Swiftcurrent Creek it ain't always for the better dawg, i can't lie
263 Posts
Ooc — Bees
amazing how quickly things could go tits up.

long-bodied thing, like a mating between dachshund and rat, swayed from her jaws as gun pranced trough the sparse woodland. gonna show tar-snout she wasn't all that shit a hunter, maybe get red to look at her like the woman she was, squeeze a syllable of praise outta clucker...

the snarls reached her as echoes of echoes, mountains making fun of her like a bully repeating what was just said, to mock and infuriate you.

gun hadn't the sense to hurry, thinking, yeah, the gang could handle themselves. nobody gonna fuck with the red-eyed motherfucker's iron maidens, yeah?

yeah, if only she weren't a fucking dumass.

gun arrived at the scene when the blood had cooled. the rathund thing dropped from her jaws. the mastiff dipped so low to sniff at the ground, her face was almost pressed to the sticky-red pebbles.


so much of him, there was a fucking chunk of-

lil' red.

a trail of blood leading away towards-


blood blood blood but as she followed it the drip told her the old nagging bitch had limped away of her own volition-

gun ran in that direction. every dozen lengths she threw her head back and barked as loud as her lungs would let her boom.


what the fuck happened here?!
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
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Mature Content Warning

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Foul mouthed females

Sadey had skedaddled shamed and beaten. Her body bloody and broken. White rib showing through her fucking side. She was trying to find some herbs before she died here. When the loud booming bark was heard.

It set her teeth on edge. She hobbled towards it and met the bitch with a fucked up face and snarled. 

hush now girl. You gonna get us even more killed.
263 Posts
Ooc — Bees
there she is!

"kh-kh-hhhAT THE HACK-" gun got in as she skidded to a halt in front of the other, large paws kicking up pebbles, before the woman hushed her. 

shut her mouth gun did. bulging eyes looked over the immensely fucked-up wolfess.

"...who did thish..." the sentence lacked that raise at the end to indicate a question, gun's voice hollow as a roughly seven thoughts attempted to run trough her mind at the same time, causing a traffic jam.
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
Sadey shifted and raised a wofish brow while she popped a poppy seed she had found in a long gone medicinal cache.

Ole Sadey motion3d back the way they had come. A couple of territorial wolves that. Big ass bastards too. They kept a hold a red. We gotta get er bsck, but ile colt is down the river and ole sady. Well im just to beat up to manage at the momwnt.

Sadey turned back towards the river nose down. I'm tracking briggs.
263 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the initial thoughts were shoved out the mind like an arm-sweep over a table set for dinner. as the porcelain crashed, gun set down the information just provided, and looked it over.

tarsnout, gone.

red, gone.

clucker, fucked up beyond belief.


"two?!" gun almost whined, in a voice straining to remain level. "how hhig hehre they?!" none of that made sense, damn none of it.

like a woman digging her metaphorical hands into her metaphorical hair, diesel began half-pacing left and right, not making full turns.

"...shit shit shit shit shit." she looked at clucker again, at her horrific fucking state. if the mastiff left to look for the other two now, she could come back to a cold corpse.

"shit." gun spat off to the side.

"need... need 'ee t' lick that?"
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
Sadey nodded her head. Big black bastards. The one bigger than all of us. The other bigger than colt.

Sadey watched the girl as seh paced. Now was not the time to lose her shit, holy fuck. She popped another poppy seed and stretched. 

You coming with or you gonna stay around and keep an eye out for red case seh gets away from the bastards?

Sadey pressed at her side with sickening plants and herbs chewed up and pressed hard. Cobwebs and moss digging in. She'd need to really clean it out, but not right now.

Not yet, gotta find Colt keep 'em from dying.
263 Posts
Ooc — Bees
gun nodded, built-up slober going everywhere.

"yeah, yeah, gotta hind 'em, gotta hind 'em." if either's still alive.. fuck her and her fucked luck.

"we shlit. you take thish shide o' the river, i crossh." the dog was already itching to go. tarsnout was too choice a cut to end up pulled like pork.
-Some Women, fear the fire. Some women, just become it.-
228 Posts
Ooc —
Sadey nodded. Alright we'll meet back here in a couple days. Cause i'm gonna need to rest.

Sadey didn't even wait for anything else. She just took off at a limping pace. Poppy seeds finally kicking in. She couldn't take much more or her brain would be as addled as her side.
263 Posts
Ooc — Bees
"don't get your assh handed t' you again." 

her strength well-preserved, gun cantered towards the river. she was gonna be fucking miserable for the next hour, but the nipple-freezing water needed crossing.

no way in hell would she let two randos tear apart her one good deal.