Shadow Mountain here's what I meant to say was how I'd prefer you, cruel, cold and grey
pps my own character bc i dont feel like posting twice again
He notices it late. Of course he notices late. He looks away for five seconds and a fucking cat shows up, one of the big ones —
In fact, he recognizes this one, even from a distance. His hackles spike instantly, and he's moving before he realizes it, closing the space between them quickly. But Daighre, the dumbass, is already stirring — and then the cat is lashing out, reaching forward with one massive paw to crush against his flank and pin him. Zephyr sees the brief flash of claws, and then he's there, lunging into the mess with teeth aimed for the big cat's scruff. It's surprisingly effective, if only because he'd caught the thing off-guard.
Except then it smacks the shit out of him, claws still out, and ow. The force of it rips him away from the mountain lion and sends him stumbling back, adrenaline numbing the pain to a dull cold sear across his chest. He snarls, stepping forward — but the damn thing is already turning to flee. Maybe he should've done the same.
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RE: here's what I meant to say was how I'd prefer you, cruel, cold and grey - by Zephyr - November 27, 2020, 10:50 PM