The Tangle I came of age and I found a girl in a Tuscaloosa bar
what's a little sweetheart like you
doing with a bloody nose?
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All Welcome 
Raleska was being reckless, but she didn't care. Her mom and the rest of her harpies were holed up by their injuries, but she wasn't.. and she was tired of lurking in The Grotto and being sent to do some chore by her mother, and she was tired also of never being alone. She needed some time to think -- to process -- and the further she got from Ankyra, the more annoyed she was with their situation.

She was frustrated too that no matter what, her mother always eyed her with some thinly veiled form of contempt. Svalinn was the golden child, Illidan was the beta -- and Raleska, poor, stupid Raleska, wasn't even more than a servile git in the Rusalkan army. Not even Erzulie's cunning riposte could cheer up the girl as she stalked through the Tangle -- no, Raleska needed something raw and meaty to sink her teeth into.

Something alive.

She knew and she didn't know what she was doing. She was looking for Tux - so she could give him another piece of her mind, or even fight or kill him or die herself, she didn't care. She was hot-headed, teenaged, and full of pumping frustration -- nothing save an avalanche could change her mind that the world sucked as she furiously crashed through the undergrowth.
all of which makes me anxious,
at times unbearably so.
hold the dark
161 Posts
Ooc — Van
*pads threadlog*

Svalinn, the so-called "golden child," was having a troublesome recovery; an act made slower by a perpetually dour mien. His newfound outlook on life had something to do with Illidan's new position in Rusalka, even if he wouldn't admit it, but more than this he had been trying to overcome the insurmountable waves of regret he felt for getting so injured to protect his mother. His brother's subsequent promotion, for smartly hanging back and not becoming a target, had only been insult to injury.

His hips still retained some stiffness from the poorly thought-out raid that had occurred a month ago (by this point), and though he was starting to think he'd never feel one hundred percent again, it did not stop him from constantly stalking after Raleska. He followed her foxtrot of a trail out into the Tangle, and the haphazard devastation she left in her stormy wake led the young wolf to her fairly quickly.

Wordlessly he came to match her vengeful stride with a rolling pace of his own, and soberly he tossed her a questioning side-eye.
what's a little sweetheart like you
doing with a bloody nose?
576 Posts
Ooc —

In short order Raleska was joined by company, but Svalinn's arrival did nothing to slake her pace. She continued her vengeful prowling, nosing along the thicket with fiery motions - daring the world to show her the slightest sign of Drageda wolf.

There were none; a fact that would have been fairly obvious to any, as it seemed Drageda had been lying low as of late. This late revelation made Raleska's thoughts surge in victorious vehemence -- damn straight, stay the fuck out of our neighborhood.

She noticed after a while that Svalinn had glanced carefully towards her. She slid to a smooth stop and regarded her brother in the fond but distant way any sibling would. "Patrolling." She answered his look cryptically, glancing out to the snarl of vines with an annoyed sigh. "They wouldn't dare show their faces here, but I like to be sure."
all of which makes me anxious,
at times unbearably so.
hold the dark
161 Posts
Ooc — Van
Svalinn snorted, both amused and annoyed by her response, but if he wondered why she would do this alone, he didn't ask. Instead, he went for a low blow and narrowed  his gaze upon his sister's spear-sharp expression with the glare of a budding argument. "You do remember you were almost their prisoner too, right?" he queried in a tone that started off low and pompous before ending on a high, anxious note. "I'd rather keep you here, in one piece, if it's all the same to you."
what's a little sweetheart like you
doing with a bloody nose?
576 Posts
Ooc —
Raleska's ears turned back by the snort of her brother, her sharp eyes resting on him as she saw a shadow of contention flicker across his features. What came next caused her to snort, and it took a good amount of steeling to keep herself from bullishly reacting to his troll-bait. Why you have some nerve, she wanted to spit -- she had only tried to save Eurycrates. Where was he when all of that happened, sleeping?!

Either way, Svalinn's words thumbed roughly at Raleska's already wounded pride. Her fur bristled and she stood to her full height. "That was because I was following Eurycrates. Not because I was patrolling the borders. I don't need babysitter, Svalinn. I'm fine on my own." She lashed her tail for good effect, and then started briskly walking past him.

She did not wait for his company, and was soon gone into the underbrush.
all of which makes me anxious,
at times unbearably so.