Redhawk Caldera Spring calling
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Spring was coming. It wasn't quite here, but it was close. Using the gifts she was given. Amalia found herself rooting in brush. On the search for small game to flush out and fill the caches.

It had been so long since she had actually fully hunted. When the weasels, honestly she had hoped for rabbits. But the ermines eould do. When they hopped out, she was off like a rocket.

A low hum of laughter in her chest as she sprang after them. Body turning sinuously into the curves, eagerly playing a catch game.
435 Posts
Ooc — mercury
A crashing in the brush ahead of him interrupted his journey to the border for patrol, and he lifted his chin in confusion—which only grew as a small brown streak cut across his path, leaving squeaks in his wake.


Killdeer continued on and found Amalia, dancing in her pursuit of the lithe creatures, looking so gleeful that he couldn't help but smile along.

Without another word, he jumped in to help. He wasn't as agile as she, given his size, but he'd do his best. He lunged forward and his teeth snapped shut just a hairsbreadth from a weasel, who darted away with tiny, churning paws.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She was sure she was making way more noise than needed. But it was so beautiful and it was a good day to run.

Suddenly bright colors were there and her laughter spurred outward to dance in the wind.

His snap brought it closer to her and with a lunge she grabbed it. Teeth wrapped around it and they won. She dropped it and looked at Killdeer with laughter.

She stepped away and hit the ground to roll too happy to contain herself. Finally she lay looking up at him with a goofy dog grin.

Thank you for the assist! If you'd like more just a sec. This happiness can't be contained.

Then she wiggled in delight.
435 Posts
Ooc — mercury
The quick kill wasn't at odds with the giddiness, though in any other context it could have been. Nice, he complimented her, grinning. Man, you're in a good mood, huh?

Killer laid down with her, idly nosing at the limp weasel. 

In Moonspear, some wolves had furs that they wore, he remarked, gazing at their quarry's soft pelt. He glanced at Amalia, eyes warm. This one would look good on you, I think. But I have no idea how they managed to get the fur off so neatly.

And he didn't want to try. Would leave bloody carnage if he did, he assumed.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Paws a gentle tap towards the sky, almost like a pup reaching upwards. Any other place, time, wolf. This whole situstion probably could have been seen as bizarre. But Amalia was happy.

I am! It's almost spring. I got to run. I caught food. Its a beautiful, lovely day.

She chuckled. Oh! You make two slits around throat and girth. Gently peel it away. Then skin in river with stones to hold down. The fish eat the meat. Then spread out on ground use rocks to hold. I was taught at Moonglow.

She grinned again. And thank you for the compliment. I didn't take you away from most important things did i?
435 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Wow, he said sincerely, pleased at the explanation. No one ever gave me a tutorial at Moonspear. Glad you got the rundown.

Killdeer shook his head, amiable and fervent. Of course not. Just headed to the borders—but I don't think we're in danger of any invasions, he added. I'm just as happy to spend the time with you.

Thoughts of Sialuk and Moonshadow shimmered before him like a mirage, and he felt suddenly uneasy, though tried to tamp the sensation down.

It is almost spring, he echoed her earlier sentiment. Gonna be a lot of kids running around, soon. He cocked his head and ventured, gingerly: D'you want kids? I know a lot of wolves do.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia laughed. It is considered woman's work, though some men do it. My brother. A wolf named Rodyn. And I think sun man may know how. Now you do too.

She thought about it. He was probably right. They barely got any visitors here. It is pretty far for invasions.

A soft smile. Oh. A chuff in her chest. Thanks. I enjoy time spent woth you too.

He was probably one of the few she found time to spend with. Many others were busy or not to her taste.

Amalia hmmed softly. I haven't thought about it. No prospects and all that. I think.

A paw to her muzzle tip. I would like some, some day. Yes. I don't know how good I'd be at any of it though. I don't have much experience with young ones.
435 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He had already fallen into a great silence, and her words pitched him even farther that way. Killer remained silent for a while, looking at the earth beneath his paws.

When he dared to speak, his words were meek.

Amalia, he began, I mated with women this year. I think I'm going to be a father. And I don't know how to feel about it.

Why was he so ashamed?

He could barely look at her, and he didn't know why.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He was quiet. And it was an uneasy silence. But Amalia happily walked beside him. Killdeer hadn't had an easy time of it lately. So she felt she could weather the tension and the awkward silence.

Amalia looked at him with a smile. She was about to tell him how wonderful. Until his next words. And her face morphed from joy for him to concern mixed with confusion.

Do you want to talk about it?
435 Posts
Ooc — mercury
sorry for being slow darling <3

He nodded, sinking down into a sitting position. Yeah, if you're okay with listening, he replied, tilting his head her way, gaze soft. Sorry, but it's kind of been eating me up.

He took a deep breath, then continued. I didn't plan it. It was, uh, two different women. I dunno if they mated with anyone else, so the babies that come might not even be mine. But they might be.

Killdeer hunched his shoulders and sighed, shaking his head. I feel like— I dunno. I feel like I never grew up, he admitted. I mean, I did what I needed to do as a soldier in Mereo. I've traveled and helped others out. But being a father feels like. . . a huge leap in responsibility. And I don't know if I can do it.

My parents were together, he continued. And then they weren't. Bronco did his best, but we were separated most of the time. Can I be a good father, away from them? I'm not sure I can. It's just. . .a lot. You know?

Killer glanced at Amalia and grimaced. I'm so sorry, 'Mal. Word vomit, he added, with a rueful smile.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
You are fine <3

Amalia settled beside him and nodded. I am okay with it. More than okay. A small smile. She shifted and patted his paw.

No need to apologize. Sometimes we need to get them out and besides no one should ever apologize for their feelings ever.

She listened. It wasn't unusual for pups to have more than one father. And besides that it wasn't unusual for some females and even males to have multiple relationships and lovers depending on personal belief's, religions etc.

So he was a soldier in Mereo. She wasn't sure if she knew that. That was a lonely existence anyway. She had seen that place. Cold and calculating it had felt.

Amalia didn't say anything about that. He may not feel like he could, but he had proven he rose to the occasion in different areas in his life. This she felt would be no different.

The dark girl hummed softly thinking. Her green eyes growing unfocused as she thought about what to say then she looked at him with a kind and gentle smile.

Well first let me ask if you want me to give you advice or just listen?
435 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Give me advice, he decided, with a firm nod. He would hear out whatever she had to say to him, no matter how it felt. 

He trusted the woman, and trusted the advice she'd give him.

Killdeer settled in to listen, grateful for the friend he'd found in Brecheliant.

so so sorry for dragging this out again @Amalia - you can archive or fade with a post if you want. this will be my last
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
725 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She smiled and shifted. I can't tell you what to do. But I can tell you if it already weighs on you like this. You already know what you want to do in your heart. Your head just hasn't caught up yet.

She titled an ear forward. I say go and be with them. If it doesn't work out for some reason. You have friends here to help you if that comes
But I have no doubt you will be wonderful at it. You are proving you're already a good daddy if your worried about it.

She would share a little more with him. But ultimately try and steer him in a more joyful conversation. Only stopping as evening fell to gather her weasel and head to her den. Knowing in her heart. Killdeer would be great.