Ocean's Breath Plateau tigumiak
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded decisively after scanning briefly the rest of the herd and ascertaining no easier or better positioned prey. As Chakliux moved to flank she too stalked the other side, hoping to get as close as possible before their presence raised an alarm. But if the herd noticed them she would give chase quickly, cutting towards their target to gain as much ground as possible.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
heph moved into a run and chakliux held back if only for a moment to appreciate her rangy, powerful lines. and then he was with her, teeth cutting for the animal and pale body swerving to neatly separate it from the herd.
injured though it was, the panicked beast was still formidable. quickly aware it could not run to flee the wolves, it struck out first at heph, then toward chakliux, with knife-fronted forelegs and wild eyes.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph caught the figure of Chakliux out of the corner of her eye, even as she wove in and out of the range of their quarry keeping herself oriented away from the herd to finish severing the prey from whatever protection numbers might offer. When the whites came into view in its eyes she scattered out, hoof coming to clip her shoulder even as she lowered her head and darted for the hindquarters trying to bait out a kick. It struck at Chakliux instead, but as her teeth found a vein in its hindquarters it shifted its weight to the front to kick at empty air.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she slowed the animal's kicking. chakliux darted to and fro, back and forth, wounding.
gouts of blood soon spurted.
he grabbed for the side of the thick throat, meaning to relieve heph while she dealt the final blows.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph  could smell the thick scent of blood in the air, as more of it spilled from the quarry. She could feel its muscles and strength failing beneath her teeth as she went in for the kill, holding fast to the throat until the struggling ceased. As soon as it had stilled completely she let go eyes glancing over Chakliux to see how he fared, a bloody smile slashed across her face.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
they were triumphant! chakliux was panting; he stepped back with a loud crow, a whoop of pleasure.
"the village will feast well!" he said exuberantly, then falling to the task of butchering the meat to carry, and all the while he was greatly pleased to be here, to have hunted so well with heph.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
The joy was infectious and she gave out a howl of her own, aiding where she could in the meat and separating the pelt from the body to tan it. Her maw spread wide in a smile she felt easy enough to tease. "And whatever ladies you're hoping to impress this winter." She was glad that they worked well together, when she wandered alone hunting beside others was something she missed and running beside Chakliux felt natural.
1,051 Posts
Ooc — ebony
fade here? great thread!! <33

"there may be many!" chakliux boasted, though he was content with what oil father had seen fit to bring into his life.
he shared several laughs and many ribald jokes with heph before they were done, before they called to the others and moontide filled their caches with good food.