Hoshor Plains Don’t love me like you promised to
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
All Welcome 
Her son was missing.
He'd ventured from @Arwen.
The stupid, stupid, beautiful boy. She'd hunkered low by the mountains despite the knowledge of some creep lurking around.

The rain had pelted away his scent. His tracks run away.
She'd bellowed and cried, called and hollered for her @Leshen. Hashut...gone too. Like Rokig. Except this time she was pissed because she was now stuck alone trying to find her son which would have been prevented if he'd been with her. If he hadn't disappeared, Leshen wouldn't have been snatched.
She hurried Arwen along, implored her to seek for a scent. Any sign of eating, blood, fur, prints.

Her heart still thundered. It had been too long. She was soaked to the skin, and Arwen was cold, she knew. But she will not give up.
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Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Toward the Sunspire mountains he moved with a purpose much like Vanity did. It was not his child he was missing, however, yet missing they were. Packmates of his, lost to Yuelong somewhere on this mainland. Was it due to them moving off the island to the coast and them getting lost in the surrounding lands because of the storms? Was it those vicious wolves, The Saints, which had taken them? The fiery wolf was not certain but was determined to find out. 

It was hard, however, to track in this rain. The sound of the water drowned out the movements of animals nearby. The heavy dew smell mingled, washing away the scents. His vision, marred as he searched the open plain. 

It wasnt until he was relatively close to Vanity did he spot her. A very dark woman with a ghoulish mask of white. I'm sorry. He spoke and though he wasnt exactly upon her, took a few steps back regardless. Got caught up in my search... He dipped his head to her politely, and paused, awaiting her response to see if he should dismiss himself or not.
moonglow daddy
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
She too didn't see the searching man.
She had finished licking some warmth into Arwen's poor, soaked coat.
She needed to give up...and find somewhere to rest and warm-up.
She wished she had a pack.

A male voice very close to her dipped, searching head made her jerk up, bristling instantly.
He was apologising, shit. Her hackles softened, then she heard the words searching.
A gust of wind dragging a long tendril of rain washed over her. Surely this will be the last storm.
"For what? A child? Have you seen my son?" She stepped forward, eager to find out. Hell, she'd hold this man over the edge of a cliff if he didn't tell her anything.
"He would have come back. Someone mush ave him," her desperate eyes searched him for recognition. Realisation. Her coat the same as his. The possibility that some lost child he'd found in his search was hers.
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Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Hackles raised, on the alert, defensive. And she had every right to be. The weather had a lot of wolves on edge by their lessened senses, especially if he were to find out she was a loner. Especially... 

His fiery gaze fell downward, now noticing the children huddled next to her. Even though her hackles were falling, she had every reason not to. 

And then desperation took its toll over her. Another pup, a child of hers lost in these wild storms. He frowned deeply, his attention softening for the mother. No, I'm sorry...The youngest missing in our group, he's a yearling. Brown and red coat, blind. After he said the word 'no' he wondered if she would turn away and dismiss him then, seeing him as useless. But he described @Hide anyhow, just in case she had seen who he was looking for.  

But he didnt want to leave her out in the rain, not like that. Not with her other child pressing to her for some warmth. Maybe she would hear him out. Is there somewhere you can take him? He juts his muzzle to the kid. Your group? If not a pack, then perhaps she had those she was at least traveling with. Surely she wasnt completely alone. We could then work together to find our lost. A bargain made, and then a warning, There is a bloodthirsty pack not far. Been making havoc as they please. It's not safe traveling alone. Then again, so was he.
moonglow daddy
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
She eyed him suspiciously.
She shifted, uncomfortable. A yarling, that just happened to match the description of her son. Except blind.
Did he take her son? Was his pack this bloodthirsty one?

Her fur bristled again. No. no no no. She wasn't going to stand for this bullshit.
"Now you tell me why you describe my son there, hm? Are you a shit little liar? You dare lie to me?" She stalked closer, every ounce of her body ready to try and sever that serpents head from the wolf's body.

"How do I know you're not lying to me? Are you one of those bloodthirsty wolves, huh? Are you trying to lure me back to your pack?" Her eyes bore into his skull. If she found any sign of him bullshitting her, she would not hesitate to butcher him.
Arwen wisely slunk behind her hindlegs.
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Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Aiolos could understand her distrust, could understand her aggression. He had met such a woman not long ago and could only hope @Umbra had made it alive. But her words, a sneering and obvious disrespect, a rudeness which had his lip quivering. It was something Aiolos found hard to choke down. A man haunted time and time again by his past, had flashes of the Nereides woman talking down to him in such a manner. A manner which caused him quite literally to bite his tongue time and time again. 

Now, time and distance between him and that island, he couldn't help but tense up. His own hackles left to rise now and he takes a step back and shakes away the rain with a bristle. The kid I spoke of...his name is Hide. He lives amongst us-in Yuelong. It would have been obvious he wasnt part of any pack around here, a wolf of the local basterds, had he still smelt of the sea yet his pack's month time in the Neverwinter Forrst changed that. I suppose there is little I can say or do to convince you that I'm not, lying, bloodthirsty or otherwise. He spoke, unwilling to try to convince her. Unwilling to plead with her. After all, they didnt even know one another. 

 He didnt want to start a fight, especially to a woman with a child in tow. Perhaps then it would be better if he just moved on and allow the woman to find her own way. I'll leave you to your search then. He spoke, taking a few more steps back so that he could turn away at safe distance. Aiolos had ground to cover and he couldnt afford to waste time, especially to those bitter and ungrateful.
moonglow daddy
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
He explained himself pretty quickly.
Added just a little more information. With Yuèlóng.
Her lips made an outstanded O shape.

She took the time to think.
 Letting him finish. Waiting until the last moment when everything would click into place.
"Wait," she started, "I am - was - the Nightwalker General."
Her allies. She'd never met one of these wolves, but Valour made the connections.
"Valour said that we were allies. Or at least...friends."
She trusted him a bit more now.
"Sorry," was all she'd offer as an apology with a glance of the eyes to the side.

"I'll help you search if I can stay with you." Please. Her eyes were lifted back to him, almost begging him. Even if he didn't accept her now, she could just follow him to Yuèlóng and make her case to that woman...what was her name? Hua or something.
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Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
If Vanity agrees to him, we can have another thread in NWF backdated to the 3rd and another for maybe the next morning where they venture out?

There was a sudden recognition, and she pleads for him to wait, quickly explaining now herself. He pauses, half turned away, looking at her by a side glance. Aiolos didnt know Valour but apparently his word was enough to make Vanity believe they still to be allies, friends. She apologized, her own attention off to the side in a seemingly off-put by her own display. Her apology was all he needed from her to keep him here with her. But her eyes pleaded, and she begged, and he was softened, as the man he were.

 A man bull headed against the domineering and arrogant, though still caves to a woman's plea of need. Not a warrior, no, a guardian through and through. 

Hua is very friendly and a good woman. She has many friends and with it, many allies. Aiolos knew very little when it came to the Nightwalker wolves, other then they were predominately fighters and for hire in those attributes. He hadn't even realized they had disbanded, having never gone that far south in this region and when he hadn't been on the island, he was on a mission thus, preoccupied. 

And about him? He softly juts his muzzle to her boy. Our allies in the forest west of here, Neverwinter, they have pups too. He could be safe there. And maybe make some friends, too. Not to mention, Yuelonf was currently staying with their forest allies. He did not reveal this, not yet and he figured if she agreed to come she could find out for herself. I understand if you dont want to leave him, though. Alliws or not, leaving her child with strangers was obviously risky. Having him out here in this weather just as much. There were little options and Vanity was left to put her faith in someone she had only just met.[/ooc]
moonglow daddy
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Yeah ofc, Idk what Arwen's player is doing but when I started this thread they weren't inactive so, I'll have to make something up at a later date.
He stopped. And listened.
And accepted her plea.
Relief sagged at her shoulders. She wasn't what he was looking for, but she hoped she could be an asset to do so.

She was glad to hear that Hua was true to her reputation. Women like that were powerful.
But Vanity would find it hard to follow sensibly. Quietly.
He promised safety for little Arwen, who had sidled between her forelegs by now.
"I know she will be." Because if anyone hurt her Arwen, she would slaughter them in the most creative way yet.

"We will come, and I'll help where I can."
She hoped she wouldn't find another lustful venture in this Yuèlóng.
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Daddy Moonglow
1,021 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Master Ambassador
Master Guardian
Yeah that does make things confusing ic wise. Lol welp, since he was active on 9/3 and that's when the next thread will be for, at least the pup was 'safe' in NWF for the time being. XD Last post for me and I'll tag ya in the next one!

He would nod his head silently to the dark woman masked with a pale face. A ghoulish looking feature to the woman. He began to walk, making way through the open plains and towards the forest which their allies called home. 

I am Aiolos, by the way... He introduces as a fiery gaze side glances her way. Then he adds, I lead Yuelong at Hua's side. And hopefully, if anything, she would be polite enough company to them that they would he willing to bring in not only her but another young month to feed.
moonglow daddy
Máscara del diablo
461 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
"I'm Vanity," she reciprocated.
She was glad for his help, especially after her outburst.
He may understand, looking at his situation.

"Arwen, come," she looked down to her daughter.
He gave her a few, rough licks to try and keep her warm, and started off. Hoping the trip would warm hr up again.
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