Moonsong Glacier voyager
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
Some time had passed since her arrival at the glacier. Tulugak had busied herself in mapping the forests around the base, not daring to climb the ice sheet should she almost slip again. The error had affected her more than she had originally let on, though (as most things did) it would only be a matter of time until her confidence would bounce back. 

Snowflakes fell lightly as she rounded on @Ariadne's ulaq, announcing her presence with a gentle woof to see if the red woman was home. A leg of a deer clasped in her jaws, a gift to bring strength while she healed.
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
Thanks for starting!

Ariadne was home, resting like she'd promised @Chakliux. She was eager to climb the glacier and decided to do what she could to stay off her leg for extended periods. While in her den, to pass the time, she had begun to prepare furs for each of the village's members to stay warm during the winter. She worked on a caribou hide for @Kilgitsuk, removing the skin from a hock she'd gotten from one of the caches.

She stopped when she saw Tulugak's feet in her doorway and smiled. My friend, she greeted in their native tongue. Please, come in!
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
Her voice called from within the darkness and Tulugak entered swiftly, "Ground-dweller," she greeted amicably, the name pulled from their first meeting, tail waiving as she placed the leg besides a collection of hides that had begun to pile near to where Ariadne was stationed. In case she got tired of dried deer. "You have been busy!" It seemed she had become a budding craftswoman since her last visit! 

Gaze eying the caribou skin that was to be the red woman's next creation, the snowcloud settled next to Ariadne with paws tucked under belly. "You will not get much from their feet, they are better boiled and used for broth." The skin above the hoof was often thin and a nuisance to separate, though she seemed to be doing an excellent job!

"Ah! I sound just like my anaana," muzzle tipped back in a laugh before her features softened to something more inquisitive. "Please! Tell me, how have you been?"
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
She laughed at the nickname; soon, she would be a glacier-climber like her friend! I have been busy—there is much to do, she began, regarding the furs with a sweeping glance. There was much for her to share; she patted the ground next to her to invite her to sit. Chakliux climbed the glacier and found our home! It is so exciting—theres a big communal cave with smaller, more private denning caverns for us to claim. It will keep us all safe and warm from the snow.

I am preparing furs for our climb while I let my leg rest, she said, smiling up at the face she'd become so fond of. I will give them out to everybody when we travel up the glacier together.

Oh! She'd nearly forgotten the question@ I am good, she said with a laugh. How are you? Tell me of where your paws have taken you!
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
"Oh! That is wonderful news." And so, the village Moonsong would finally have its home base! This Chakliux, she had not had chance to speak with him yet, but in due course she would seek out the man and see the caves for herself. But, the climb concerned her so. Especially with Ariadne's weak leg they would have to take care to forge a safe path, especially if children came in the spring as the red woman wished. Tulugak smoothed her worries with a wide smile, not wanting to dull her friend's excitement.

As she spoke more about the furs at her feet, the snowcloud nodded in approval. "They will do well to block the windchill," she mused, "I would offer to split the workload, but I cannot promise they will be finished under my watch." A small chuckle - she was far too active to stay cooped up in an iglu for days on end. 

Nevertheless, her arms lay open in case Ariadne wanted a hand in the current moment. "To the forest but not far beyond yet. I wish to visit the mountain but - could you tell me more about it?" As it lay currently, she had not crossed paths with any of Ariadne's family, but the scents of visitors to the glacier had not gone unnoticed.
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
I do not blame you! she said, I would be out there running and jumping around with you if it wasn't for this leg! I need to find something to do, or else I'll go crazy here! Seeing that the other woman opened her arms to offer help, she pushed forward the pelt she'd been working on and grabbed another, starting over on a fresh canvas.

Ariadne paused when asked about the mountain and asked, Which one? There are two mountains and the ocean—Moonglow, my anaa's pack, Moonspear, my sistraa's pack, and Moontide ... my late sistraa's pack. She was somber but quickly hid it behind a smile. I would suggest visiting Moonglow first—to meet moonwoman Kukutux. She often hosts women's circles—it's been a while, so the next one should be soon. You are invited, of course.||
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
Tulugak worked swiftly as the two conversed in warmth as snow picked up beyond the entrance. Relaxation, safety - she felt both in the red woman's companionship, suddenly feeling extremely grateful for Ariadne's constant presence since her arrival at the village. "So keen!" she grinned, "I will be your eyes and ears until you can run faster than me." Truly, she could not wait until her friend could travel further with her.

The raven woman fell into attentive silence as Ariadne explained more about her family, taking a mental note the names of villages - in particular Moontide, the ocean village being of particular interest. "Then I will seek Kukutux of Moonglow first. I am sorry to hear about your sistraa, though," voicing her sympathy; to lose a loved one must've taken a toll on her spirit. 

Yet, the mood did not dampen much. "What is she like, your anaa?" 
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
I appreciate you more than you know, raven-sister, she responded fondly as she leaned over to preen at her soul-sister's cheek; there was something about the other woman that warmed her heart the way that a family member did. I trust you will not go easy on me when we race! She wanted a fair race!

Ariadne had amassed numerous condolences for Samani's untimely death; they did very little nowadays but reminded her that her sister was no longer here. Nevertheless, she appreciated it. Not wanting to speak any further on her salt-sister, she focused on the question regarding Kukutux:

Mothermoon is a strong matriarch. She is generous, open, and has love for her people—you will be welcomed in Moonglow, and the trip is not far. She is also a wealth of knowledge and is always open to sharing words regarding our people and history; ask her whatever you want! You can learn much from her!
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
Ariadne's touch was welcomed; Tulugak closed her eyes briefly and enjoyed the moment shared between two women. "I will be hard to beat, I am warning you now," she challenged lightly. 

Their conversation swayed to moonwoman and Tulugak found much qualities shared between her own anaana, a wave of homesickness suddenly overcoming her. Traveling was like lifeblood for the snowcloud, and yet she knew at the end of her journeys her mother's warm iglu would be waiting with a meal of whatever ataata had caught that day. Fondly, she found similar such feelings often in these moments with Ariadne.

"Her stories of the north and of the moonvillages will be interesting to hear," she pondered, wondering how they came to be. As they chatted late into the evening, Tulugak would eventually finish work on the fur. "Thank you, Ariadne," in a moment of content quiet, "for accepting me and letting me help build your village - I never would have guessed I would enjoy it so much here."
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
writing letters addressed to the fire
780 Posts
Ooc — Chan
I believe it! Ariadne said as she admired Tulugak athletic physique. I will just have to give it my all and then some more! She threw her head back and laughed; what a race it'd be! She couldn't wait until it happened.

They continued to work diligently, and Tulugak broke the silence with a sentiment that warmed Ariadne's entire body. Her eyes grew soft and she gently placed her paw on her friend's shoulder. I am so thankful for your friendship and help, she began, voice thick with unexpected emotion. So thank you, too, Tulugak. They continued to work further into the night, and when it was time for her friend to leave, she wished her well and then began to settle in for the night.