Otatso Wetlands No Faces, Strange Places.
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
All Welcome 
Just looking for some new interaction! :D Bonnie's a hotplate, but also hopefully no physical fights, despite his foul mouth.

Sundown would prove difficult and disorienting. From the everchanging lands and the cawing of overlooking scavengers, his eyes felt as if they were shifting with great mountains. A great, heavy weight and a force he could not control, spinning him about in circles and granting him no true destination to find fit. North he continued to move, until tall trees were blocking whatever moonlight that would find itself trying to pierce through thick leaves. An aura of secrecy covered him and this place. His vision was obscured, blinded by what was mostly darkness and his nerves likely getting the best of him. Regardless, he could see just enough.

Bonnie felt his paws dip into wet, thick sludge. His paws were unwillingly down in the water, passing through towards an area even he was unsure of. This route felt safer. More secure to him. The mountains were in the distance, that much he knew, and his path was leading him towards Emberwood. None of these names he knew, but slowly he was trying to map his trail.

By now, he'd long scribbled all over his map with trails that didn't exist and lakes that he'd not seen. At this point, he didn't care. Whatever worked. Whatever got him through. A mildly disgusted grunt left his lips, followed by a frustrated huff while he took dramatic step after step through the wetlands. It figured to him that no wolf would dare bother him here. As quiet as he tried to be, nothing would hush the sound of moving water. So be it. 

Swiftcurrent Creek
653 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he needs some drama in his life! nice to meet u!

lestan did not know what to do for reverie. 
he wandered from the creek now, on the errand of following a lone stag. and yet the track led away. he found himself in a cold wetland, flat and open to the spread of snow.
lestan would have skirted the place had he not heard that rush of water, the undeniable sound of legs moving against current and grass. nostrils flared.
perhaps it was tybault.
that thought lined him with protective anger, and lestan moved at once to accost the stranger, tail lifting.
he only faltered a little bit to see he had been quite mistaken.
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152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
The strange slush of ice and the pooling of melted smow certainly wasn't pleasant. Repeatedly, his paws broke through the layer of ice trying to top the space; albeit, he could see where other animals had done the same. Maybe it was another meal of his. If he chose to go for something here, even if it tasted how it smelled, if it was guarded by another slobby puppy, he'd lose his mind.

It didn't take long for that noise to slice his ears. Walking, and not ceasing in noise either. Bold, bold, bold. At that, his own trot came to an immediate stop, paws leaning his entire weight AWAY from the approacher. His chest rose, fell, quicker and quicker while his fur came to a spicy hot, pointy bristle. When the other came into sight, Bonnie was long since fired up, leaning away and squinting with an unsure stare. Angered, but certainly uncomfortable.

One thing Bonnie didn't do to deescalate it though was look away. Or speak, for that matter. Instead, he did quite the opposite, and while he started walking away, he stared the other square in the eyes while he did it, only to soon come to a stop when he realized the stranger wasn't LEAVING either. Stare... Stare.. SQUINT.
Swiftcurrent Creek
653 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the man confronted him! lestan stumbled back some steps in the water, eyes narrowing. "sorry i-i thought you were someone else," he stuttered, as if the situation could be helped. his eyes took in the bristling fur, the angered eyes. 
the way that the man thrust himself close!
lestan retreated farther, though eventually he held his defiant own in the water.
"you are close to swiftcurrent creek," he managed, despite his extreme unease.
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152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
An all too fitting 'tch' for his attitude left his lips.

"And? So, what? You think I know that place? What, you come from some pack?" Lifting his brows up, Bonnie almost made it sound like a mockery in doing so. It was a mockery. 

Rearing his head up, he rolled his eyes and suspended his front left paw in the air. Of COURSE he ran close to some packs territory. Well, according to this wolf's words, just close to it. If that was the case, then he could stomp all he wanted over here. Even if it was, it was...unlikely that Bonnie cared. At all.

Swiftcurrent Creek
653 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the other wolf so close to his space irked lestan. he tried a different approach. "are you looking to join?" he asked, knowing the answer would be no! he tried to think of this brash, challenging stranger facing arric or akavir. 
it would not end well, lestan knew.
"there's bad wolves running around," the mayfair said, gesturing to the world at large. "if you acted like this when you met one, well i-i —"
even with the stutter, the hint was clear.
[Image: 3515172a008a413e194364af258f186a.gif]
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
"You ask me if I'm looking to join? I just told you I didn't even know it existed." Planting his dusty paw back down into the sloshing waters, he felt the chill from the winds ice down his damp skin. Leaning back uncomfortably, he squinted his eyes and flared his nostrils.

"I can handle myself." 

Maybe this stranger wasn't entirely wrong. Bonnie was defiant all the while, quietly shutting what would truthfully be a generous offer. It was a generous offer for how he was behaving. He put some distance between him and the stranger, flaring his teeth out in a grimace. Grinding them, second by second, to self soothe. Terrifying beasts of wolves who roamed these lands? Bad wolves, as he said? Looking him up and down, he took a few quick breaths through his nose. Bonaro wasn't.. inherently too threatened feeling. This wolf seemed cowardly- interesting for having nearly CHARGED him. 
Swiftcurrent Creek
653 Posts
Ooc — ebony
lestan was not to make of this bold and aggressive man who flaunted himself so close to swiftcurrent. akavir might have already challenged. but the delta's honeyblue eyes trailed over the man with more thoughtfulness as the other pulled away.
water, licking their legs with frigid burning. at length he cleared his throat. "my name is lestan. someone — threatened another that i love. so that's why i am out here. searching." his expression softened, grew warmer. "i'm certain you have done well alone. but there's no reason to stay alone."
[Image: 3515172a008a413e194364af258f186a.gif]
152 Posts
Ooc — Neoma
Again with the whole 'alone' talk. Didn't these pack wolves get it? It annoyed him. He didn't need anyone bossing him around or telling him what to do, let alone hanging about just to mooch off of their kills. Lazy, broken wolves were the ones that didn't catch their own meals. "Oh, yeah? Bonnie." Giving his name out wasn't inherently difficult, but he sure made it seem it.

"I don't need any old Alpha frolicking near their death bed telling me what to do." He found himself snorting. "Wasting my time all over again. I'm sure you would care about being alone." Pack wolves. This one was timid acting. Wasn't that something. Taking more heavy, obnoxious breaths to himself while he calmed down his spikey, rebellious anger, he looked the stranger up and down. "Yeah, well maybe I'll give it some thought. And maybe your little perpetrator is the girl I slammed into earlier, so if that's the case, then I sure am beggin' ya to do something with the thief. Well, enjoy your night out, Lestan." Every word he said was drenched in some sort of sarcasm. Including telling Lestan to enjoy his night. Bonnie did go to turn; albeit, slowly, with his ears pinned and his tail uncomfortably tucked to his legs. He was still young. He did not know trust. 
Swiftcurrent Creek
653 Posts
Ooc — ebony
this bonnie had a mouth full of harshness on him. lestan listened numbly, silently. the very idea of pack wolves seemed to enrage this man, and it was wise not to press him further.
after the stranger's tirade, he seemed to close in on himself, shooting a last scathing response before turning about.
but his body language was not secure.
lestan watched until the other was gone from view; then and only then did he turn, intending to bring a full report and description to @Akavir and @Arric.
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