Astraios found himself in a wasted forest. The ground was dusty ash, clinging to his cream coat, giving him a sooty look. The trees, dead, rotted and unstable. He had wandered to hunt, but found himself staring at little.
Unless... surely that was not a fat pheasant? The massive hunter could do little to hide himself here, so he made a dash for it. It startled, but he was fast, tall, and best of all, gaining on it.
Unless... surely that was not a fat pheasant? The massive hunter could do little to hide himself here, so he made a dash for it. It startled, but he was fast, tall, and best of all, gaining on it.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"
Astraios is healthy.
Astraios is mentally well.
July 23, 2022, 07:19 PM
Rodyn didn't normally find himself this far from his pack lands, but he had a lot on his mind as of late. So he had followed the destruction of the heartwood to see how far it went. It had changed from one scene to the next all desolate. All broken and ashy and dead. It had stirred a sadness deep in his chest for such loss.
He wasn't fully paying attention until a burst of movement caught him off guard and he bent to the waist to see what it was. He saw another wolf, unrecognizable at first chasing a fowl. So like any good hunter. He cut it off. He didn't aim to kill only cut off for the other.
He wasn't fully paying attention until a burst of movement caught him off guard and he bent to the waist to see what it was. He saw another wolf, unrecognizable at first chasing a fowl. So like any good hunter. He cut it off. He didn't aim to kill only cut off for the other.
July 26, 2022, 09:28 AM
It seemed he and Rodyn were destined to be hunting partners. Astraios flashed the other man a toothy grin as he cut off the pheasant, and it bolted away from them both. Astraios was meant for strength, not speed, and the bird was gaining ground. Surely, it would tire before he did.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"
Astraios is healthy.
Astraios is mentally well.
July 26, 2022, 11:49 AM
rolled a 1 in discord lol
Rodyn returned the smile and again swerved around. Hoping to cut off the bird, again. However, he misjudged and the creature went past him a second time.
He growled and increased his speed now he was irritated. Usually able to catch his prey. Though, he was more anxious to do better.
July 27, 2022, 12:26 PM
The scene before Astraios was laughable, though he would not laugh out of respect for his friend. He couldn't say he was doing much better, being the furthest from the pheasant. Astraios pushed himself harder, and his muscles complained, but he was gaining ground again. To Rodyn, he called, "Catch it, if you can!"
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"
Astraios is healthy.
Astraios is mentally well.
July 27, 2022, 12:54 PM
rolled a ten this time :)
Rodyn gave a sharp bark and a growl. He would have this pheasant. A gentle laugh licked hisi nsides. Though his quarry was difficult. He still was having fun.
Finally, with a leap he caught it between jaws and shook it hard. The neck loud crack in the still air. He dropped it and panted, a smile on his face.
July 28, 2022, 11:18 AM
So, perhaps birds would not be his area of expertise. Astraios did not mind losing this one, though he still chased. When Rodyn captured it, he slowed, panting heavily. "I wasn't even expecting to find anything," he said as he flopped to the ground.
"You can have it, if you're hungry." He enjoyed the hunt, but Rodyn had caught it — Astraios could easily find a few hares for himself later on.
"You can have it, if you're hungry." He enjoyed the hunt, but Rodyn had caught it — Astraios could easily find a few hares for himself later on.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"
Astraios is healthy.
Astraios is mentally well.
July 28, 2022, 11:25 AM
Rodyn disliked hunting birds more than anything else. They were difficult and prickly and weren't very filling unless large.
He was curious. Astraios usually stayed near home with the pups.
Rodyn shook his head.
I wouldn't have either? What brings you from home?
He was curious. Astraios usually stayed near home with the pups.
Rodyn shook his head.
I already ate, but I'll take a few feathers they'd probably look nice in sa.he cleared his throat.
someones fur.
July 29, 2022, 10:46 AM
Astraios shrugged lightly at the question, and he answered slowly, "I guess... I've been cooped up a lot these past few months," he of course would not dare mention Vex, or his troubles with her. "It uh... it feels good to get out. Stretch my legs."
Feathers. He had never thought to use them as an accessory, or anything else for that matter. But, he debating bringing some back for his children to play with. "Well, let's get the best feathers, then," he grinned toothily.
Feathers. He had never thought to use them as an accessory, or anything else for that matter. But, he debating bringing some back for his children to play with. "Well, let's get the best feathers, then," he grinned toothily.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"
Astraios is healthy.
Astraios is mentally well.
July 29, 2022, 07:53 PM
Rodyn would not have spoke ill against his friend, if he had told him of his ills with any others. He would have defended and protected and offered his services to him. Should they come around.
Rodyn grinned back.
I have to leave the pack lands every so often to do just that. It gets to be too much. And i need to range a little.
Rodyn grinned back.
The tailfeathers and the pin feathers are probably the best. Would your younglings like any? Or would you like any Themis?
August 01, 2022, 05:30 PM
Astraios dipped his head in assent. "I'll take some back for both Themis and the children." Surely they'd like the gifts. He tried to imagine the feathers in Themis' fur — as if she needed more beauty. He grinned, feeling his heart tighten at the thought of her.
"Rodyn," he said suddenly, seriously. "I think I'm in love with @Themis." And he felt as if he needed to do something about that, despite the fact that they were already married. He went on to explain, "Our marriage, it... it wasn't... conventional." But she wanted to know what love was, did she not? With him? Had she not said that?
"Rodyn," he said suddenly, seriously. "I think I'm in love with @Themis." And he felt as if he needed to do something about that, despite the fact that they were already married. He went on to explain, "Our marriage, it... it wasn't... conventional." But she wanted to know what love was, did she not? With him? Had she not said that?
Tag for reference <3
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"
Astraios is healthy.
Astraios is mentally well.
August 01, 2022, 05:53 PM
Rodyn smiled kindly. He liked sharing his treasures with his friend. He had taken to trading well, and found a type of solace in it, as he had with his hunting. There was something about doing something well, that he liked.
Rodyn lifted his head at his friends serious expression. Astraios was always a serious wolf, though he had started to lessen that. But this sounded important so he perked his ears forward, all his attention on him.
He was surprised and then nodded. Sometimes marriage for convenience's happened, sometimes after a heat or just to help another out. He could understand the appeal and were he not crushing hard on Samani, he would think on the idea if someone needed him.
Rodyn lifted his head at his friends serious expression. Astraios was always a serious wolf, though he had started to lessen that. But this sounded important so he perked his ears forward, all his attention on him.
He was surprised and then nodded. Sometimes marriage for convenience's happened, sometimes after a heat or just to help another out. He could understand the appeal and were he not crushing hard on Samani, he would think on the idea if someone needed him.
Well how is Themis? Like what does she like? In Moonglow's culture. The male shares his intentions with the entire pack, but some women don't like that. My mother was that way it would embarrass her if my father was loud in his love of her.
August 02, 2022, 09:51 AM
100th post for you!
How was Themis? That was a loaded question, though Rodyn could never know that. Still, Astraios chuckled and he said, "Themis is... complicated. But she is a hard worker, loyal and true. She is open, and honest, and kind..." And beautifully marred, just as he was. Though, he had not shared much of his past with her. He feared it. What if, after she heard all of the horrid things he had done, she rejected him? Would he have to hold these secrets forever?
He sighed, and then he met his friend's gaze. "I don't think I deserve her."
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"
Astraios is healthy.
Astraios is mentally well.
August 02, 2022, 10:10 AM
Rodyn chuckled and shook his head in a gentle show of amusement.
Aren't they all. Though when I met her she seemed very kind and honest.
Rodyn stopped his ministrations to put his full attention forward. He paused for a moment forming his thoughts and then nodded.
I understand. I feel much of the same for the femme that I have found my interest captured by. However, friend. I think we need to let them decide that for themselves and then just continue try and be deserving of them then for the rest of our lives.
August 04, 2022, 10:47 AM
Rodyn was right. Astraios sighed, then nodded, and he got to his feet. "You're right. Thank you," he smiled slightly, then began to gather up his feathers. "I should get back to my family now. I'll see you around, eh?" Grinning, Astraios dipped his head to his friend before turning and setting his path towards home.
"Common." · "Greek." · "Thieves' Cant"
Astraios is healthy.
Astraios is mentally well.
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