Moonspear out of my mind
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Limit Two 
tags for reference, anybody is welcome!

Sialuk had taken the time after returning from Moontide to spend with @Elentari, @Acrux, and @Maggak. @Argent had been away, presumably seeking the bride price for Sialuk. The woman did not worry for him. He was strong and well-equipped for the world. That did not mean she did not miss his body alongside hers and Elentari's in the evenings. Ittuk (@Whip) had gone, too. Floated away while they had been at the shore. @Panuk and @Rolayne had returned to their birth village, though Sialuk let them know they could come to Moonspear whenever they wished.

Meerkat and Njord made their home in the copse now, presumably doing well, though Sialuk had not yet been to see them. Soon, she thought, she would make a path there for others to use, and it would become as well-worn as the paths between Moonglow, Moontide, and Moonsong. The latter's voices she had heard not long ago, calling out their claim to the wilds. She had joined from afar, not yet ready to leave Moonspear so soon after returning to it from Moontide. Perhaps after her visit to the copse she could pay Ariadne and her villagers a visit.

For now, she lay prone outside the ulaq, content to let the sunshine warm her even on this cold day.
Atkan Aleut
563 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric was moving through the pack lands. Dancing to his own beat as he always was. A smile on his face, eyes alight with mischief. A soft humming under his breath. How he loved to traverse these large rocks. There was something to be said of their steady presence. Especially as the world changed so rapidly beyond their borders. 

it was with grace and a little dose of surprise that he came across Sialuk laying quiet near her Ulaq. It wasn't that he wasn't happy to see her. He just well truth be told despite that she was his leader and he liked her kindness. She was a stranger to him in many ways.

He dipped his muzzle to the ground and greeted her with happiness, lyrical words. Hello Lady Sialuk!
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Alaric approached, beaming and as chipper as ever, and Sialuk gave him a smile and patted the ground beside her with a paw. They had not been given the chance to talk in some time, though Alaric had always been a steady figure on the spear's slopes. While others had come and gone, he remained consistent, even helping Elentari recover from her injury. It was this quality that Sialuk could not deny was both useful and something she wished to celebrate.

You have been good for the spear, Sialuk said. With Njord and Meerkat gone to make their own village, it has left me the sole leader of this place for some time. And while she had considered Elentari, Argent, and even Seal for the role, there was plenty of room for more than just one more leader.

Is leadership something that might call to you? she asked.
Atkan Aleut
563 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A pat of ice paw against dark ground. Alaric settled to his haunches. He returned the smile given. He looked around for a moment admiring the view.

Thank you. I hope the stress has not been too much. It can't be easy.

Lady Sialuk I hope it doesn't color your opinion to harshly of me to say this. I've been a trader most of my life. So i have never thought of it. It is appealing and I do love the spear. But I think I'd do alright were such an honor to befall me.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk laughed gently at his remarks. He seemed unsure of himself, and she could not see why. Alaric had been one of the most steadfast members of this village, practically since she had first called it home anew. He was gentle and kind and always willing to lend extra effort where it was needed. He was like a sturdy tree that toiled away all year to shade its brothers and sisters so they might one day grow big and strong, surpassing him along the way.

Then you will be council to this village, she said with a smile. Sialuk had another thought, too. It would not be long before the world would warm again, and although she did not think Alaric a good fit for herself, there were many women in the villages among them.

Will you seek a wife when springtime comes? she asked. He had not taken one the year prior, though perhaps he merely needed an introduction. My mother, Kukutux, is well-known for her ability to match a man with a woman if it is something you desire.
Atkan Aleut
563 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric was unsure of his wanderlust. Not of himself. He had not wanted to leave, but there was fear that someday it wouldn't be enough the spear.

A quick amile bright and merry. Thank you for the honor.

Though her next question drew him up short. And he frowned his gaze growing stuttered.

I don't know. I guard my heart tightly Lady Sialuk.

He knew her next question would be why and though he hadn't told anyone it should be told so she understood. So she didn't try to match him.

I am a man of many facets. I do not choose a gender, but my largest, hardest longest relationship was with a man. And he took advantage of me in terrible ways my lady. Do you know what it is like to have everything stripped from you and then to be violated without discourse? I imagine you do not, but I do. The images and story i could tell would be horrifying and you may imagine, but i promise you whatever you imagine it was ten times worse..

He sighed. I share my body. It has given me places to sleep, food. But my heart remains my own still. And i don't know if someone could undo the damage that it carries and it would be unfair of me to ask someone to do so.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk had heard him say this before, that his heart was tucked away from others, and yet she had not understood why. Not until the story began to unfold. She listened with an open ear as he opened his heart, just a small bit, to her. Sialuk felt the words come out with strain, and she felt her own spirit darken at the thought that somebody would do something so abhorrent to such a kind man. It was thing she had always thought Raimo capable of, somewhere deep in his heart. She had never trusted him, and now she was glad she had trusted herself in judging him.

This man who had hurt Alaric had dampened a bright spirit, and Sialuk would make a curse for him. She did not think her new councilor would approve, so she did not ask his permission. She would be sure that the man who hurt him would make no journey to the dancing lights. He would make a journey to the pit of a fiery mountain, suffering for his crimes. Sialuk tucked this darkness in her heart, softened her voice.

I hope Moonspear offers you a place of peace, she said, her own paw touching his gently. And one day, she hoped, enough peace that it would mend the wounds this man had left on her friend's spirit.
Atkan Aleut
563 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric had told no one. Not even his sister knew of the darkness that lat at the edges of his soul. The crushing feeling of being used and abused. And taking all your strength to leave. No one could understand that. And he would never be able to tell it.

A soft smile to her. It has given me more peace than I had expected. Thank you.

He squeezed her paw with his own. A brighter light in his gaze. He didn't know if he would ever fully be healed, but he had begun to learn.
who stole my toe?!
1,201 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
last from me!

Sialuk was glad to hear it, and she let her paw return to the ground after a long moment. It was a good day for the village, and she would use the energy of this day to curse the other man's spirit. It would rot and fester and burn, far away from Moonspear so that Alaric would be safe from him. Only then, she thought, would his spirit truly begin to heal.
Atkan Aleut