Moonspear Nothing wrong with the radio
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
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Delicate paws traced her way down to the nearby mountain spring and river. Furs balanced precariously across her back. It bowed her front legs a little and she had to stop often to situate them. Her figure too small for the size of the bundles she carried, but she continued doggedly forward with intent. A glimmer of pride and determination in the jade of her eyes.

When she finally made it and she dropped them with a soft whomp, she took a deep breath and then stretched her limbs forward and rolled her shoulders. 

Goodness gracious. She murmured quietly and with a splash she tossed the first fur into the water. She shivered as she jumped in paws deep in the water. The cold was harsh at first, but it soon felt good with the sun beating down and she began to sing a song, Moonwoman had taught her so long ago. 

The rabbit mother  listens. Plop into the water, and she rolled it. 

The rabbit mother runs She rolled it again and scrubbed at some stubborn spots. 

The rabbit mother sees the dawning of the sun A gentle pull and she sprinkled some sand. 

The rabbit mother knows. She swirled it again. 

The rabbit mother sings.

The rabbit mother makes her nest in the home of leaves. She pulled the fur from the water and spread it out to dry. Pushing the next one in and starting all over again.
482 Posts
Ooc — mercury
The ruddy girl was easy to spot; her patchwork pelt blazed even through the thick green foliage of early summer. He was hunting, though not with much purpose, and the splashing of pelts in the water was bound to scare game away.

What're you doing? Killdeer remarked, easing his way down the slope to the river. He stared at the pile of furs at her side and smiled. I've seen those in dens, but not anywhere else.

She was young and pretty, verdant eyes glowing in an expressive face. Red-blooded man as he was, he was instantly charmed, and stood happily waiting for her response.
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei was oblivious to the movements of others. Caught up in her task. Water splashed across her legs and shoulders. Even some droplets on her face when she flipped them.

So she jumped when someone spoke. She turned with a surprised O on her face, but quickly turned it into a genteel smile. 

Sorry. You startled me. I was bit distracted.

She pressed both paws to the fur so it wouldn't float away and lifted green gaze to the wolf in many colors.

These are from the healing den. I'm cleaning them.

She titled an ear forward. Oh, pardon me. I'm Ajei by the way.
482 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Sorry, Killer replied quickly, upon seeing her startle. He hadn't intended that. No problem—sorry for scaring you! Just curious. . .

She explained, turning toward her pelts. He nodded slowly, moving forward to get a closer look at the sodden furs in the water.

Hi, Ajei. I'm Killdeer, he said, smiling. D'you want some help? There were a lot of pelts, and they seemed heavy, especially weighed down by water as they were. 

His eyes were still captivated by the verdant glow of her own.
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei gave a soft laugh. It's okay. I startle easily so.

She shifted and pulled her paws from the water to better pay attention. Turning to look up at him.

Nice to meet you.

Oh. Thank you. Well I'll let them dry in the sunshine and come get them later. Sunshine and open air makes them smell so fresh. It's a nice change. If you'restill willing to help me later I'lltake it. A kind smile.

You are a new face? Did you just join Moonspear?
482 Posts
Ooc — mercury
I was here before, but not for very long, he explained. He nodded down to the water, giving a shrug at the possibility of waiting. I don't mind—I'll lend a paw. He smiled, yellow eyes sparkling.

He settled down with a sigh, and then came out with it:

I, uh, slept with Sialuk, and some of her kids could be mine. Oh, and Moonshadow, too. But I'm not—like—it was a crazy coincidence! he sputtered, sucking in a breath through his teeth. I didn't mean to be a father of, like, multiple litters.

Still looking awkward, Killdeer stirred a paw in the water, enjoying the feel of the current against the limb. His eyes were set upon the pelts; he was too nervous to look at the woman, assuming she'd think of him as a terrible rake or something.
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei chuckled. I've not been here very long myself. We came Arrluk and I to help Sialuk out. We are from village Moonglow. He is her brother. I am his friend.

She chuckled. Well I appreciate it.

Ajei looked at him. He looked a little almost ashamed of the way things turned out. Not for the children, but for the reasons behind it. She looked around and spoke softly. That is how Sialuk often has children. So I wouldn't worry too much there. I don't know Moonshadow. You shouldn't be upset about it. Children are a blessing no matter how they come about. And you are trying to do the good thing by being here. That is all that matters.
482 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He nodded along, glad she was understanding. Maybe all of the Moon-packs had this sort of arrangement in mind. 

I mean, my parents were together, and then they weren't, he went on. He rotated the pelts with a paw, swirling them in the water; clouds of debris and dirt bloomed around them in the water. My Dad did his best, but I didn't see him as often as we both would've liked.

Killdeer shook excess drops from said forepaw and smiled at Ajei. So, I figure I should be here for them, even if Sialuk and I aren't together, he remarked.

So, are you related to anybody around here? Killer asked. I feel like a lot of relatives go here and there around these parts.
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei knew that some wolves didn't arrange themselves in that capacity. Some preferred one mate and stuck with it. Some liked others, but had one. Some even just randomly chose and then raised on their own with a partner. She saw nothing wrong with anyway, as long as every partner was treated fairly. 

Ajei tilted her head. My parents were together, but my father often left my mother alone. She raised us on her own.

I think that is both brave and kind of you.

Ajei chuckled and shook her head. No my mother was Star Hunter and dear friend bit like a sister of Moonwoman, but I am not related to any of the moonchildren by blood.
482 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Brave and kind? What a gold star compliment! Killdeer would have blushed if he could; instead, he ducked his head and grinned at the ground, and that would have to suffice for his 'aw shucks' moment.

I'm not related to anyone here, either, he replied. He reached down and plucked one of the most submerged pelts from the water and looked at her in query. This one's been there for a while. It's probably clean, right?

He'd do as she asked—whether letting it launder more or taking it out to dry—and went on speaking. My family's pack is on the caldera southeast of here. The Redhawks and Blackthorns. There are a ton of them around; I bet you've met a few here and there.
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei was glad she could make him smile. He deserved it. Especially if he was stepping up to take care of his children that he helped to father. It was only the right thing in her opinion.

She nodded and helped him to pull it from the water and settled it in a position to dry. She smoothed out the edges and smiled. Pleased to do something so helpful. 

I have a friend from there. Frolic!
482 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Not sure if I know Frolic, he replied, helping spread out the now-drying pelt. He continued to tug furs free from the water, cleaned and ready to dry. But if she's related to the wolves there, I'm sure she's wonderful.

His thoughts rested now on Amalia, which gave him a pang. He missed his friend, his sounding board. His half-siblings, too—and was Teya all right?

Do you ever think about leaving, and traveling? he asked, cocking his head in curiosity.
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She shrugged a small delicate shoulder. Frolic told me she had many siblings, but I don't know them. Mm she's about my age perhaps a bit older. And she is wonderful. A small smile at the mention of her friend. She hoped wherever she was her life was beautiful.

Ajei gave a soft delicate chuckle. No. I do not like to travel very much. I prefer to stay within the confines of my pack. I have traveled and I will go see friends but I always return.
482 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He nodded with a shrug, continuing to work on the furs.

I get that, Killdeer replied. Exploring was fun when I was young. Now, though, I feel like it's better to stay close to family.

He glanced over at her, smiling wryly. Though I guess that takes out the possibility of meeting someone you wanna shack up with, he admitted. My uncle Caracal didn't find love until he went out on his own.

Killer didn't think he had found that, yet—and even Cal's paradise had perhaps been an illusion, per Towhee.
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She nodded. I have always been a bit of a nervous wolf. As long as I can remember. I have never wanted to go far. I was fine within the confines of Moonglow. The rivers and the mountains.

She hummed softly as she spread out the furs, they were almost all out and ready to dry. 

When the males all began to go on their spirit journies. I walked a bit, learned my way around. But I always returned.

Ajei smiled. Sometimes you have to find love and sometimes it was there all along. No one really knows.
482 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Unknown to Ajei, she'd touched upon a great fear of his.

Sometimes it was there all along.

What if he'd left a wife behind in Mereo, or Brecheliant, or even out on the road? What if his short-sighted decisions had deprived him of a family?

Still, he smiled it away, spreading out the last pelt to dry. I get it, he said, nodding. Well, I'm happy we're both here now.

They continued to chat among the laundry, Killdeer finding himself a bit more smitten with each word.

do you want to fade, since you've been crazy busy? we can have a new one when you're ready!
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
oh yes please and I look forward to our next one.

Ajei hadn't been one to seek out friendships. But she had made some. And most were met right in her own home. Or near it.

Ao to her it was something simple. But she also knew those that traveled also had a rich life. And made more friends.

Me too.

She nosed at the pelts. Would you like to fish or hubt while they dry?
482 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Let's fish, Killer replied, and added with a wry smile, I need the practice. I've never been good with water.

While they watched the stream, he regaled her with the tale of his and Caracal's journey toward the island without waiting for the land bridge to emerge. He'd almost drowned!

And for the first time in a while, speaking of Cal didn't hurt so bad. His memory was, truly, a blessing.