Blackbeak Bluff prayer circle
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
privately mireille thought it would not be very peaceful if they all starved to death, this man and the two unknown wolves who were with him. 
not one of which was a wife. he was alone in that way. she might have thought it romantic had she the head for it.
"are you a druid den, bart'olomew?" she asked. the girl motioned at a third urchin, ready to break that one apart too should he still hunger.
486 Posts
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a druid.

a priest, a missionary. he told her kindly, warmth in him for a full belly. it sounds different from your blackwater allies, though. the water isn't dark and i have no interest in upsetting your mothers. he said this with a soft smile, something more on the joking side of things.

you and yours can visit, if you wish.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"an' you can come to sapphique. all of you," she said graciously, returning his warm expression with one of her own. mireille's mothers might begrudge him for being a man but her judgement would be trusted.
she started toward the water, wanting to fish a length of kelp from the shallows. this she would use to carry the urchins back. "i do not know what a priest or missionary is," she chuckled gently, looking back over one honed shoulder toward bartholomew.
486 Posts
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she showed warmth back in return and he offered her a warm gaze and smile.

now she acquired an odd piece of something greenish-brown from the sea. he wondered if this too was something edible, but it seemed to not be. he was intrigued by the way she made use of the coastal world around her.

a man of religion, of God. it was what brought me to these lands but — his bony shoulders rolled softly. i focus on the good of my actions now, rather than spreading any word.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
religion. a man of god.
mireille spread the kelp neatly on the sand and began to add the sea urchins, turning them against one another in hopes that their spikes would not shred their carrier to pieces on the way home.
"my maman has lwa she talks about. but i do not know dem. is dis what god be like?"
she turned her emerald eyes on bartholomew. "an' would you say dat your actions be good?"
486 Posts
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he watched closely, wonder if this method might work for him too. although he imagined he would not be nearly as tactful. if she grew up this way, she had a lifetime of experience.

i suppose so. not everyone knows God either. he had heard talk of other gods before, time and time again in these lands. another was not so unusual.

and that is not for me to decide. that's for those around me, and for God, to decide. but i know there will be punishment if my actions are bad.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille wrapped the urchins in the kelp, then pushed the entire bundle into the shallows, to sit until she was ready to take them home, intending that the little creatures stay alive until she parted ways with this man. 
she listened to his notions of god but it was the concept of punishment which swung her ears forward.
"what will happen?" mireille found that her voice was hushed as she watched him.
486 Posts
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i will not know till it happens. otherwise i suppose that negates the intention of a punishment for my bad deeds.

not spoken with intention to scare, only teach.

i do my best to not think about the bad side. it does not help me any and i ought to be doing good to simply do good, not to...evade anything.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille frowned a little then. "but if you be trying to do good, why would you be punished at all?" that part she did not understand. she looked more closely at bartholomew, as if to ascertain what badness in him there was.
but she could see none. 
mireille was unsure what else to add. "you seem good to me, even t'ough you did not know about sea urchins." she was back to jesting again, snickering lightly.
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he laughed with warmth, head bobbed slight some as he stood for a brief stretch.

i am glad you find me good, even for my lacking knowledge on urchins. but now there was something more distant in his gaze as he looked to her again. then out towards the sea.

i was not always this kind, though, mireille. it was something i worked towards.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
his eyes changed. mireille felt that he must want to return home, for when he spoke again it was on the subject of the past.
she still could not picture him in any way that he was not now: quiet, soft-spoken, educational. and he was a man to boot, but without the harder edges she had come to associate with them.
"did i help you work on it today, bart'olomew?" she asked, plume stirring with a gentle wave.
486 Posts
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not bartholomew trying to mush two of your own characters together

she was kind and soft. he had grown from her teachings today. her lighthearted way, her exchange of knowledge. she was a bright young woman. the potential in her was endless, he thought.

you did. he declared as his own tail dared to wave.

do not be a stranger. one of the ones back home is a fine huntress who masters birds. you might show her a trick or two of the sea.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
a gold star for his magnificent effort <3

that sparked something like recognition in mireille, though last winter felt as though it had been so long ago.
"if she be catchin' birds den i will bring an eel," mireille declared with a smirk. she found it interesting that he lived with at least one woman, and that she had gotten this from him.
she would have to visit and see if her suspicions proved to be correct. "i should get back," she said, gesturing toward her bundle. "urchins do not keep for long. you must crack dem quickly."
486 Posts
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fade? <3

thank you for sharing everything you have. travel safe. he gestured towards where her home was. the expanse was long, but hopefully not terrible.

he felt a special type of eagerness to return home now.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony

"be well." mireille smiled once before she hoisted her offerings and set off back for the cliffs.