Dragoncrest Cliffs deeper than any forest pri[m]eval, i am in love with you
980 Posts
Ooc — Lieu
Post #400 for my future baby momma!

Meerkat slipped away to do her business and Njord waited for her return, stretched out and staring at the dirt ceiling of their humble home. Both contentedness and excitement found their place within his heart – the feeling that all he had manifested was finally coming to fruition.

She returned mumbling an apology, the outer guard hairs of her pelage soaked with winter sleet. Njord would have beckoned her back into their bed, would it have not been for changed scent she carried. Abruptly, he stood up. It was as if mother nature had eavesdropped on their conversation and wound Meerkat’s biological clock to the perfect minute. The Redtail closed any distance left between them and began to lick away the wetness on her pelt as he savored the ripe tang of new pheromones.

“Meerkat, yer flux… it’s…” he mumbled with a throaty growl. Though Meerkat ‘s presence alone often roused his body, things were different this time. He absolutely burned for her, and made it known by craning his neck over her back possessively. Njord’s teeth raked through her fur like a comb and ended with a sultry nip. Every fiber of his body felt taut and a deep wanting pulsed through his blood. His blue gaze passed his paramour a knowing look. The man would wait only a moment longer, should Meerkat change her mind at the eleventh hour, before sweeping her into a lover’s embrace.
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RE: deeper than any forest pri[m]eval, i am in love with you - by Njord - February 13, 2022, 03:14 PM