytellers are more than welcome, and I’m sure the children would be happy for some new stories. I’d love to hear them too. But if you want to settle in first, that’s perfectly fine. Maia stepped aside and welcomed her, preparing to lead her somewhere that she could set down what she carried. A new start with a friend… Maia had so few of those, the statement made her warm with pleasure. Between Teya and Amalia, she was a very lucky wolf.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
733 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thank you <3

Amalia giggled softly at her friend. It was nice to know that she took her on her word, that she didn't have to prove herself. Perhaps that had been the problem all along. Kigipigak and Sahkmet were so serious, she always felt that she needed, must be useful. She hadn't minded and she loved the two, so very much. They were amazing wolves, but perhaps just too different from Amalia herself.

I think I would love to settle first, if that's alright. Thank you. She shouldered her burden again. She'd lay them wherever Maia wanted them. She would only take the one caribou skin she had earned with her to her own den. Though where that maybe, she wasn't certain.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Perfect! I can take some of these. I’ll show you again where our den is, and you can rest there, if you want? Otherwise maybe I can help you find a place somewhere. There’s a few dens I know of that aren’t being used. Teya had abandoned the island den, and there was one that she thought might have been used for medicine, from the plant traces she found.

She would divide the skins between herself and @Teya, then see if others wanted them. Maia didn’t need much but she thought @Eljay might appreciate some extra comfort to come home to. She refused to think of her mate as old but she did notice things. It would be nice for the springtime too.

I’m so glad you came! Maia added, gratefully, before she picked up a part of what the other woman was carrying. She reached forward to give her a quick hug, then smiled with slight embarrassment, picking up a bundle and letting Amalia follow her home.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
733 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia listened as Maia bubbled on a huge smile on her maw. She adored this woman. Was so glad she had found her, and then was still able to come to her, when her world seemed bleak.

Amalia took the hug and returned it. Happy to share in such things. She enjoyed physical touches, and hugs. Happiness in general. Once upon a time Amalia had been happier than most people and she found that was usually her default until recently, but she'd do the best she could to get back there.

I'm glad i came too!

She would follow Maia into the pack lands. And begin to do her part and seek out the pack members. She was growing excited.