Ouroboros Spine warm ray
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
All Welcome 
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After her journey to Moonsong Glacier, Seal felt like stopping by Moonglow on the return trip. It had been a while since she had seen @Ajei and the rest of the village.

How had Ipiktok, @Salaksartok, and @Nasamiituuq grown? Had @Arrluk, @Massaraq, or @Kassuq returned from their spirit journies?

Seal adjusted her fishercat mantle and crossed the spine’s peak to descend into the crater below.
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei was roaming through the pscklands. Gathering things for the trip to moontide. Furs, herbs, small things she found interesting. She hoped this journey to the plains was filled with wonderful things for them and other packs. Hesrt brother Rodyn and Heph had done wonderfully.

She was surprised by sight of her friend Seal and raced forward towards her.

Hi Seal. It is good to see your face!
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
“Ajei!” Seal called excitedly when she saw the rich ruby of her friend’s pelt against the winter snow. Quickly, she ran to her friend for a hug. “So good tae see you!” Seal stepped back to admire the beautiful woman she was becoming… it was a bit bittersweet to think how quickly they were all growing up!

“How are you, how is Moonglow?” she asked. Though Seal was excited to tell Ajei of her adventure in Muat-Riya, she wanted to hear how her friend was, first.
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei caught her friend with gracelessness. More excited to hold her tightly than to make it seamless.

No mote children, but on the cupse of womenhood, both beautiful in their own right. Ajei gazed at her friends pretty patches and smiled brightly.

I am well. Learning to be alone.

Ahe smiled then bittersweetly. She had always had one of yhe brothers with her. Or her own. But as yhey grew and dispersed and traveled she was often left in moonglow. Whoch she didn't mind and preferred, but she did get lonely.

Moonglow is well! A hopeful wedding. Kivaluk will go on bride price journey aoon and thr brothers will be back. Well Arrluk is back. she said it all with such fondness.
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
“Alone?” A concerned expression crossed Seal’s face until she parsed Ajei’s meaning. “Ah, Kukutux’s sons are still on their spirit walk?” This surprised Seal, because it meant the brothers had been gone two moons. She supposed each wolf’s walk was not the same. Some would take longer than others to find their manhood; their life meaning. But, Seal could not help but worry something had happened to them. She rubbed Ajei’s shoulder empathetically, knowing that Ajei, too, was probably worried.

“A wedding!” Seal exclaimed. “How exciting! He seeks her bridge price? So romantic,” Seal’s eyes went ga-ga as she batted her lashes. Someday, would a man seek her own bride price, as well? “I cannae wait for that event… I wish tae ken both Kivaluk and Chickadee better.”

Then it was revealed that Arrluk had returned! The Orca brother. Poignantly, it reminded Seal had not heard from her sister. “Oh, that is wonderful news. He is a man now, yes?” Then Seal paused as she inched close to Ajei. “Is he… different…?” she whispered, curious.
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei nodded her head.

I was always with Massaraq and Arrluk. Never by myself. I was with them more than my own brother. Usually Arrluk he is my dearest one.

Ajei nidded. He hasn't set out yet. Her parents must set one. Once they do he will go. It is romantic, but also trying. Yes. The men learn much about themselves on the journey.

She smiled then thinking of the wolf who was probably her very best friend. And it uurt a little. Because he had changed, but all in good ways.

She frowned in thought. 

Hmm. Yes and no. He is still same quiet strong presence, but bigger now. Calmer he holds himself different, but it is all good. He is definitely man now. But we've all changed as we turn from girl to woman and boy to man. I know I have.

And she had. Ahe had lesrned to travel and stand on her own two feet. She had learned she had more complex emotions than she had thought and her own body had begun to awakwn in ways she didn't yet understand. But knew it was right. Her dreams had slowly turned from fairies and stories to romance amd intrigue. Though she still loved the sound of fairies laughing in riverbwds and the way the wind whispered into her ears.
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Seal listened as Ajei made, not only, astute observations about Arrluk, but also about growing up. “We have changed,” she agreed. Maturity sure was a trip. Their bodies and minds had changed – their pheromones too! Seal had talked to her Meerkat, Sialuk, Kukutux, and Ariadne about romance, sex, marriage, motherhood… What would they all be like in another year? Two?

Still, she was curious about this transformation Arrluk had gone through. It sounded as if he had taken a magic pill and suddenly transformed into a grown-up with a hunky body and a calm, collected mind.

Seal blushed at the thought and covered her mouth as she giggled.

“Ajei,” she whispered to her friend. “Do you like him? Arrluk, I mean. Like… have a crush on him?”
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei was learning her limitations and her strengths each day. She tried hard to make the right choices. See the right things. And were she wanting to be mediator she would need wisdom.

Ajei blinked surprised. I.

Ahe frowned. I love him. He is my dearest friend. My solace in my sadness and when i am scared he or Massaraq are the first to leap to my side. I can see where that could change in the future. But i do not even know what a crush feels like?
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Sorry for my delay, @Ajei!

LOVE HIM?!?!?!

Seal’s jaw dropped at the declaration and she sucked in a tiny gasp. What a juicy nugget of chisme! But then, as Ajei continued her explanation, Seal managed to wipe the immature and giddy expression off of her face and become a bit more serious as Ajei shared her heart.

“Ajei…” Seal began… “A crush is like… like a wee bird fluttering in your chest. When you’re smitten with someone an’ want tae be near them.”

“I think,” she added quickly.

“But what I’m hearing… sounds like Love. Like real love. Like how my Mom an’ Da are.” She scooted closer to Ajei, willing her friend to say more.
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
No worries

Ajei realized that perhaps she had mispoke based on the expression of the other girls face. Did she choose the wrong words?

Oh, then no. Ajei shook her head. No. I haven't felt that. I haven't even thought of that. I suppose.

Ajei titled an ear forward. Moonwoman and my mother will choose a mate for me. Or at least someone they want me to speak too and possibly be in a mateship with. So I haven't really thought of it
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Seal was surprised to hear that Ajei had never experienced these sensations despite the connection she described with Arrluk. By comparison, the young wolf felt a bit lewd!

“Choose for you?” Seal said, surprised but without judgment. She tapped her chin with a paw in thought. The only time she had heard of this tradition was from Kukutux’s stories of her engagement to the sealhunter boy. Every other role model in her life had chosen their own partners, and so Seal had always assumed the tradition was never carried on.

“You dinnae want tae choose your yourself?” she asked, a bit concerned for her kind-hearted friend.
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Perhaps Ajei felt those feelings and had simply saw them differently. She was ao different than everyone. She wouldn't be surprised if perhaps she was the same way on this regard.

Ajei smiled and reached for her friends paw. They would only give me names to meet. It would be my ultimate choice to decide if I wanted more. And if I should find someone who I care for before they give me names. I can choose them too.

Ajei tilted an ear. Do you have a crush?

Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
When Ajei explained everything, Seal relaxed a little. “Good,” she agreed with a smile.

However, it gave Seal the thought that to be given away was a very romantic notion! Again, it reminded Seal of Kukutux’s first love.

How she had been sent off to a distant village.

Matched with a young man she had never met.

Together, they learned to love.

It was the stuff of fairytales!

Ajei’s next question spurred Seal to snap back to reality. Her pulse jumped as flashes of the butterfly feelings she experienced with Raiyuk and Frolic at the coronation flashed through her mind. However, she kept these secrets close to her heart.

“Oh, there was a verrae bonnie priest in Muat Riya!” Seal fanned herself with one paw and acted like a girl who had just seen teenage Leonardo DiCaprio. “Frolic said he was too old… but I ken he was a total catch!”
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Seal seemed to relax a little. Of course Ajei knew if Kukutux or Shikoba chose someone and told her without doubt she would marry them. As obedient child. She probably would. She would just have to make the best of whatever decision.

Eyes upon her friend, both ears forward. Muat Riya?

She didn't recall this place or perhaps she had heard it. Though the mention of Frolic brought a small smile to her face.

Ajei chuckled. Well some like them older. If you say he was, I believe you. Was he very cute?

These were the right questions correct? If he was good looking? His build? When really she wanted to ask. Is he nice? Will he stay? Will he treat you like the queen you are?
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
“Muat-Riya’s a pack… no… a kingdom in the desert,” Seal explained. “I traveled with Heph and Raiyuk as a representative of Moonspear tae their queen’s coronation. They held a gran’ feast after the ceremony. Frolic was there too!”

Seal hoped that provided Ajei with context.

“Nae cute,”
she corrected with a giggle,handsome. Like a real man!” Seal didn’t know the first thing about the necessary ingredients for a healthy relationship… but she knew eye candy when she saw it! “Oh Ajei, he was… his eyes… his jaw! So fine!” she tittered childishly. “He spoke tae me, asking about trade between the moon villages. I hope he travels this way!”
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A kingdom? Is it different than a pack?

What made a kingdom? She wasn't certain. Was it just bigger? Different leadong bodies?

Ajei listened. It seemed this man was jaw droppingly gorgeous. Though her thoughts went to the boys who were all good looking in their own right and would grow up to be handsome. Of sun man her father. Eventually they were all good looking right?

Ajei thought about it. Well why can't we travel to him? Brother Rodyn would probably be able to help us trade on behalf of moonvillages he is trader.
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
“Aye, the new queen Toula holds command over many territories,” Seal gushed. She revered the Akashingo kingdoms and their ways. To a young and naive Seal, their society seemed so much more grand than their simple provincial village life.

When Ajei suggested they go visit him, Seal’s face flushed red beneath her fur. She gasped and cupped a paw over her mouth as her fantasies crossed with reality. “Ajei, we cannae do that!” she proclaimed, embarrassed. “He wouldnae… wouldnae like someone like me… would he?”
550 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A queen like in the stories. How interesting. Ajei had no idea there was anything like that, let alone around the wilds.

She made a soft hum. She was not one who liked lavish things, but she could see the draw. She supposed. And she was so glad her friend had enjoyed herself.

Ajei drew herself up tall. If he doesn't then he is a fool.

She was righteously angry all of the sudden for her friend. How dare someone not like her. It was simply not possible.
Sun Mote Copse
377 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Last post from me!

Ajei’s demeanor changed to defend Seal’s confidence! She had never seen her quiet-hearted friend assume such a dominant posture.

Seal’s eyes sparkled in admiration, inspired. “Oh, Ajei, thank you!” She said, words licked with laughter as she threw her arms around her. “You’re the verrae best!”

Feeling better and less self-conscious, Seal shook her furs and suggested, “common’ let’s grab some scran.” They could continue their gossip about Muat-Riya and Senmut over lunch!