Ouroboros Spine killed by death
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Limit Two 
The first sunrise after the ninth song, Sialuk had spent the day washing herself, feeding herself, and stretching her legs. Her throat still ached, and she let it rest until the following sunrise. When the sun began to make itself known, and when Sialuk opened her eyes to the brightness of the day, she felt compelled to do what she had done so many mornings before the fall of the spear. It was not something she had done since, but with grief feeling less like a friend today, she raised her voice and greeted Moonglow with a not-quite-cheery howl.

It was a far cry from her good morning message of old, but there was hope in it, and she found her throat did not ache when she ended her good morning tune. Her body felt better, her spirit refreshed, and she stretched her legs before shaking her coat.

@Kukutux was not likely far away, and with the sun warmer today, she thought it may be good to begin testing the ground for building a better, more permanent ulaq.
Atkan Aleut
179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
we haven't had one yet!!

Today Zane hadn't had much luck hunting, but he did find a pretty awesome thing at the base of the mountain.  It was a twisted tree branch... okay, look.  He wasn't all that great at eyeing things that chicks wanted, but it was shaped in a way that made it look interesting, dried out and hard, and he figured he could toss it at Duchess and let her swoon over it or throw it off the mountain or whatever the fuck she wanted.  He was deadset on wooing her now that she had presented him the challenge.

He dragged the thing towards the spot where she and her elusive (really not, he hadn't bothered) daughter made their home.  The creepy songs had apparently stopped, thank fuck, so he figured they were open for business again.  Or whatever.  And this time he managed to slip past @Raimo, who so far had been irritatingly present with his whole 'why do you want to see them' bit.  Who the fuck was he?

Anyway, if a wolf could be sweating, Zane would be drenched.  The thing he dragged wasn't heavy but the climb was nerve wracking even without a mouth full of wood (lol, ayyyyy).  

He dropped it as soon as he spotted Sialuk and breathed out in a whoosh, pausing to catch for a moment.  Then he put on his best charming smile and began to walk forward with a slight swagger.  Hey Duchess.  What's shaking, gorgeous?  Absolutely failing to notice this wasn't her mom from behind.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The raindrop had not had the pleasure of meeting Zane, although she had seen him from afar, and she knew his name from anaa. Her surprise was evident when he called to her, a name she did not have, and asking her a question she could not answer. Sialuk turned herself to face him, a bemused, quizzical expression replacing the one of surprise. Perhaps he thought her to be somebody else.

I greet you, she said, assessing him a moment longer, but not letting her gaze linger more than was necessary. You are called Zane? she asked.
Atkan Aleut
179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh shit.  This was definitely not Duchess, and the phrase came out abruptly when he realized his mistake.  She sounded exactly like her... and was cute too.  Zane wasn't opposed to chasing both.  Aye, he was all about a chick's right to choose - and never ever accuse him of discriminatin' based on somethin dumb as a number.

Sure am.  You got a fancy mouth there too, huh?  Should call you Duchess junior.  Unless you like Lady better.  He winked at her, then looked around.  Is Kukadoo around?  He asked, attempting the name and butchering it.  Least he tossed it out with confidence.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
He spoke statements and questions in quick succession, like ripples on the water after something has fallen in. Sialuk was not quite sure what to make of him, even with the wink. He did not have the same stiffness about him that Raimo did, nor did her grate at her spirit in the same way. A bit boisterous, yes, but nothing like the black fur.

Kukutux is not far away, Sialuk responded, but she was interested in knowing Zane better without the company of anaa. She found that men acted differently around her than they did when her mother was near. Is this who you thought I was? she asked. If so, she would tell anaa that Zane fancied her (or at least her physical form).
Atkan Aleut
179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Sure was. You look like her, quite a pretty face yourself, if you don't mind me sayin. Of course she wouldn't, the tone implied as much. What chick didn't love a compliment? I was just bringing this here stick thing, as a sort of gift. Had a neat look to it. He indicated the twisting limb. It was thick and short, more log than stick, with thick twisting branches that came up at angles. Zane wasn't sure exactly what to make of it but shit, maybe they had some use for it.

If not, hey, maybe Duchess was into decor. Well, Lil' Duchess, am I interrupting something? He glanced around her, trying to sort out exactly what she'd been doing when he showed up.

Shit, he might be down to offering help, but no way till he knew what it entailed.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
This Zane was a man of many words, though Sialuk did not find that they grated her the same way the black fur did. Each of Zane’s words were happy, cheerful, not filled with some plan or scheme. The raindrop smiled at his compliment, wondering why Raimo did not speak this way. Perhaps he was not skilled in such ways. He was a good hunter, Sialuk did not deny that.

I mean to test the ground for a new ulaq—a den, some call it, she said, eyes wandering to the landscape around them. Is this something you have knowledge of?
Atkan Aleut
179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oolack? Zane didn't have a single clue what the hell that was, but sure, why the fuck not? He'd never built a den before, never stayed remotely long enough to try, but it could hardly be that much of a trick. Dirt was dirt.

Pretty sure I can lend a paw there. Got a nack for most things. He said, self assured despite his complete lack of experience.

You thinkin cave? Or you lookin to dig yourself somethin nice? Whatever it was, view was paramount. If you were gonna pick a permanent spot and couldn't catch a sunset out your own back door, what the hell was the point?
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
He put forth his interest. If not for the work, then for making a friendship with her. Sialuk saw the value in it, and she smiled. It was a good thing to be friendly with the other wolves of Moonglow.

I dug the snow ulaq for anaa because the ground was hard on my claws. Now, you think it will be soft enough to dig? she asked. She thought it would be better liked than a cave, but perhaps Kukutux had other ideas. The cave had not occurred to Sialuk until Zane mentioned it.
Atkan Aleut
179 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Not sure the work's worth it when a cave will suit, least in my opinion. But why not? In some places. He shrugged, then smiled winningly. You got a place in mind?

If she did she could show him and he'd lend a paw. No way he'd put the work to digging a den himself, but for the brownie points he'd hit it here.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Let me know if you'd rather continue this one! We should definitely get a newer one in the books when this one is archived. <3

It amused Sialuk that he was wise without seeming so. Unlike Raimo, who wished to flaunt his knowledge, Zane appeared to weave it seamlessly into what he said, as if it were an obvious choice. It was a gentle way of teaching, and Sialuk found she enjoyed it more than Raimo's more... forward ways of wanting to do things his way.

He was willing to let Sialuk amuse him with where she thought they might make an ulaq.

Come, this way, she said, beginning a small tour of the places she had seen that had potential.
Atkan Aleut