Blackfeather Woods too short, walking the streets, i'm hating my haircut
The question is expected, but Zephyr still finds himself pausing over the answer. He isn't quite sure, and he doesn't know whether he wants to share that with Rowan. But in the end, he decides honesty is the best policy with his future co-leader. I'm not sure, He admits, continuing with a casual indifference akin to discussing the weather. When I was a child, I heard things I couldn't see. Felt things. It left me, eventually. Maybe it was something else — or maybe it was the Daedra. There's a clearing ahead, and he has a feeling this is the place they're looking for. I guess I'll find out soon.
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RE: too short, walking the streets, i'm hating my haircut - by Zephyr - November 23, 2020, 02:30 PM