Heron Lake Plateau Bigger is better
185 Posts
Ooc — Jitterwater
All Welcome 
@Cinder maybe? Or @Tegan?

He had healed completely by now in body and personality. He was back to being a moody,bratty, testy young boy though he was developing a more broad depth of personality then before. He was standing by the lake staring at his reflection for what was the first time he could remember since he was a small boy and fell in. He stared at himself. Not in vanity (lie) but because he was bigger. He had grown almost as big as any other adult in the pack (his opinion). He turned his head left and right, studying himself before smirking. He looked damn good. Really. He was pretty cute. Handsome even. His eyes were a startling golden yellow that almost glowed from the black of his face. "Well hello Tywyll" he said and laughed.
hey, motherfucker!
770 Posts
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tegan wouldn't dare say that tywyll was a carbon copy of him-- because he himself was much better at everything in every way. every quality of his own was simply better than his kid sibling's and that was that.

but they were both pretty full of themselves.

anyhow. tegan was off doing some fuck shit when he spotted the kid mooning over his reflection. gross, even tegan wasn't that vain. "hey-- get a room!" he called, padding over and offering his brother a headbutt to the shoulder, "what if a girl heard you say that? she'd be fuckin laughing her ass off at how stupid you looked." but no girl, just tegan.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay approached Tywyll sitting by the lake, but before he reached his brother Tegan had found him instead. Eljay fell silent for a moment, stopping himself in motion and just stared at the two for a moment. He wondered if they wanted him there; after all, Tywyll wasn't a kid anymore that needed to be watched all the time and whenever he was with Tegan, Eljay felt constantly reminded of how uncool he was, even though his brother didn't necessarily do anything mean or wrong.

After swallowing his nervousness Eljay started towards the pair of them again, a somewhat awkward smile on his face. "Uh, hey, what're you guys up to?" he asked, completely having missed all but Tegan's last "you looked" and therefore having no idea what they were doing or talking about.
185 Posts
Ooc — Jitterwater
If anyone asked Tywyll if he was trying to copy Tegan, the answer would be an annoyed and disgusted "no!" even though to Tywyll nobody was cooler or more of a role model then his older brother. Well....maybe Towhee was just as cool but definitely not cooler. So when Tegan came up and caught him, the look on his face was a wide eyed mortified dumb expression before he fixed it and rolled his eyes "I'd laugh at her laughing, because obviously she'd have poor tastes in guys!" he retorted and shoulder his brother back, tail wagging as he flashed him a grin.

When Eljay appeared he headed over and gave his other brother a proper greeting, jumping at him and giving him an enthused body bump "I was just watching the fish Jay! Tegan's just bein' a butt" he flashed Tegan a teasing grin as if urging the older boy to engage.
89 Posts
Ooc — belle
The ashen boy halted his steps, squinting hard as he caught the very last words of Tywyll's creative sentence - a butt. A butt, what? Cinder's gaze glimmered with curiousity, but a part of him also wondered whether he really desired to know what was going on, for his siblings were weird. Cool, at least some of them, but weird. "Tywyll's got a stinky butt." He announced, prancing into the scene with his tail flicking against his hind.

Three of his siblings were here, and it seemed like they were having fun. He didn't want to miss that!
for you,
there's nothing in this world i wouldn't do
hey, motherfucker!
770 Posts
Ooc —
"yeah right!" he said to ty's comment, and then when eljay approached and he made another comment, tegan exclaimed, "whackass! you were not, you was making out with your reflection!" hah! yeah right bud, good fuckin try. 

but then tegan composed himself, mildly. "what's up, eljay?" he asked with a small grin, tail waving coolly. he'd long long LONG abandoned the dumbass names he'd used to call his eldest brother. he was mature now. and then-- jesus christ-- cinder fucking showed up outta nowhere and spouted the dumbest comment ever. "what?" tegan shot at him, "are you a toddler? don't call people butts, call them asses." and then he glanced at eljay, ears flicking lower... barely.

"if they're gonna be assholes they gotta do it right," he informed the more innocent of the party.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Tywyll informed Eljay that he was just watching the fish, to which Tegan quickly interjected that Tywyll had been 'making out with his own reflection'. Just as Eljay was about to kindly remind his brother that he shouldn't be calling others 'whackasses' or rather in general just not call them names Cinder arrived and announced that 'Tywyll's got a stinky butt'. Again, before Eljay could say something about it Tegan said that he shouldn't call anyone a butt -- good -- but that he should call them an ass -- not so good.

Eljay softly interjected: "Uhm, you shouldn't call anyone any names," and smiled softly at Cinder. He grimaced and frowned as Tegan informed him that if they wanted to be assholes they should do it right. "I'd rather not have any of my brothers be, uh -- be mean." Eljay decided to exchange the word asshole, because it didn't feel comfortable on his tongue. He had never understood why anyone would want to be mean on purpose in the first place.
185 Posts
Ooc — Jitterwater
Tywyll gawked at Tegan and then narrowed his eyes, a real bratty look coming onto his no longer quite baby face "Oh yeah? At least I make out with something Tegan" he said accusingly. In his head he added "Make out" to the list of things to ask Towhee about and also ask if her if Tegan did it. Cuz if Tegan did it, it had to be something awesome. Just as he was gloating about what he prayed was a good smart ass response, Cinder marched over and ruined it. His face fell and got all exasperated looking, a weary sigh leaving his nostrils. Jeebus his brother had a knack for awkward timing and messing stuff up. "Says the one whose...uh...whose ass makes sounds like an angry goose at night!" he retorted. Damn he was on a roll!

Despite having just said something mean to Cinder, when Tegan asked if he was a toddler Tywyll defended him "Ey! Technically we're both just way younger then you. 'Sides Cin here has always been a little slower in the cool department, but he's awesome in his own ways!" he shot Tegan a stern look and then flashed Cinder a grin as Eljay spoke up behind him. He turned and gave his brother a "What are you, nuts?" look and then decided right then and there that Eljay was the overprotective motherly pansy brother. He still loved him though. "Sometimes you gotta be mean, or else others will think its okay to walk all over ya." he said softly thinking back to the weasel who had been about his size and had beaten him up.
89 Posts
Ooc — belle
Oof. He was bombarded with words from both Tywyll and Tegan, and the young boy almost hurried off to hide behind Eljay, face feeling heated; unfortunately he couldn't do that, cause then they'd think he was even less cool. "Yeah well... your face sounds like an angry goose all night." Cinder shot back, almost grimacing at his own silly retort. Yeah, he wasn't the best at this. But he'd learn, right? Asses. Remember asses. Not butts - asses.

His muzzle had opened in preparation of attempting to form a decent comeback to his other brother, Tegan, but before he had the chance Tywyll stepped up in his defense. Though he had the temptation of sending him away and declaring that he could defend himself, well... he couldn't, he wasn't very good at that yet. Besides, his littermate said the blackthorn was slow, but still awesome! Pushing him away now would be betraying him. He returned Tywyll's grin, lips quirking up at the sides. Yeah, take that, Tegan.

Then Eljay spoke up, and the youngster felt a tad sheepish, but was determined to keep up his... uh... cool facade. Yeah, that. Even so, he smiled at his older sibling and hoped he wouldn't get too mad if Cinder began to use the word asses, as Tegan had so kindly informed him.
for you,
there's nothing in this world i wouldn't do
hey, motherfucker!
770 Posts
Ooc —
tegan frowned. "that is not something to be proud of, dude," he said, and then shook his head. he got plenty of girls, but he didn't want to discuss how many girls he got in front of eljay...........

wait. actually.

"you're not making any sense, ty," he told him straight-forwardly, almost boredly, and then he looked to eljay. he didn't have time to deal with those two dumbasses. he loved em, sure, but nah. not now.  "sorry, b, i'll refrain from cursing around you... on one condition," tegan began suddenly, with a small, shit-eating smirk, "only, if you let me hook you up with a girl." eljay! in a relationship! HAH! tegan had only ever seen him around family, and also he had the maturity of a real life toddler. even worse than tywyll and cinder-- but in a different way.

then, tegan shrugged. "or boy-- whatever you're into. but i wanna help you out. bro stuff"
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
It felt pretty hopeless to try and get the boys to calm down. Eljay knew that being 'nice' wasn't exactly something most young children aspired to be, but he wanted them to know that it was perfectly fine to be nice, nonetheless. He frowned sadly when Tywyll said that you had to be mean or others would walk over you. Cinder meanwhile fell silent, and Eljay hoped that meant that he was thinking about the words. Looking at Tywyll, Eljay explained: "But if everyone thinks that way, everyone is always just going to be mean to each other. What's wrong with being nice and showing you appreciate each other?" It hurt to think that they might be thinking mean things about him, too, just because they didn't want to be 'walked over'. They were all family, why couldn't they all get along like one?

Tegan, rather than going into discussion, seemed to accept Eljay's advice at first. Eljay sighed in relief until Tegan tacked a condition onto his request. Eljay sheepishly blinked at Tegan for a moment, visibly doubting, not sure what one and the other had to do with each other, and also not sure if he should indulge his brother's somewhat childish request. "Why?" he ended up asking rather than choosing a yes or no. "What does that... Why do you want that?" He waited for the answer with confusion written on his face. If he knew Tegan at all, he had to get something out of it, but Eljay didn't see what that was yet.
185 Posts
Ooc — Jitterwater
Tywyll stared at Cinder open mouthed at the nonsensical retort he gave. Even though it made no sense and was dumb, he understood it had been intended to be an insult. His hackles stood up and despite having defended him a few seconds ago, Tywyll ran at Cinder and pounced "Yer gonna sound like a goose about to be eaten in a second!" he growled and bit at Cinder's ears totally not paying attention  to Tegan or Eljay though he heard it all. As he tried to tussle Cin to the ground he was also careful not to bite too hard or tear skin open. He wanted to prove a point, not hurt him. It was only when he heard Tegan say something about hooking up, girls, and guys that he stopped instantly and looked over at the two older Blackthorns.

"What's hooking up?" he asked still standing pressed against Cinder though now thoroughly distracted. "I wanna hook up too Tegan. Teach me how." he said, pretty much demanding. He wanted a part of all things Tegan cuz that's where the fun lay.
89 Posts
Ooc — belle
The blackthorn suddenly felt a weight barrel into him and he shrieked, but fell into short laughter as Tywyll growled and nipped at his plush ears. Haha! He had angered the beast! Cinder let a play-growl rumble from his own muzzle, pushing against his littermate and attempting to free himself from the other boy's grip. When Ty halted his movements to say something about hooking up (whatever that meant), the juvenile shoved all his strength against him and, if his attempt succeeded, would slide out and then attack him from the side, oblivious to what the older wolves were conversing about.
for you,
there's nothing in this world i wouldn't do
hey, motherfucker!
770 Posts
Ooc —
TYPICALLY. tegan was around to entertain ANY AND EVERY bit of absolute fuckery there was to be had. but tegan was growing mildly irritated-- in fact, he was so irritated that he didn't even wanna bother poor eljay with his own fuckery. he shot tywyll a look. "i'm finding him a girlfriend, or a boyfriend-- not everything's about you," he said with his ears pressed forwards, and then he glanced back to eljay.

"did you really help raise these kids? how haven't you like-- gone insane yet. sheesh," he said with a shake of his head, "look-- don't worry about it, i was just gonna help you out, but if you don't want it then i'm not gonna force ya." well, not really. tegan was just short on patience and no longer wanted to be around his obnoxious baby sibs.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,129 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Tywyll an Cinder were in each other's hairs again and Eljay wasn't sure what to do about it. Meanwhile there was still the issue with Tegan and the girlfriend-search and Eljay felt like there were more fires to put out than he could. For now he decided to let the fire of his youngest siblings roar on and just let them figure it out themselves, and turned to Tegan, who seemed to suddenly be a lot more serious again and presented it as an option, not a certainty.

The thing was, Eljay did maybe want a girlfriend, because he wanted to become a father some day. But the whole subject of finding a girlfriend was very daunting at the same time and he was not too sure he would be a good boyfriend. And he also wasn't sure if Tegan, of all wolves, would be the right one to ask for help...

"Uh —" he hesitated as he thought about all of this. "I dunno, I... Maybe? Do you... know anyone who'd want me?" He hadn't meant to sound so pathetic but somehow it ended up coming out of his mouth that way. Eljay instantly regretted it but there wasn't a whole lot he could do about it now that it was out.
185 Posts
Ooc — Jitterwater
Hello! Ty has a new player. I'm going to put him in the background so you can continue the thread.

The soot sprite wanted to be part of the lesson here but by Tegans own admission, not everything was about him. He frowned. Ty tried to listen in, eager to glean something from this conversation even if he wasn't welcome to it, the way most kids are when presented with a situation a little advanced for them. But his brother Cinder was still in play mode, making it difficult. In the end Tywyll found his attentioj slipping from the somewhat-mature topic of girlfriends and boyfriends (which he did not understand) to the game of rough-housing that seemed more his speed.
89 Posts
Ooc — belle
Since cinder is just playing with tywyll, feel free to skip me <3

His older siblings were ingaged in a conversation that slipped past cinder entirely - he didn't even know what a girlfriend or boyfriend was, so his focus remained unwaveringly on tywyll, who responded to his actions the way he'd hoped. Usually the lighter blackthorn was not the one to initiate a game such as this, but...

...Oh well. It was fun.
for you,
there's nothing in this world i wouldn't do