August 18, 2016, 03:20 PM
Valette had been taking her time to rest especially with hurting her paw when see tripped and tumbled down a steep mountain hill. Luckily she had cooled her hurting paw so it wasn't that bad at all, but she was being careful especially on an uneven land that was Silvertip Mountain. Valette had to admit that she liked the flat lands of a valley, or the even lands of the maplewood more than these slopes.
The girl walked quietly though the forest thinking that she could do some deer tracking or maybe even some scavenging. But for that she had to go out of the territory, and find a prey, she rather stayed inside the territory. Perhaps someone would keep her company. She let out a howl for her pack members, asking if anyone had time to meet her.

August 22, 2016, 07:31 PM
Thanks for starting! <3
Nanook felt stronger each passing day. Every morning filled her anew. Her lungs carried her further and her legs took her higher. Though she remained an angular thing, sprightly and thin, she no longer felt sickly and gaunt. And while she had yet to gather the nerve to den with the others, Silvertip felt more and more like home with every setting of the sun.
Yet one perplexity remained, one that Nanook, in all her thinking, had not managed to solve. Against her nature and her good judgment, it was Valette she sought that morning. She knew the other yearling to be a hunter, and so the forest seemed the logical place to look. Sure enough, a howl met Nanook as she approached - an invitation to hunt, from the enigma herself.
Her first desire was to run, and run she did - toward the howl, and not away. Curiosity surged within her, morbid though it felt, to solve the riddle of her sister's spectre. She picked her way through rocks and trunks until Valette's scent swelled ever present around her. The draping shadows nearly obscured the dark girl from Nanook's sight, but she caught the slight movement of life, and Nanook came to rest some paces away.
She did not voice her presence, for she placed herself upwind, where the breeze would brush her scent toward Valette and not carry it away, as she was in the habit of doing. Nanook was certain the other needed no more alert than that. Valette was a hunter, after all, and even Nanook understood the power of a scent.
with every heartbeat I have left
I will defend your every breath, I promise
I'll do better
I will defend your every breath, I promise
I'll do better
August 23, 2016, 08:08 AM
Valette did not need to wait long for someone to respond to her call. The dark colored hunter had noticed the other soon enough. Her scent was being blown in her direction. The other female was right that the other female would notice her. Valette nodded to her in greeting and quirked up her lips into a small smile. "Hi Polaris," she greeted. "Thank you for responding."
Valette looked over her, the grey female, who was smaller than she was looked far better than when she saw her before. It made Valette quite happy to see that this female was adapting well to the pack life she suggested. Valette was still reminded of her own sister when seeing this female. But her name was Polaris and not Nanook. She wondered how her sisters were doing. Especially Sesi.
Valette snapped from her thoughts. "I was thinking to check on the caribou. I checked the deer with Adeline a few days ago and now I'd like to check how the small caribou herd is doing. Perhaps there is a wounded or sickly one we can hunt with the pack," she suggested.
Valette looked over her, the grey female, who was smaller than she was looked far better than when she saw her before. It made Valette quite happy to see that this female was adapting well to the pack life she suggested. Valette was still reminded of her own sister when seeing this female. But her name was Polaris and not Nanook. She wondered how her sisters were doing. Especially Sesi.
Valette snapped from her thoughts. "I was thinking to check on the caribou. I checked the deer with Adeline a few days ago and now I'd like to check how the small caribou herd is doing. Perhaps there is a wounded or sickly one we can hunt with the pack," she suggested.

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