Bearclaw Valley but I will just lay down and die
Bearclaw Valley
387 Posts
Ooc — Decay
there is another claw among them. 

annorak has heard the name @Athens, and wondered.

foregoing an early start on his daily patrol, he seeks the man in question out among the rest. perhaps they would patrol together, or potentially spar and test their strengths, should they feel up to it.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

43 Posts
Ooc — siv
Upon a sentinel stone he rested in the early lights.

Athens did not seek out deep connections or anything beyond basic instruction from those above him. Names easily blurred together too, given everyone seemed to having something with an A.

He did not budge when he thought he heard an arrival.

If someone had come to take his post, he imagined they would do so without much word.
Bearclaw Valley
387 Posts
Ooc — Decay
they are still, quiet.

a dutiful sentinel. and for that, they have gained a smidge of a respect already. but only that, and nothing more.

you are athens, yes? he assumed, but needed to be certain.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

43 Posts
Ooc — siv
An ear turned slightly.

His eyes soon followed. He knew that leadership would surely not ask his name, right? So who had come asking after him?

He did not recognize the man by looks.

Yes. His tired voice drew out, but he did not speak anything else. There was an uncertain uncomfortably in being asked for by name.
Bearclaw Valley
387 Posts
Ooc — Decay
better i put a name with a face, than be left to wonder. i am annorak.

and now that they each had their names, they could move on from the boring pleasantries. 

he'd wanted to ask that they join him for a patrol, but the tired response changed his mind. 

you look as though you could use some sleep. go, rest. i'll take over here.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

43 Posts
Ooc — siv
He blinked.

He was used to being traded off with but — I am always like this. But had he always been before? Unlikely, but he was now.

But I — He was quick to slide in some sliver of manners. Appreciate the offer. Truly.