Dragoncrest Cliffs He's the one who knows it's completely over
775 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
She winced, to see her son so wounded, and cradled him against her, grateful that regardless of their time apart, he still chose to come back to her. She had been so lucky to have such wonderful children; she took none of it for granted, knowing that there was always the chance it could be stripped away from her. She lived in fear of the next great loss, but also rejoiced in moments like this- where she got to hold her sweet, empathetic son to her chest and rock him gently from side to side.

If only she could cast a shield big enough for her son- to guard him against the costs of love. She had suspected that her son had gone astray, following his heart- but it seemed that the path had been full of thorns.

"If your love be not returned,
it can feel as if you 'ave been b-b-b-burned.
We can neit'er stop our love as it grows,
nor force another to 'ave it, I suppose.
Sometimes...It be best to let one go;
move on, an' find another, though-
at times it be best to stay an' wait,
an' 'ope dey might reciprocate.
It...Makes no sense, I know dis to be true-
but when you find de right one...Dey will come to you."

There wasn't one right answer- there were many. She couldn't be sure that any advice she gave him would be the right advice to give...All she could do was comfort him, and let him know that what he was going through was difficult- and that it was difficult for everyone.

"Will you tell me about dem?" She asked, hoping her son might at least get some benefit out of describing the object of his affections to her.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
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RE: He's the one who knows it's completely over - by Chacal - May 29, 2024, 11:52 AM