Moonspear All my pictures seem to fade to black and white
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Long, Lean body woke up as the morning sun began to peek over the horizon. He fastened his pouch around his throat and then with quickening steps and a sluggish brain he began to trot, and then lope and all too soon he was running. Veering through the pine trees, pebbles bouncing beneath his feet. 

It was nice to add wings to your feet and just run. Slowly his muscles eased and his body loosened and the soft puffs of air that came from his mouth were even and practiced. He had always ran. It was something to keep his mind quiet. And it was freeing. He longed to climb the mountain, to press against the sharp jagged rocks and be mere seconds away from falling, but he didn't. Even he an adrenaline junkie knew when a mountain was too treacherous to play.

Calmly he slowed. His body easing into a disjointed, then graceful walk. Green eyes tracing the steps of the moonspear, the tall trees and the skyline. He stood letting the sun caress his face.
First Warrior
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Ooc — ebony
the pretty women of moonglow and the death of tulukiri had made the seal-hunter restless.
now, remembering the flower, he roamed to the village of moonspear, looking up at the stone face of the great mountain.
this was a sacred place, but it held few men. chakliux grinned at this and called for hunters, standing back from the star-woman's borders.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There was a howl at the borders and he headed towards it. Fur every which way from the wind against his skin. Lightening and darkening the small places of his body, and chest. He recognized the howl, but was unsure who exactly it was. 

Green eyes dipped from one mountain peak to the next and he followed the trees and the scent of fur, and piss and paws. Until he made it to the edge. A small smile lit up his features and he winked at the saucy wolf he had told a story with their bodies. A Fine specimen. 

Brother hunter. he called out with mirth in his voice, laughter in his gaze.
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Ooc — ebony
"brother hunter," chakliux said back, with a quick and tight smile that did not reach the look of his eyes. "ah. i look for the one who killed tulukiri. the cat," the seal hunter grunted, referring to the warning of the moonwoman.
"i want its skin."
he thought of nasamik, of sialuk, of ciri.
"for a bride price."
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The male was not happy to see him. He wondered at this, but said nothing. Instead he approached slower, the smile on his face leaving him. Then the next words drove his heart into his throat. He wanted the cats fur.

Now Alaric had just arrived a day ago, so he hadn't been privy to the warning of the cat, but he could deduce what was going on. Cats were notoriously awful to hunt. They were dangerous and wild and it both excited him and filled him with fear and he knew with that feeling. He was absolutely game.

Then let's get it.
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Ooc — ebony
chakliux whooped, a cutting sound which met alaric's ready nature.
he turned and sped away from moonspear, heading with sure strides down into the land between the villages.
"has sialuk chosen a man?" he asked, even as his focus fell to the path, to gathering scents.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The noise cut through the air and Alaric was surprised and momentarily unfocused as it hurt his ears. However, he jumped into action as the other male went forward boldly and with intent. It wasn't difficult to keep up, being that he was a runner. But it was difficult to listen and run, but he tried. 

At the question he momentarily thought about  not answering. It seemed like it was not his place to say, and yet he knew Sialuk was not hiding her hunt for a man or woman. So he shook his head. 

Not yet, but I know she is readily looking.
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Ooc — ebony
to this chakliux grunted but said nothing more. the cat must be found and killed before he could think of such things.
he tasted the earth and lifted his head to the skies. "what do you know of the way a cat kills, alaric?"
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric winced. Sharp teeth, sharp claws. They stalk from trees and mountain tops. Silent predators. But they can make you think a babe is in trouble. They trick.

Alaric scented the trees near where they were. Cougars were not easily swayed. Though he knew whiskers and tails could help.

You want to take their whiskers and their tails and then rush them. Without the the two they have difficulty running and balancing.
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Ooc — ebony
chakliux nodded at all this. "you know cats. this is good."
he jerked his muzzle upward. "how do you pull a whisker from that height, ha!" he joked, wanting to feel humor once more.
but for now, death had taken it.
he moved onward.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric nodded. Unfortunately I do.

He had seen many cats throughout his young life. There had been many wounds he had patched up for claws and teeth. And other things some cats took stuff from wolves they shouldn't. It was a gross, awful thing that.

Alaric cracked a smile. You stretch and ask nicely? If that doesn't work a nose boop does wonders.
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Ooc — ebony
chakliux laughed, a hooting sound. "you are a funny man, alaric."
he paused to stretch, to yawn, to shake out his ruff. "what is the village of moonspear like?" he asked, curious as to how many of her mother's ways the star-woman had adopted.
he hoped to see her again, the pale hunter with hawk's-eyes.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric smiled. It was either the gods give me good looks or whit not both.

Alaric bent to sniff for the cat, becore he thought of the question. 

Hushed. Otherworldy. It holds many things there, sacred things. The wolves are pleasant, the numbers small.
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Ooc — ebony
it did not seem so bustling as moonglow.
"you are not bored?" his eyes glowed. "what do you do in such a place of quiet?"
chakliux kicked a small stone; it skidded sideways and struck a tree. he chuckled boyishly.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Healer had only been to the edges of moonglow. Never past the borders. Therefore, he didn't know of it's busyness. 

A bit at times, but it's not awful.

He chuckled. I think of stories. Or i climb the mountain or i go to the edge so close i almost fall and look down and around. I will grow a garden come spring.
First Warrior
992 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chakliux grinned a fine grin. "what kind of stories does the man alaric have to say?" he asked, thinking of how high the mountains were.
how far the fall.
he shook out his nape.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric grinned. I have many stories hunter man. I have stories of knights and women, of princesses, of sadness and madness, and anger. I have stories of loss and love and the inbetween moments. Stories of stars and the moon. Of birds in the heavens and fish in the seas.

Alaric knew how far the fall. It was why he liked to be right there. So close to it, he could almost taste the bitter darkness that lay there if he were to leap. He too heard those whispers that you never admitted the ones in your heart of hearts that curled around you in shadows and spice, and arsenic and lace. That would never see thelight of day. Those whispers of what if you jump? What if you fly?
First Warrior
992 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he thought of all those things. the wind played across the scars upon his shoulders. "tell me a story of love."
his eyes were bright; he fell into step beside alaric. stories were also the way of his people, and he was pleased that he shared this with the other man.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
have a danni original

Alaric thought about it and then nodded. There was once a beautiful princess. Wolves came from all around to gaze at her, but she was more than just a beautiful girl with fur of white and eyes of blue, no, she was also sweet and kind and nice and she had a secret.

Alaric batted his eyelashes and moved his body as if sinuously moving like a female. 

She could see into the hearts of men. Every male that came to see her, was vain and selfish and only wanted her for her beauty and her lands. But there was a simple humble hunter whom she cared deeply for, but her father would never let her just marry him. So she devised a plan.

He acted as if he was whispering and sneaking around behind the backs of some. She told her father she wanted to host a competition and she would marry whomever won and whom she felt fit, whether noble or common born.

Alaric acted as if he was looking down over a large group of wolves. She devised three tasks, but in each task she disguised herself. The first task was to gather water for her villages. She dressed herself up as a begger woman and begged for water. All the petty princes and the ones from fara way lands. They ignored her, and only carried water for the people, but the humble hunter he stopped offering her a drink and even sat with her for a brief time.

Alaric waltzed around with his nose in the air. Then he put a sad look upon his face and begged.

The second task was to hunt. So many animals were felled that day deer, and pheasants and rabbits. And the humble hunter he killed a deer and a rabbit. She disgused herself this time as an old man in need of food for his family. Again all the men walked away and ignored her, but he humble hunter gave her the larger prize of the deer and only carried the rabbit to lay at teh princesses feet.

Alaric acted as if he was hunting great beats. He growled and he twisted he caught things in the air. Green eyes flashing, well muscled athleticism doing him well.

Finally her last task. She asked for each man to bring her their most prized possession. Now the princes and men from other lands. They had fine furs, and fine baubles. Herbs from all over the world. But the humble hunter, held in his paw. A simple river stone, well rounded and smooth from years of water. IT was speckled and odly colored, but he kept it. It had been the rock she and he had found as children one day.

Alaric acted as if he was carrying fine furs, and foods and herbs. Again his nose in the air. Holding out a paw as if greeting pheasants, but  in his hand he held a stone and offered it up to Chakliux with a grin.

The princess stood upon her dais and told them all who she had chosen and why. For it was better to be good and humble, and loving. Than unkind, selfish and boasting. She married her hunter and they lived happily ever after.

Alaric accted as if he was greeting thousands of wolves, speaking loud and low.
First Warrior
992 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the fact u can just do that in one go is amazing <33

there were many words said by alaric that chakliux did not understand. but he did know the dancing, and saw the story there in the rise and fall of darkfurred body, of the growl, the upturned paws, the whispers, the womanly movements.
by turns he laughed, by others he was moved.
his eyes glowed, and toward the end they had softened with some base perception of romantic idea.
chakliux was silent for a long while.
"not being humble. is this always a bad thing, do you think?" he asked carefully of alaric.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blushes. It's not good, just quick. <3 Thank you.

Alaric used all his skill to tell his story. He used his body, twisted and turned it in odd and fun ways. But he always made sure to keep eyes upon his audience. It was nice to see the reactions. Those were his favorite part. And Chakliux didn't disappoint.

Alaric stopped moving to think. I think it depends on the situation. There are times when one must be humble, and there are times one must boast. The key is to know which is which and when to use it. I think if you are always humble you can be perceived as Meek and mild, weak. But if you boast and brag all the time. Then you can be considered selfish and boastful. I think balance is key in some aspects.

Alaric smiled and nudged the other wolf. You have heard me tell story twice now. You seem to have this skill to. When will I hear one of yours?
First Warrior
992 Posts
Ooc — ebony

chakliux grinned. "ah, brother! my words are not so quick as yours. i must go out and see something, feel something. then i will build a story of it for your ears."
the man rolled his scarified shoulders with a low sigh.
"where did you learn your story-dancing?"
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric gave a soft smile. And thought on his family and then spoke softly. I come from a long line of storytellers, and healers. They would travel from pack to pack sharing stories, healing, whatever help was needed. I was taught. And I have always loved to tell stories. I like to see the wonder on faces of those who listen.
First Warrior
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Ooc — ebony
word carrier. "those who carry stories also carry the most important part of your people." the traditions handed down by word and deed. "it is a sacred honor." his spearberry eyes caught up the other man with a look of pride. "it says your mind is blessed to be given such wisdom, and before you are an elder."
alaric was handsome, with skills and with status. chakliux wondered why he had not taken a wife. idly the man thought of nasamik.
"I must go now, word holder. but i will come back." his eyes flashed with the promise.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric liked that others liked stories as much as he. That they felt as important to others as they did to him. Without stories, he feared he would die. His heart would give out. His mind would go blank.

Alaric had never married, because none had ever seemed all that impressed with him and he had given much of himself to packs. 

I'll see you when you return. He dipped his muzzle goodbye.