Fairspell Meadow Divine and Witchy
738 Posts
Ooc — Me
"So this stuff is really real?" Dwin asked, not realizing that with everything she had already contributed to this conversation it sounded a little strange that she would have doubts in astral projection being something you could actually do. Here I will remind dear readers that the girl was still very young and a walking paradox, who very often contradicted herself without realizing it. 

"But... how do you really know that you have left your body behind and that it is not the mumbo-jumbo of those plants doing to your brain," she wondered, reasoning that if Ash Paw knew about the herbs and about the soul traveling, then she may have had the relevant experience too. "I mean... if there is a plant that is considered to open your mind to the secrets of Universe or that they let you embody a different living creature - wouldn't it still mean that this happens within confines of your head. That regardless of, what you consume - that is your brain imagining inside your skull and not the universe getting inside?"
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw chuckled at the girls wide eyed innocence and questions. She nodded her head. Yes. Many of religious origins utilize herbs and herbal supplements for otherwordly moments. 

Ash Paw had never done this, but she had met those that had, and she was well versed in the herbs that caused such things. Whether i was hallucinations or they were truly out of their body she didn't know, nor did she necessarily want to know the validity of it. 

A sooty colored paw was held up. First let me say I don't know personally. But those that I have spoken to say they are looking down upon themselves sleeping peacefully usually.

Some hold that opinion yes. Again it comes down to beliefs and how open minded you are. Do I think it's possible, well i'm not sure as I have never done it. But those I've talked too seem absolutely convinced without an inkling of a doubt that this was an outer body experience.
738 Posts
Ooc — Me
"That's interesting. My dad used herbs to heal people only. And I think he warned me against eating some sort of seeds, because in that case I would never ever be able to live without them," the only downside of this piece of knowledge was the fact that Dwin had totall forgotten, what the name of the plant had been, what it looked like and where you could find them. But, since she was not in vegetarian diet anyway, she figured that she was not in danger. 

"Oh, and he also told me not to eat... they are like frilly plants that live by the water," she could tell them apart by smell, but could not remember the name - hemlock. "And... oh, and then I was also advised to never eat mushrooms. Did you know that there are mushrooms that you need to take only one bite of and then you are dead on the spot?" she asked. "I also think - why would you want to seek otherworldly experience, when there is still so much to discover on this world? I know for sure that I won't be able to see everything here in my lifetime," she mused. "Would you want to have otherworldly experience?"
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Poppy seeds probably. You can eat them in small doses, but more than that you become addicted and hallucinate regularly with them. I prefer not to use them. 

Ash Paw only used poppy when she absolutely must. Because it wasn't hard for someone to get addicted and just ruin their life with the awful things. Many soldiers she had seen would sink into that addiction and never come out.

Hemlock? They sort of look a bit like carrots. Ash Paw chuckled. I did know that, then there are some mushrooms that make you see some incredibly strange things, and some are actually good meat substitute if you can't eat meat for some reason.

I think a lot of them seek something they are missing here. That doesn't mean it's right or good or what have you, but they are searching. I don't believe I would. There are so many dangers with it. And I just am not comfortable with such a thing.::
738 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Yeah, me neither. Spirit-Dwinn and Meat-and-bones-Dwinn are inseparable. I don't think that MB Dwinn would even cooperate with any other spirit than my own," she said, realizing, how very comfortable she felt in her own skin and how very, very much she loved her own body. Not in the conceited way - just the fact that she had it in working order and in full coordination with, what she wanted to do, was simply amazing. Not all people realized that. 

"Do you like your own body?" she jumped to the next subject that came to her mind. She probably falsely concluded that just because Ash Paw was able to keep up in this marathon of talking and sharing ideas, opinions, tales and everything, she was ready to go on like forever. "Or would you like to change something - anythin about it, if there was a chance?" she added. 
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw couldn't quite stop the titter that left her maw at the girls clear words. She was definitely anti astral projection and it was so sweet. Ash Paw envied the girl her confidence. IT had taken her many years to get to the point that the girl already was.

I do. If i could change anything. Perhaps i wouldn't have so many colors. It makes it hard to sort of fade into the background sometimes. Not that I Like too often, but every now and again. It wouldnt be bad.

Ash Paw didn't mind the conversation. They had been doing well thus far and the girl had hundreds of topics it seemed.
738 Posts
Ooc — Me
"I think that a coat color is never wrong. The surroundings are," Dwin replied, thinking that Ash Paw's coat was very pretty, unique and unusual. There were probably hundreds of Blackthorns running around this Earth looking similar to her, but someone like her companion had to be truly unique. "My brother Aiden - he looks as if..." she had to think about a good description on, what he looked like. He was tricky in that you had to see him to understand. "Well, he looks as if the Creator himself decided to snap out of the tradition and get creative. He is no good at hide and seek in summer. But in winter - I would not tell him apart from a snowy landscape, even if he was sitting right in front of me," she smiled. That was a bit of an exaggeration, but it turned out that white/grey/black coats were perfect camouflage during the snow months.  

"I think that your season is the autumn. The colourful part. You could pretend to be a pile of leaves," always quick to offer a helpful solution to a particular problem. "What's your favourite season?"
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw listened and she appreciated that the girl was trying to make her feel better about herself. She didn't necessarily dislike her coat color. It just made things hard sometimes and she was always memorable. She often wondered if perhaps she had dog somewhere in her family tree, but then she shuddered at the thought. of course not her parents were both very much wolves. Just coat patterns.

My auntie looked like the sand, she often disappeared into the sea and surf and you'd not notice her.

Spring and summer are my favorite seasons. It is when the most plants are out and there is new life and there are so many pretty colors and interesting scents.
738 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Summer's the best, but I have seen only one. And the spring is a mystery - mom said it is amazing and, frankly speaking, I want everything to be green again. More sunlight would not hurt either," Dwin shared, thinking about a bunch of similar memories, which involved basking lazily in the sun. Here and now - nothing like it. 

"Which reminds me that I have been sitting in one spot for too long," she looked down at her paws and wiggled her phalanxes. They were not entirely numb, but there was this uncomfortable feeling of them not being as flexible as she would have liked. Therefore she got to her feet, stretched and shook her coat to get some warmth back in her body. 

"Would you fancy hunting something together?"
she asked, feeling hungry, but not expecting Ash Paw to agree. Moving around would do her good.

I think that, even though we did not reach a record-long thread, this has been epic. If you could fade out in the next post, I would appreciate it. :)
Qeya River
707 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Sure <3

The girl wanted to hunt. Ash Gave a soft nod. She would hunt. She could still do so. Soon though, she would be unable and she wanted to make sure that the girl got something in her belly. So with a soft movement, she moved and allowed the girl to lead the way. Hopefully they would gather something to eat and the girl would be safe.