Lion Head Mesa War awaited
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
All Welcome 
Timing during the raid! For any and all.

Akashingo had once been quiet, peaceful, still. Though within the weeks had grown and chatter echoed through its halls. Wolves from the enemy pack having come, their ranks ripping apart from the inside out with civil war. Those of Akashingo awoke and the noise of the land brought others to their ranks. The time had come. 

Senmut's command was given and Naberius stood, having watched the group of five March upon the Greatlake. Many other remained behind, securing its borders and protecting its Queen. Naberius lingered at their doorsteps, pacing between the archway to the throne room and back, with a determination to make sure none moved in and out without him knowing of it first. With mazoi posted at their outter borders to keep watch, others at the Queen's side along her servants, there was nothing more to do but to wait...
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
30 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Although he merely visited, he kept his eyes and ears open while things shifted within the palace. If a marriage was to be made between the people of Akhet and Akashingo, Harakthe wanted to have as much information as possible; he would go to his soothsayer often for reports, or speak with those of his own guard who had traveled in with him, and sometimes find quiet moments to confront the fellahin in his employ. All that said, he had learned copious amounts about who these people of the red sand were — and more importantly, what they were willing to fight for.
Yes, news of a raid had come to Harakhte. He learned very little about the target, but was enamored by the idea of a great lake and its people. As he roamed the hallways of the palace he saw a great many more bodies standing watch like wide-eyed hawks, and felt for the first time how strong and capable Akashingo was.
Harakhte neared the throne room for the purpose of a visit with Nebet-hem, Toula. It was here he found the watchful Neb.
We have not had the pleasure, he intoned with a sly dip of his head, before standing regally before the stranger. Harakhte had visited for some weeks now and knew of many names, and many titles, but not all. At first glance he though this was a fellahin — but they were guarded rather than open, which made him think, mazoi — and yet, he was wrong there too.
I am Harakhte, a visitor from the sands of Akhet. You look tense — how fares the... battle, was it? I heard there was something amiss. That, and the priest Senmut was gone from the palace; curious.
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Naberius' head lifts, sunburst eyes of peach and orange directed to the other wolf...or, well, partial wolf. His color and markings were favored by Naberius, but the mix of his species was not. Either way, Naberius smiles to their visitor and dips his chin respectfully so, a paw lifted to his chest whilst doing so. It is good to properly greet you, Harakhte of Akhet. I am Naberius Cyrus, Neb of Akashingo.

Naberius had come to learn there was a number of mongrels here, in this palace. Coyote, a natural vermin to most wolves. Half-breed dogs and even a tiny little high-pitched dog creatures Naberius had yet to try to wrap his head around. The amount of mutts among those of pure blood was most displeasing. Naberius did well to smother his feelings. At least while he still remained here among them and called himself Lord of Akashingo. 

Erpa-ha marches to the Greatwater Lake with four Mazoi. A traitor to the crown has taken control of the pack there and we seek to liberate its people. As well as equally rid themselves of their treasonous former Mazoi, of course.
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
345 Posts
Ooc — Bees
n ah'm georgia honeys veni vidi gucci. said the little man, exiting toula's chambers. n ah'd appreciate lower'd voices, m'heads a drum 'n' th' hemet-nekheb's in prayer.

gucci had spent what energies he had on that meeting - now nursing some awful headache as price - and had none to spare for flauntin' afore two other men, one of whom he'd greeted in passing as fellow noble, other whom he'd eyed from a distance, questionin' his intent.

taking a spot for conversation between nah-beh-ree-us and hrah-kh-teh ( mostly because he was not equipped for eavesdroppin' ) he sat in a way that conveyed this talk ain't spillin' beyond this hall.

gucci's fine, if this is good company.

'sup bitches
[Image: GUCCISIG.png]
30 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
From what Harakhte could discern, those of Akashingo were devout, strict in their roles, and not all that prideful; though he had yet to meet everyone inhabiting this place, he felt his ability to read people was sufficient. The fact that this man — who introduced themselves as a Neb, no less! — would openly discuss court matters like this was... Interesting. Harakhte did not know if it was trust or ignorance that prompted such a liberal tongue. He would not protest; part of his mission was to gather as much information as he could.
He grinned upon hearing of liberation, of course. It was a good reason to go to war! It was a sentiment that painted Akashingo as benevolent rather than outright violent. The sphinx was about to comment on this when a small man — who he immediately mistook as a wayward child, or maybe the younger sibling of the Hemet-Nekheb — slipped out of the royal chambers to address them with a drawl.
A queer look flashed through Harakhte's eyes; it was an acute surprise, and he stowed it as soon as it registered. A nod to the little man, then. A lengthy title for -- he almost said, one so stunted, or something to that effect, but curtailed that by hastily holding his tongue. —Gucci, then. Much easier. I apologize if we are disturbing anyone.
Still, he would not leave the hallway.
Queen Toula has a kind spirit, sending the strength of her kingdom to rescue her subjects. Were the wolves of the lake an extension of Akashingo? Harakhte presumed so.
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Lord Varys one of my favs btw!

And speaking of the devil! The little creature emerged from the Queen's chambers, an obvious sign of the close bond which he held with the queen. Perhaps she thought of him as a cute little pet to have around. Naberius tried to think of an animal fitting to his size- smaller then a meerkat, a sand cat, maybe a kangaroo rat? And, despite the size, he seemed to hold much attitude (and thick accent) as he staggered his little body into the wolf and dog's direction. Now they were beginning to have a party! 

Their visitor seemed just as surprised at the sight of the little animal ad Naberius had been the first time around. Pausing well before commenting on the three-pound (give or take) fellow. Naberius dips his head down then to Gucci, as he settles down among them too to gossip within Akashingo's halls. 

The information was indeed, spoken freely. Perhaps Naberius was a bit of a gossip. This and the information given would only boister Akashingo. They had strong warriors among them and feared not to take out any traitors of the crown fiercely and swiftly. Just as well as they willingly worked to risk themselves in order to help those ruled by tyrants. 

Yes, indeed... He murmurs in agreement to Toula's kindness, though does not correct when he states it was in protection of 'her subjects'. After all, the lake wolves would be very much so in debt to Akashingo for its hand in this. Do you know if this traitor will be returned here to be convicted of his crimes? Naberius eyes Gucci, wondering if he had heard word from any of the 'little whisperers' within their walls.
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
345 Posts
Ooc — Bees
he stifled a yawn, which worsened the skullpain. one eye was half-shut with effort as he looked up at fellow noblemen.

dependin'. if he puts up a fight - which mah smalness hopes ain't gon' occur - his scorned women gon' tear'im apart. other paw, he concedes, well, a humoruless snort.

th' more warlike sister ain't here, is she? our priestess-queen's warm 'n' gentle. she'd rather exile than execute. prince, other other paw...

...mystery. he made a small gesture with both paws raised, conveying suspicions that it were magic and faith at work behind the man's motives. t'was his favourite royal done got wronged by soldier-man. khaba's head might be on a pike. a giggle, but it lacked mirth.

maybe we's gon' rename us wolfshead mesa.

y'all tho', gucci swiveled in place, facing the bachelor who'd arrived with entourage. clever thinkin', leavin ya guard wi' us. need some protectin' us. he reached over and patted harem-heart-keh's paw. good head on ya. gawds know we need men like that.
[Image: GUCCISIG.png]
30 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
This was a fortuitous meeting to Harakhte, who now held a new appreciation for the tiny man. Mutated as he might've been, he was clearly the kind of person to be easily missed for his size, but crafty with his mind. Those tall ears of his heard a lot, and those buggy eyes witnessed much. By virtue of his wagging tongue Gucci had shared some details Harakhte had not held before: that the vanished queen he had meant to meet was an aggressor more than the little sister.
The name of the traitor — Khaba — was filed away as well.
Gucci commended him for the surplus of bodies available, and Harakhte gave the little man a smile that looked quite genuine.
Yes, well, I was not allowed to leave Akhet without an entourage, his tone was mirthful, jesting at the worries of his pharaoh-father, which helped hide his urge to recoil when the little paw touched him.
—I am sure they will not be needed.
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
And boy did Gucci's mouth moved! It was obvious Naberius was interested in all which he had to say, but trying not to appear too greedy for the information given. Gucci hoped there wouldn't be a fight breaking out, but likely so with the woman whom he had wronged being there within the raiding party. 

He continued on, speaking that their more warlike sister was now gone. Makono. It was her name which had been whispered on the southern winds when Naberius had first been scouting these lands as a possible new home and had missed out, it seemed. 

Then Gucci mentioned a prince, a mystery, gone too now. Only the child-queen remained, still another year or more before she could place heirs under her blood reign. Would this be the end to the royal line with so many having abandoned their post? ...Yet to be seen but Naberius had no intention of going down with a sinking ship, if it came to this. He had his own name to carry on, too. It was the reasoning behind his ventures. At least, half of the reasoning...

The gossip which Gucci shared was juicy. A 'hmmm' on Naberius lips. I must admit, I rather have the same opinion as this, warlike sister likely would have. He admits this, though does not share the bulk of the thoughts swirling in his head. I think it best to eliminate our enemy, especially if so easily done now, while their ranks are divided by spats among themselves. If he were to let live, he could return, an army at his side. 

The corner of his mouth turned up in a little smirk then, as Gucci mentions needing men around like the guards which followed this man here. His little travel party to ensure his protection. One which Naberius was happy to have done without on his travels here. It was hard to get away with anything with someone consistently up your ass. Yes, good on ya. He nearly teases their visitor with a further smile. He would have kissy faced too at him, had he thought he could handle the jest...or was it a jest really though? ;)
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Wrap up since been awhile & both charries on NPC.

After much talk, the wolf stretches, passing a glance between the doggy pair. If you don't mind, I think i will retire to my quarters. Though he left little room for them to say if they minded or not, as he trotted down the red-rock passage.
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]